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Fortifying Craft for High Traffic

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Fortifying Craft for ⚡

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Fortifying Craft for

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Credits: Bo-Yi Wu (Flickr)

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#perf Combine CSS & JS Minification Unused CSS CDN GZIP HTTP/2 Automation Bundling Caching VPS Image Optimisation DNS prefetch Responsive Images Lazy loading Image Sprites Async Service Workers Server Push Code Splitting No .htaccess

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server #perf CDN GZIP HTTP/2 Caching VPS No .htaccess

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Cash-ing / Kaysh-ing )

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⚠ Caching cannot be simply flipped on, like a switch.

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✋ What is Caching?

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Do Work Output Input

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Do Work Output Save in cache Input

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Do Work Output Save in cache Input Cached ✅

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Do Work Output Save in cache Input Cached Uncached ✅

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Do Work Output Save in cache Input Cached Uncached

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Cache Output Input

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Cache HTML Request

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Cache HTML Request

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Cache Update? What?

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Store Filter Invalidate Cache Process

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1. Filter Identify which responses should be cached

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Types of responses

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Static responses remain
 the same for all requests e.g. a news article, portfolio site

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Dynamic responses are unique for each request e.g. CSRF token (form page)

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Contextual responses differ based on the request parameters e.g. Mobile/desktop variants, language variants

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Private responses should bypass the cache e.g. live preview, control panel, user sessions

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Dynamic Static Contextual Private e.g. contact form e.g. live preview e.g. news article e.g. mobile/desktop variants

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2. Store Which part of the stack should we cache?

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Other Layers e.g. Database queries Network e.g. CDN Web Server e.g. Nginx e.g. Craft – full pages, template partials Application

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3. Invalidate When & how to delete & update caches?

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“There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.” Phil Karlton

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Targeted All at once Time based Tags

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Store Filter Invalidate Cache Process

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Store Filter Invalidate Caching Strategy + +

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Many possible strategies.

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No content

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Two approaches for Craft sites

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Full page caching in Craft Strategy #1

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Reduce server response time Goal

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate

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Page Template Request HTML home.twig contact.twig news/_entry.twig Craft Lifecycle

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Page Template Request HTML home.twig Template
 Database Template Database Template
 Craft Lifecycle

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{% cache %} Page Template Request HTML home.twig Template
 Database Template Database

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home.twig contact.twig news/ _entry.twig {% cache %} {% cache %} {% cache %} {% endcache %} {% endcache %} {% endcache %}

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cache %}

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cache %}

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“Your caches will automatically clear when any elements (entries, assets, etc.) within the tags are saved or deleted.” Craft Docs for {% cache %}

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cache %}

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cache %} Targeted

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“Possible side effects include stale content, excessively long-running background tasks, stuck tasks, and in rare cases, death.” Craft Docs for {% cache %} ⚠

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Death is, well, out of scope

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Let’s examine “excessively long-running background tasks, stuck tasks”

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#1 Happy Lager Craft Demo Site 20 pages 1 author, editing content monthly

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Small Website 20 pages 1 author, editing content monthly

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#2 Guiding Tech Web Publication 9000+ pages 3 million+ monthly visitors 10+ authors editing content daily

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Large Website 9000+ pages 3 million+ monthly visitors 10+ authors editing content daily

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15 tracked elements 09 tracked queries 110 tracked elements 080 tracked queries (per page average)

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360,000+ tracked queries 92 tracked queries If half the site is cached…

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Deleting stale template caches Deleting stale template caches An Entry is edited… 92 tracked queries 360,000+ tracked queries

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☑ Deleting stale … An Entry is edited… ⏳ Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … ☑ ☑ ☑

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⏳ Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … Deleting stale … “excessively long- running background tasks, stuck tasks”

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Need better cache invalidation

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Switch to {% cacheflag %}

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Similar to {% cache %}, but with tag based invalidation

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1. Assign tags to Content & Caches 2. When a piece of content is edited, go through its tags 3. Find all caches with any matching tags 4. Delete these caches

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• Entry • Category • Global • Asset • User, etc. • Sections • Category Groups • Global Sets • Asset Volumes • User Groups, etc. Element Types Groups Tag Options

