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Docker 101 Introduction to Docker and Lightweight Containers

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Hi I'm Mario Italian based in Paris Software Engineer @ Zenika (ex IBMer) Docker official trainer and contributor I've developped sublime docker and doclipser mariolet l0rd

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Some well known problems Steve, the (un)believer developer: "It works on my machine!" Bill, an (im)patient developer: "It took me one week to setup the development environment"

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One solution: Traditional Virtual Machines ● Consistent environments ● Repeatable wherever you want ● Versioning ● Automated setup

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A better solution: Lightweight Containers

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Why Docker? Lightweight containers is a 15yrs old technology. With Docker it has become: ● Easy to use ● Widely adopted ● Defined a standard

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Easy to run a container docker run -ti ubuntu

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Easy to run a container What happened here? ● Generated an Linux container ● Allocated a new file system ● Mounted a read/write layer ● Allocated a network interface ● Set an IP for it ● Run a process inside the container ● Captured the output and returned to the client

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DockerHub and official images

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Easy to create a custom image Dockerfile FROM ubuntu RUN apt-get install -y curl CMD curl $ docker build -t mycustomimage . $ docker run mycustomimage

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Volumes to persist data This cattle vs pets thing docker run -ti ubuntu docker run -ti ubuntu Volumes and the state of an application docker run -ti -v ~/data/:/data/ ubuntu

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Links to let containers talk securely # Run tomcat in a container docker run -d --name myserver tomcat # Access to tomcat from another container docker run --link myserver \ fedora \ curl myserver:8080

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Multi-containers configurations db: image: postgres web: build: . command: python runserver volumes: - .:/code ports: - "8000:8000" links: - db Docker Compose YML file