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Julien Ponge @jponge Principal Software Engineer, PhD

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Reactive? (because resources are scarce)

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Reactive systems Reactive streams Reactive programming Reactive “Responding to stimuli” Manifesto, Actor, Messages Resilience, Elasticity, Scalability, Asynchronous, non-blocking Data flow Back-pressure Non-blocking Data flow Events, Observable Spreadsheets Akka, Vert.x Akka Streams, RxJava, Reactor, Vert.x Reactor, Reactive Spring, RxJava, Vert.x

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while (isRunning) { String line = bufferedReader.readLine(); switch (line.substring(0, 4)) { case "ECHO": bufferedWriter.write(line); break // ... // other cases ( ...) // ... default: bufferedWriter.write("UNKW Unknown command"); } }

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x 1000 =

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Virtual machines, Containers, etc

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Vert.x? (async all the things!)

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mtpvertx 40% (all Manning)

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Eclipse Vert.x Open source project started in 2012 Eclipse / Apache licensing A toolkit for building reactive applications for the JVM ~10k ⋆ on Built on top of @vertx_project

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Http server verticle Database client verticle  Event Bus “Details for user 1234?” “{data}” 4 instances 1 instance

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Events Thread Event Loop

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Callbacks RxJava 1 + 2 Quasar (vertx-sync) Kotlin coroutines (core) (codegen) CompletionStage

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(demo time) APIs with Mongo Edge service with RxJava2 Event streaming with Kafka + web “Connected tires / IoT”

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Unified end-to-end reactive model + ecosystem (not just APIs…) For all kinds of distributed applications (even the small-scale ones) Flexible toolkit, not a framework (your needs, your call)

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Asynchronous programming

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Single threaded event processors vs multi-threaded components

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Do you really need these anaemic POJOs / DTOs?

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Not everything has to be annotations!

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Powered by and more!

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mtpvertx 40% (all Manning)