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Content tags are auto assigned Element: Entries Section: News News Entry Global Set Work Entry Element: Globals GlobalS: Footer Element: Entrie Section: Work

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Manually specify template tags

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news/ _entry.twig home.twig {% cache %} {% cache %} {% cache %} {% endcache %} {% endcache %} {% endcache %} contact.twig

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: News Element: Globals Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: Contact Element: Globals

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: News Element: Globals Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: Contact Element: Globals If a news entry is edited

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: Contact Element: Globals If a news entry is edited Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: News Element: Globals

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: News Element: Globals Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: Contact Element: Globals If a work entry is edited

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: Contact Element: Globals If a work entry is edited Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: News Element: Globals

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: News Element: Globals Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: Contact Element: Globals If the footer globalset is edited

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig Section: Contact Element: Globals If the footer globalset is edited Element: Entries Element: Globals Section: News Element: Globals

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cache %} Targeted

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cacheflag %} Tags

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cacheflag %} Tags

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{% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %} news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig

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news/ _entry.twig home.twig contact.twig {% extends '_init' %} {% extends '_init' %} {% extends '_init' %} _init.twig {% cacheflag %} {% endcacheflag %}

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Dynamic Static Contextual Private e.g. contact form e.g. Live Preview e.g. news article e.g. mobile / desktop variants

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1. Static – same response for every request Simply extend _init.twig e.g. news article

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2. Dynamic – unique response for each request {# contact.twig #} {% nocache %}
 {{ csrfInput() }}
 {% endnocache %} Use the No-Cache plugin e.g. contact form

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3. Contextual – differ based on request params Use a cache key e.g. mobile / desktop version, language versions {# _init.twig #} {% cacheflag … using cacheKey … %}

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{# _init.twig #}
 {% set cacheKey = { 
 ? 'mobile' : 'nonmobile', 
 user: currentUser
 ? 'user' : 'guest', 
 }|join(',') %}

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4. Private – bypass the cache Cache Flag natively bypasses Live Preview and Draft URLs e.g. Live preview, Draft

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4. Private – bypass the cache Use a boolean flag e.g. Form submissions, Live preview, Draft {# _init.twig #} {% cacheflag … if isCacheable %}

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{# _init.twig #}
 {% set isCacheable =
 and isCacheable|default(true)
 %} {# _private.twig #}
 {% set isCacheable = false %}

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Complete _init.twig

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{# Cache Config #}
 {% set cacheflags = cacheflags ?? 'entries|assets|globals|categories|users' %}
 {% set cacheKeyPrefix = {
 device: ? 'mobile' : 'nonmobile',
 user: currentUser ? 'user' : 'guest',
 }|join(',') %}
 {% set cacheableEnv =
 and not (doNotCache ?? false)
 and not'error')
 and not'notice')
 {# Figure out if page should be cached #}
 {%- if cacheableEnv %}
 {# If a cacheKey is set, use that to globally cache the rendered page #}
 {% if cacheKey ?? false %}
 {% cacheflag flagged cacheflags globally using key (cacheKeyPrefix ~ ':' ~ cacheKey) for 1 month %}
 {%- minify html %}
 {{ block('html') }}
 {% endminify -%}
 {% endcacheflag %} 
 {% else %} 
 {# No cacheKey set, cache the rendered page by url (not globally) #}
 {% cacheflag flagged cacheflags using key cacheKeyPrefix for 1 month %}
 {%- minify html %}
 {{ block('html') }}
 {% endminify -%}
 {% endcacheflag %}
 {% endif %}
 {% else %}
 {% block html %}{% endblock %}
 {% endif %}

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cacheflag %} Tags

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cacheflag %} Tags _init.twig

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Strategy #1 Store Filter Invalidate {% cacheflag %} Tags _init.twig

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⚡ What about response times?

