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Kotlin and Compose The adventure of Through the Multiplatform World @cafonsomota

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👨💻 Android GDE 🗣 Founder @GDGCoimbra ✍ Author @rwenderlich 🗺 Loves travel, photography and running 🍻 Looking to taste a Sans Culottes with all of you @cafonsomota

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🎬 Slides 💻 Code 📚 Book 🍿 YouTube Materials @cafonsomota

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How to develop an App?

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Type Is it a PoC? Do you need to build an MVP? Are you going to target more than one platforms? Duration What’s the project timeline? How long is it going to take? 1yr? 5yrs? Forever? @cafonsomota requirements

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Team Team Are you going to have a team? Team background Which language is your team familiar with? Do they want to learn new things? Team size Can you have developers focused on each platform you’re targeting? @cafonsomota

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Project Constraints Time: It hasn’t started yet, and you’re already behind schedule? Budget: Can you hire/allocate more people? @cafonsomota

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Platform How many platforms are you going to target? Android? iOS? Watch? Desktop? Web? @cafonsomota

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Be careful with the demo e ff ect! Framework dependent Missing features Slower performance Commitment to one framework Frameworks @cafonsomota

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What is… @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform

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What is… @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK

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What is… @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK developed in Kotlin

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What is… @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK developed in Kotlin allows you to share your business logic

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What is… @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK developed in Kotlin allows you to share your business logic you decide what to share

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What is… @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform is an SDK developed in Kotlin allows you to share your business logic you decide what to share UI is developed natively (or, you can use a fw)

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Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota KMP *diagram adapted from @AielloBrady

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Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota KMP *diagram adapted from @AielloBrady KMM Native WASM JS JVM

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Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota KMP *diagram adapted from @AielloBrady Native Linux Windows (MinGW) macOS iOS tvOS watchOS WASM JS JVM KMM

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Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota KMP *diagram adapted from @AielloBrady Native Android WASM JS JVM KMM Linux Windows (MinGW) macOS iOS tvOS watchOS

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Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota *Android Studio: Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (plugin) How to Start

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src/commonMain/sample/Platform.kt :shared expect object Platform { val name: String } Platform-specific code @cafonsomota

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src/commonMain/sample/Platform.kt :shared expect object Platform { val name: String } You need to de fi ne actual per target actual for Android actual for Desktop actual for JS Platform-specific code @cafonsomota

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src/commonMain/sample/Platform.kt :shared expect object Platform { val name: String } src/androidMain/sample/Platform.kt actual object Platform { actual val name: String = "android" } Platform-specific code @cafonsomota

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src/commonMain/sample/Platform.kt :shared expect object Platform { val name: String } src/androidMain/sample/Platform.kt actual object Platform { actual val name: String = “android” } Platform-specific code @cafonsomota

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src/commonMain/sample/Platform.kt :shared src/androidMain/sample/Platform.kt src/desktopMain/sample/Platform.kt src/webMain/sample/Platform.kt actual object Platform { actual val name: String = “desktop” } actual object Platform { actual val name: String = “web” } Platform-specific code @cafonsomota expect object Platform { val name: String } actual object Platform { actual val name: String = “android” }

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android iOS Room CoreData Retro fi t Alamo fi re GSON/ Moshi JSONSerialization MVP, MVVM, MVI MVVM, ELM RxJava RxSwift Tests Tests Activity UIViewController RecyclerView UITableView web There are a lot of different frameworks here… 
 - redux - Fetch - json-api-serializer …

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SQLDelight ktor kotlinx.serialization MVP kotlinx.coroutines kotlin.test Activity View LazyColumn LazyHStack android iOS web

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Powered by JetBrains kotlinx: Coroutines, serialization, datetime, atomicfu, etc. network: Ktor Community settings: database: dependency injection: Others curated list: Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota Libraries

