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LINE Developer Meetup in Tokyo #40 18 July 2018 Continuous Delivery with Spinnaker

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@deeeet / @tcnksm Blog / Tech Lead at Mercari Microservices Platform Team

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We are hiring !

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4 How Mercari uses Spinnaker for Microservices Continuous Delivery ? ● What & Why Continuous Delivery? ● What & Why Spinnaker? ● How Mercari uses Spinnaker? (Current status & future) tl;dr

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Microservices at Mercari

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6 While we had lots of benefits of monolith architecture, its codebase is getting larger and complex... ● Difficult to understand change effects ● Difficult to test ● Difficult to on-boarding ● Difficult to isolate failure Why Microservices?

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7 Even business and organization growth, we want to ● Avoid velocity stalled but rather make deployment cycle faster ● Increase each developer productivity Why Microservices? Started to migrate Microservices architecure

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8 We use GCP for main infrastructure for Microservices platform ● Each services are deployed to Kubernetes (GKE) as container ● Each services uses GCP Managed DB (e.g., Cloud Spanner) Microservices Technical Stack

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Continuous Delivery

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10 Continuous Delivery is a software engineering approach in which teams produce software in short cycles, ensuring that the software can be reliably released at any time. What is Continuous Delivery?

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11 Continuous deployment is the next step of continuous delivery: Every change that passes the automated tests is deployed to production automatically. +Continuous Deployment

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12 ● We can provide new feature faster to customers ● We can easily triage source of issue when something goes wrong ● We can focus on service development itself Why Continuous Delivery?

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13 Challenges at Mercari We had some challenges for Continuous Delivery ● Continuous Delivery in Microservices architecture ● Continuous Delivery on Kubernetes environment

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14 Challenges: Microservices “You build it, You run it!” principle is there ● In monolith ○ Central team (e.g., SRE) handles all deployment ● In microservices ○ Each service development team need to maintain and customize deployment based on their service characteristics

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15 You can use kubectl apply but... ● To kick kubectl apply from CI is straightforward way but… ○ How to know a deployment “Finished”? ○ How to handle rollback? ○ How to implement complex deployment flow (e.g., canary)? Challenges: Kubernetes

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16 Challenges at Mercari We need common tool or platform which allows developers easily customize their deployments and works with kubernetes

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No content

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18 Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence. What is Spinnaker?

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19 Initially developed internally at Netflix (before Asgard) ● Google joined development from 2015 ● Open sourced at Nov. 2015 ● Reached 1.0 at Jun. 2017 ● Latest version is 1.8.1 (at Jul. 2018) What is Spinnaker?

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20 Support Multi-Cloud like GCP and AWS and kubernetes ● Opinionated based on Netflix experience and lessons and learned ○ Immutable infrastructure, Red-Black deployment ● Becoming kinda de-fact tool for Cloud deployment What is Spinnaker?

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22 Spinnaker structures deployments as Pipeline ● Each pipeline has configuration defining like ○ Stages ○ Triggers ○ Notifications How to use Spinnaker

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23 Stage is Spinnaker action that form an atomic building block for a pipeline Spinnaker Pipeline: Stage ● Infrastructure stages: Bake, Deploy, Rollback ● External system integration: Jenkins, Webhook ● Controlling Flow: Manual judgement, Wait, Run pipeline

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24 Triggers decides how the pipeline is started Spinnaker Pipeline: Trigger ● Time-based: Cron, Manual ● Event-based: Docker Registry, Git, CI, Pipeline, Pub/Sub

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25 Workflows that are automatically run needs notifications to broadcast the status of event Spinnaker Pipeline: Notification ● When?: Pipeline started, success, failure ● Where?: Slack, Email, Pub/Sub

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26 Spinnaker Pipeline: Example Trigger Stage

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27 A big part of Continuous Delivery practice successful is to be able to new code without fear. Automation is great. But it’s better with proper safeguards is important Safeguards

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28 Spinnaker provides a lot of safeguards ● For Deployment ○ Deploy strategies (red-black, canary) ○ Rollback ● For Pipeline ○ Pipeline concurrency Spinnaker Safeguards

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29 Spinnaker Safeguards: Stage Each steps are considered to be remediated in failure scenarios

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30 Spinnaker Safeguards: Deploy Window Block deployment when peektime

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31 Spinnaker watches Kubernetes operation is actually “Finished” (manifest stability) Spinnaker Safeguards: Kubernetes ● Spinnaker considered stable when the Kubernetes contorller manager no longer needs to modify it ○ Deployment is stable when pods are updated and ready ○ Service is stable when underlying LB is created

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Spinnaker at Mercari

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33 We used it from 2017 (v1.0) ● Currently Using 1.8 ● Using Kubernetes V1 provider (GUI based) ● More than 30 applications are deployed via Spinnaker ● Handle deployment for 3 regions: JP, US and UK Spinnaker at Mercari

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34 Spinnaker Architecture We prepared dedicated GKE cluster for Spinnaker

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35 Architecture Spinnaker manages multiple region GKE cluster us-west1 europe-west1 asia-northwest1

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36 Architecture Spinnaker manages both DEV and PROD cluser DEV cluster PROD cluster

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37 We have various pipelines ● Red-Black (Blue-Green) deployment for Microservices ● Canary deployment (without ACA) ● Complex Machine Learning model deployment ● DB migration Job Example Pipelines

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38 Example Pipelines: DB Migration

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39 Example Pipelines: Canary

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40 As admin ● Easy provide common best practice to developers as stage ○ Admin can encapsulate complex cloud operation ○ We want to build own custom stage in future! ● Everything is in one place The Good

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41 As developers ● Easy to setup own customized pipeline (no custom scripting) ● Easy to refer other team practice ● No need to learn whole kubernetes YAML manifest The Good

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42 As admin ● Too unstable (v1.7 was worst experience..) ● Spinnaker management itself by halyard ○ Difficult to review and automate ● Another cluster problem effect to the others .. ● Less documentation (need to ask via Slack or GitHub Issues) The Bad

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43 As developers ● Too many hates about GUI ○ Not intuitive… difficult to know where to change ○ Impossible to review changes ○ Difficult to copy & paste from other team pipeline ○ Difficult to share knowledge... The Bad I wonder how Netflix does it well (they has 9000 pipelines!)

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Next Steps

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45 We want to manage everything by declarative way ● Introduce Kubernetes V2 provider ● Introduce Declarative Continuous Delivery (DCD spec) Declarative management Make GUI read-only!

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46 We want to add more useful stages for developers ● Integration testing stage ● Squeeze testing stage ● Automated canary analysis (ACA) stage More stages

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47 We want to provide a training session to developers ● What is Kubernetes? How to use? ● What is Spinnaker? How to use? On-boarding training Documentation documentation documentation...

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48 Introduced how Mercari uses Spinnaker for Microservices Continuous Delivery Conclusion