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Regular Cached 60ms 250ms Regular Cached 110ms 1550ms 4x 14x

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Advantages • Speed (up to 14 times faster TTFB) • Content is always fresh, never stale • Scales up to thousands of entries • Scales up to tens of editors / hour

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• Cache is busted frequently • Some users will encounter uncached responses • Developers have to specify tags Drawbacks

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Microcaching in Nginx Strategy #2

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Fast & stable handling
 of high traffic Goal

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Reduce processing for a single request as much as possible CPU Memory Time

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Ensure as many requests are served by the cache as possible

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate

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PHP Craft Template
 Database Template Database ... NGINX Request HTML Server Lifecycle

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FastCGI Cache PHP Craft Template
 Database Template NGINX Request HTML

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache

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Once a cache is busted, it has to be re-created when requested…

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… making that response slow.

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PHP Response Update cache Request Cached Uncached ✅ ⏳⏳⏳

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Instead, we could serve stale content while the cache regenerates

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PHP ⏳⏳⏳ Response Update cache Request Cached Stale Use Stale Cache ✅

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All responses (except the very first) will now be fast…

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…as long as stale caches are available & not deleted.

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Time based expiry allows us to keep stale caches around

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But, no one wants to wait an hour for edits to show up

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What if we brought the cache duration down to… one second?

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OK — /home (expired) GET /home Visitors Nginx Craft GET /home OK — /home GET /home GET /home OK — /home (expired) OK — /home (expired) GET /home OK — /home (expired on arrival) ⏳ ⏳ GET /home

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OK — /home (expired) GET /home Visitors Nginx Craft GET /home OK — /home GET /home GET /home OK — /home (expired) OK — /home (expired) GET /home OK — /home (expired on arrival) ⏳ ⏳ GET /home Every request gets a fast response, no waiting

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OK — /home (expired) GET /home Visitors Nginx Craft GET /home OK — /home GET /home GET /home OK — /home (expired) OK — /home (expired) GET /home OK — /home (expired on arrival) ⏳ ⏳ GET /home Every request gets a fast response, no waiting Craft handles a fraction of the traffic

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This is called Microcaching

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second* *Background updates

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second* *Background updates

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nginx.conf http { … server { … location ~ \.php$ { … } } }

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http { … server { … # Setup FastCGI Cache # , , etc. fastcgi_cache_lock on; fastcgi_cache_use_stale updating; fastcgi_cache_background_update on; location ~ \.php$ { … # Qualifiers } } }

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Dynamic Static Contextual Private e.g. contact form e.g. Live Preview e.g. news article e.g. mobile / desktop variants

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1. Static – same response for each request Enable FastCGI Cache in the PHP location block e.g. news article

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1. Static – same response for each request Enable FastCGI Cache in the PHP location block e.g. news article fastcgi_cache_valid 200 301 404 1s;

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2. Dynamic – unique response for each request FastCGI automatically ignores responses with cookies e.g. contact form

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2. Dynamic – unique response for each request FastCGI automatically ignores responses with cookies e.g. contact form fastcgi_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires Set-Cookie; fastcgi_hide_header Set-Cookie;

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2. Dynamic – unique response for each request Also, bypass cache by sending a custom header from Craft e.g. page that shows current time, contact form

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2. Dynamic – unique response for each request Also, bypass cache by sending a custom header from Craft e.g. page that shows current time, contact form {# _init.twig #} {% header "X-Accel-Expires: 0" %}

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3. Contextual – differ based on request params Add relevant request parameters to the cache key e.g. desktop / mobile version

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3. Contextual – differ based on request params Add relevant request parameters to the cache key e.g. desktop / mobile version fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri";

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3. Contextual – differ based on request-er Add relevant request parameters to the cache key e.g. desktop / mobile version fastcgi_cache_key "$is_mobile$scheme$request_method$host$request

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map $http_user_agent $is_mobile {
 default 0;
 "~*android.+mobile|avant[…]" 1;
 "~*^(1207|6310|6590|3gso[…]" 1;
 } map $http_accept_language $lang { default en; ~es es; ~fr fr; }

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4. Private – bypass the cache Don’t cache POST requests a) Form submissions

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4. Private – bypass the cache Don’t cache POST requests a) Form submissions fastcgi_cache_methods GET HEAD POST;

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4. Private – bypass the cache Exclude URLs with `token` param a) Form submissions b) Live Preview, Drafts

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4. Private – bypass the cache Exclude URLs with `token` param a) Form submissions b) Live Preview, Drafts fastcgi_cache_bypass $arg_token; fastcgi_no_cache $arg_token;