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Suggestions @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform New Kotlin/Native Memory Model Multi-thread Coroutines on Native (Kotlin 1.6.10+) For iOS developers export your libraries for iOS builds More time to focus on building UI and creating new features No Core Data :) Reduce build times: generate only required frameworks CI/DI Each shared module on it’s own repo Create swift package (see: cmota/unsplash repo)

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It’s Kotlin ❤ Low risk Decide what’s worth to share across platforms Faster development Consistency across platforms One tech-stack Strong community support Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota Key Takeaways

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Apps in production @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform

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Apps in production @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform Net fl ix Android and iOS Studio Apps - now powered by Kotlin Multiplatform *net fl fl ix-android-and-ios-studio-apps-kotlin-multiplatform-d6d4d8d25d23

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WANTED For Multiplatform development

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Apps in production @cafonsomota Jetpack Compose

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Apps in production @cafonsomota Jetpack Compose Twitter going all in on Jetpack Compose for feature development: greater productivity, less bugs *

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Apps in production @cafonsomota Jetpack Compose The fi rst thing that stood out was how quickly I was able to create reusable UI, and the small amount of code that was required. *

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compose.animation compose.material compose.material3 compose.ui compose.runtime compose.compiler Jetpack Compose @cafonsomota

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compose.animation compose.material compose.material3 compose.ui compose.runtime compose.compiler Compose Compiler Compose Runtime Compose UI Toolkit (Android) Compose Animation Compose UI Compose Foundation Compose Material Jetpack Compose Compose Material 3

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Jetpack Compose compose.animation compose.material compose.material3 compose.ui compose.runtime compose.compiler Compose Compiler Compose Runtime Compose UI Toolkit (Android) Compose Animation Compose UI Compose Foundation Compose Material Compose Material 3

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Written in Kotlin Transforms @Composable into UI Doesn’t use the Annotation Processor The plugin works at system/code generation level Doesn’t impact build times Open source Available in the AOSP Compose Compiler Compose Runtime Compose UI Toolkit (Android) Compose Animation Compose Foundation Compose Material Compose Material 3 Compose UI Compose Compiler

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Platform agnostic Doesn’t know what Android or UI are Tree management solution Compose Compiler Compose Runtime Compose UI Toolkit (Android) Compose Animation Compose Foundation Compose Material Compose Material 3 Compose UI Compose Runtime

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compose.ui Handles input management, Drawing, Layouts, etc. Contains Basic building: Column, Text, Image, etc. compose.material Material design system to use on components compose.material3 Material design 3 system to use on components compose.animation Animations to use easily and out side of the box Compose Compiler Compose Runtime Compose UI Toolkit (Android) Compose Animation Compose Foundation Compose Material Compose Material 3 Compose UI Compose UI Toolkit

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Compose UI Web Compose Compiler Compose Runtime Compose UI Android Compose UI Desktop Compose UI Console Compose UI iOS Compose

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Suggestions @cafonsomota Jetpack Compose Accompanist libraries Kotlin and Compose versions don’t go side-by-side Be careful when updating Kotlin!

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It’s Kotlin ❤ Low risk Start small, and then decide what’s worth to migrate to compose Faster development Code reuse Simpler to implement your apps design system Jetpack Compose @cafonsomota Key Takeaways

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WANTED For Multiplatform development

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How to develop a Multiplatform App?

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Multiplatform development Unsplash Native Flutter Other Kotlin Multiplatform

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Multiplatform development Unsplash Native Flutter Other Kotlin Multiplatform

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:androidApp @cafonsomota

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:androidWearApp @cafonsomota

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:desktopApp @cafonsomota

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:iOSApp @cafonsomota microsoftedge Masamasa3 eberhardgross

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Multiplatform development @cafonsomota Unsplash Business logic Developed with Kotlin Multiplatform Shared across all platforms UI Developed with Compose Shared across Android and Desktop Watch, Web and iOS also use Compose

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Challenges @cafonsomota Multiplatform development How to share everything? Handling resources Android uses the R class to reference images, strings, etc. Di ff erent platforms use di ff erent components Android: Lifecycle, Navigation, ViewModels, LiveData, etc.

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Challenges @cafonsomota Multiplatform development Kotlin Multiplatform to the rescue!

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Challenges @cafonsomota Multiplatform development Kotlin Multiplatform to the rescue! create your platform-speci fi c implementation

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Challenges @cafonsomota Multiplatform development Kotlin Multiplatform to the rescue! create your platform-speci fi c implementation use libraries that support Android/ Desktop

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Challenges @cafonsomota Multiplatform development Kotlin Multiplatform to the rescue! create your platform-speci fi c implementation use libraries that support Android/ Desktop add Multiplatform support to existing libraries

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Accompanist libraries (by Syer10) Set of UI libraries: Kamel Async media loading library: See: (support for Ktor 2.0.0) moko-resources Provides access to resources: PreCompose ViewModel, LiveData, etc.: Kotlin Multiplatform @cafonsomota Libraries Android Desktop Android Desktop JS Native Android Desktop Android Desktop

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Resources Imagine that you want to show an image @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources

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Hello world! Resources Imagine that you want to show an image Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources

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Hello world! Resources Imagine that you want to show an image Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources Android Image( painterResource(id = R.drawable.kotlin), stringResource(id = R.string.kotlin) )

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Hello world! Image( painterResource(id = R.drawable.kotlin), stringResource(id = R.string.kotlin) ) Resources Imagine that you want to show an image R class is Android speci fi c How to access an image in a Desktop app? Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources Android

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Hello world! Image( painter = painterResource(“images/kotlin.png”), contentDescription = “Kotlin Logo” ) Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources Desktop Resources Imagine that you want to show an image R class is Android speci fi c How to access an image?

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Resources Imagine that you want to show an image R class is Android speci fi c How to access an image? Implementation shared-ui/commonMain contains the expect implementation shared-ui/androidMain contains the xml fi les (vectors) and actual implementation shared-ui/desktopMain contains the images (png’s) and actual implementation @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources

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@Composable public expect fun icAbout(): Painter shared-ui/commonMain/Icons.kt Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources

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@Composable public expect fun icAbout(): Painter shared-ui/commonMain/Icons.kt Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources

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shared-ui/commonMain/Icons.kt Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources @Composable public actual fun icAbout() = painterResource(R.drawable.ic_about) shared-ui/androidApp/Icons.kt @Composable public expect fun icAbout(): Painter

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shared-ui/commonMain/Icons.kt Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources @Composable public actual fun icAbout() = painterResource(R.drawable.ic_about) shared-ui/androidApp/Icons.kt @Composable public actual fun icAbout() = painterResource("images/ic_about.png") shared-ui/desktopApp/Icons.kt @Composable public expect fun icAbout(): Painter

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@Composable public expect fun icBrand(): Painter @Composable public expect fun icLauncher(): Painter @Composable public expect fun icMore(): Painter @Composable public expect fun icHome(): Painter @Composable public expect fun icSearch(): Painter shared-ui/desktopApp/Icons.kt Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Image resources shared-ui/commonMain/Icons.kt

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Resources Imagine that you want to show some text @cafonsomota Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Strings

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Hello world! Resources Imagine that you want to show some text Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Strings Hello World 🌍

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Hello world! Text( text = stringResource(id = R.string.hello_world) ) Kotlin Multiplatform Android Resources Imagine that you want to show some text SharING Strings Hello World 🌍

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Hello world! Resources Imagine that you want to show some text R class is Android speci fi c How to access a string resource in a Desktop app? Kotlin Multiplatform Android Text( text = stringResource(id = R.string.hello_world) ) SharING Strings Hello World 🌍

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Hello world! Kotlin Multiplatform Desktop SharING Strings Resources Imagine that you want to show some text R class is Android speci fi c How to access a string resource in a Desktop app? Text( text = “Hello World 🌍” ) Hello World 🌍