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4. Private – bypass the cache Add a second location block for PHP without FastCGI caching a) Form submissions b) Live Preview, Drafts c) Control Panel

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location ^~ /admin { try_files $uri $uri/ @phpfpm_nocache; } location ^~ /actions/ { … } location ^~ /index.php/admin { … } location ^~ /index.php/actions { … } location @phpfpm_nocache { # PHP # no FastCGI Cache }

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4. Private – bypass the cache Bypass if Craft’s session cookie is set a) Form submissions b) Live Preview, Drafts c) Control Panel d) Logged-in users

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4. Private – bypass the cache Bypass if Craft’s session cookie is set a) Form submissions b) Live Preview, Drafts c) Control Panel d) Logged-in users fastcgi_cache_bypass $cookie_1031b8c4[…]; fastcgi_no_cache $cookie_1031b8c4[…];

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Complete nginx.conf

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http {
 # Configure FastCGI cache
 fastcgi_cache_path /var/run/fastcgicache levels=1:2 keys_zone=fastcgicache:100m inactive=1d;
 # Cache config
 fastcgi_cache_lock on;
 fastcgi_cache_use_stale updating error timeout invalid_header http_500;
 fastcgi_cache_background_update on;
 fastcgi_cache_methods GET HEAD;
 fastcgi_cache_key "$scheme$request_method$host$request_uri";
 server {
 # Craft-specific location handlers to ensure AdminCP requests route through index.php
 # If you change your `cpTrigger`, change it here as well
 location ^~ /admin {
 try_files $uri $uri/ @phpfpm_nocache;
 location ^~ /actions/ {
 try_files $uri $uri/ @phpfpm_nocache;
 location ^~ /index.php/admin {
 try_files $uri $uri/ @phpfpm_nocache;
 location ^~ /index.php/actions {
 try_files $uri $uri/ @phpfpm_nocache;
 location ~ \.php$ {
 # Enable cache
 fastcgi_cache fastcgicache;
 fastcgi_ignore_headers Cache-Control Expires;
 fastcgi_cache_valid 200 301 302 404 1s;
 fastcgi_cache_bypass $arg_token $cookie_1031b8c41dfff97a311a7ac99863bdc5_identity;
 fastcgi_no_cache $arg_token $cookie_1031b8c41dfff97a311a7ac99863bdc5_identity;
 location @phpfpm_nocache {
 # No FastCGI Cache
 fastcgi_cache_bypass 1;
 fastcgi_no_cache 1;
 # PHP
 include fastcgi_params;
 fastcgi_index index.php;
 fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /index.php;
 fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php;
 fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/$APP_NAME.sock;
 fastcgi_intercept_errors off;
 fastcgi_connect_timeout 300;
 fastcgi_send_timeout 300;
 fastcgi_read_timeout 300;

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second* *Background updates

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second* *Background updates Nginx Conf

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Strategy #2 Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second* *Background updates Nginx Conf

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What about ⚡and

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We ran some tests $ ab
 -c 10 #concurrency
 -t 30 #timelimit

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Longest Response Time Uncached Microcached 96 milliseconds 526 milliseconds

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Average Response Time Uncached Microcached 10 milliseconds 247 milliseconds

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Completed Requests Uncached Microcached 29,389 1,214

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Average Requests per Second Uncached Microcached 979.63 40.47

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All on a $40/month
 (or cheaper ) VPS

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• Near instant responses • Exponentially scales up capacity to handle traffic & spikes • All* requests get fast responses • Can make a cheap VPS fly *Except the very first Advantages

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• Content may be stale • Nginx tinkering, not easy to debug Drawbacks

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#1 Full Page Caching in Craft Store Filter Invalidate {% cacheflag %} Tags _init.twig

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#2 Microcaching in Nginx Store Filter Invalidate FastCGI Cache Every Second* *Background updates Nginx Conf

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• Both strategies are great #perf boosters • Combined, they can work wonders on Craft sites • Drastically reduces infrastructure cost • No negative impact on AX • No user or client complaints about stale content • No JavaScript usage or dependency

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Thank You @rungta