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Hello world! Kotlin Multiplatform Desktop SharING Strings Resources Imagine that you want to show some text R class is Android speci fi c How to share a string between Android and Desktop? Text( text = “Hello World 🌍” ) Hello World 🌍

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Hello world! mako-resources Implementation 1. resources-generator to classpath 2. strings.xml to commonMain/resources/MR.base 3. platform-speci fi c implementation of getString Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Strings

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public expect fun getString(resId: StringResource): String Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Strings shared-ui/commonMain/Resources.kt

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Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Strings public expect fun getString(resId: StringResource): String shared-ui/commonMain/Resources.kt

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shared-ui/commonMain/Resources.kt Kotlin Multiplatform shared-ui/androidApp/Resources.kt SharING Strings actual fun getString(resId: StringResource): String { return StringDesc.Resource(resId).toString(appContext) } public expect fun getString(resId: StringResource): String

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Kotlin Multiplatform actual fun getString(resId: StringResource): String { return StringDesc.Resource(resId).localized() } shared-ui/desktopApp/Resources.kt SharING Strings shared-ui/commonMain/Resources.kt actual fun getString(resId: StringResource): String { return StringDesc.Resource(resId).toString(appContext) } shared-ui/androidApp/Resources.kt public expect fun getString(resId: StringResource): String

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Hello world! mako-resources Implementation 1. resources-generator to classpath 2. strings.xml to commonMain/resources/MR.base 3. platform-speci fi c implementation of getString Kotlin Multiplatform SharING Strings Text( text = getString(MR.strings.hello_world) ) Hello World 🌍

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@cafonsomota Web Multiplatform development Where are we?

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@cafonsomota Web Multiplatform development Where are we? Is in an initial stage and the paradigm is di ff erent It’s focused on DOM rendering Only a set of components are available: Box, Button, Column, Row, Slider, Text

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Div({ style { position(Position.Relative) width(100.percent) height(400.px) flexGrow(1.0) marginBottom(10.px) } }) { Image(resource = image) } Web Multiplatform development

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@Composable fun Column(content: @Composable () -> Unit) { Div({ style { display(DisplayStyle.Flex) alignItems(AlignItems.Center) flexGrow(1.0) } }) { content() } } webApp/components/Column.kt Web Multiplatform development

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Sharing logic Works without any issue The generated JS fi le might be up to several MBs Sharing UI It’s going to be time consuming to share everything You’re going to need to create several components Most of the libraries don’t support it (yet) @cafonsomota Web Multiplatform development

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@cafonsomota iOS Multiplatform development Where are we?

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iOS Multiplatform development Where are we? microsoftedge Masamasa3

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iOS Multiplatform development microsoftedge Masamasa3 Sharing logic Works without any issue Don’t forget to enable the new K/N Memory Model Sharing UI We will get there

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Allows you to quickly create a Desktop app Unfortunately not everyone has an Android More people can use and test your app With a small cost of sharing your resources You gain new users You can reach more users in the Desktop market You/Your company can sell it to a client New platforms on it’s way to be supported Web is giving its fi rst steps. iOS seems to be almost here! Multiplatform development @cafonsomota Key Takeaways

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Key Takeaways

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🟢 Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile is stable-ish 🟢 Compose Android is stable 🟡 Compose Desktop is stable-ish 🟠 Compose Web is alpha 🔴 Compose iOS is starting 🟠 Documentation and samples 🟢 Community and support @cafonsomota Key Takeaways Multiplatform development

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Kotlin Slack Kotlin Multiplatform by Tutorials Kotlin by: Kotlin 1.4 Online Event Resources Kotlin Multiplatform

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Jetpack Compose samples (Google) A curated list of Jetpack Compose resources Community Resources Compose

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Questions and Answers

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WANTED For Multiplatform development The Adventure of Kotlin and Compose Through the Multiplatform World @cafonsomota

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WANTED For Multiplatform development The Adventure of Kotlin and Compose Through the Multiplatform World @cafonsomota