• Swift is a general purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming
• Developed by Apple
• iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS
• Also available for Linux and Windows
• Replacement for Obj-C
• Swift is open source
• https://swift.org/
• Just download Xcode on Mac and you are ready to go
Slide 3
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Hello World in Obj-C
$ ls
$ cat helloworld.m
// First program example
int main (int argc, const char * argv[])
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSLog (@"Hello, World!");
[pool drain];
return 0;
$ clang -framework foundation helloworld.m
$ ls
a.out helloworld.m
$ ./a.out
2015-03-05 09:26:00.678 a.out[40432:5270985] Hello, World!
Slide 4
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Hello World in Swift! That was Easy!
> ls
> cat helloworld.swift
print("Hello, world!")
> swift helloworld.swift
Hello, world!
Slide 5
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Compiling in Swift
> ls
> cat helloworld.swift
print("Hello, world!")
> swiftc helloworld.swift
> ./hello
Hello, world!
Slide 6
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Swift Types
Slide 7
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• Named type
• Type that has a name
• Classes, structures, enumerations, protocols, arrays, dictionaries
• "Primitive types" are also named types (numbers, characters, strings)
• You can extend the behaviour of these using extensions
• Compound types
• Type without a name
• Function types and tuple types
• Function type example:
• ((Int, Int)) -> Void
• All types are "non primitive"
Slide 8
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Named Basic Types
Types with name
Slide 9
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Named Types
• Swift has it's own versions of C / Obj-C types:
• Int, Double, Float, Bool, String ..
• Also collection types:
• Array and Dictionary
• Also a concept called optional types
• Swift is a type – safe language, you cannot pass a String to an int
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Float Documentation
It's a struct!
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And it has methods
Slide 12
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let x : Float = 1.12
let y = x.rounded()
Slide 13
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Constants (let) and Variables (var)
• To declare a a constant, use keyword let
let myConstant = 10
• To declare a variable, use keyword var
var myVariable = 20
• You can do this in on line
var x = 0, y = 0, z = 0
• Use Type Annotation to declare a type
var hello: String
• It's rare you need to use type annotation; variable type is given in initial value.
• You can use unicode!
let π = 3.14159
let = ""
let = "dogcow"
Slide 14
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Comparison between common languages
Swift Java Kotlin ECMAScript
Variable var x = 5 int x = 5 var x = 5 let x = 5
Constant variable let PI = 3.14 final double PI
= 3.14
val PI = 3.14 const PI = 3.14
Slide 15
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• Comments very similar than in C
• One line
// one line
• Multiline
• Can be also nested (unlike in C)
You can use
nested comments
like this
Slide 16
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Numbers and Boolean
Types (these are also structs)
• Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64
• UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64
Integer Bounds
let minValue = UInt8.min // 0
let maxValue = UInt8.max // 255
You can also just use Int
• On 32-bit platform, Int -> Int32
• On 64-bit platform, Int -> Int64
Floating Point Numbers
• Double for 64-bit
• Float for 32-bit
• Bool is either true or false
Slide 17
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Type Safety
• Swift is very clear about types, If it's String you cannot pass a Int
• You don't have to declare type, but it has a type!
let a = 5 // It's an Int!
let π = 3.14 // It's a Double!
• You can cast Integers
let one: UInt8 = 1
let bigger : UInt16 = UInt16(one)
• And floating – points
let pi = Double(three)
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Compound Type: tuple
Slide 19
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• Tuples group multiple values into a single compound value
let contact : (String, Int) = ("Jack", 123456)
print(type(of: contact))
• You can decompose
let (name, number) = contact
• If you want the other, use underscore
let (name, _) = contact
• Indexes also available
var name = contact.0
• Naming
let contact : (name: String, number: Int) = (name: "Jack", number: 123456)
• Useful in functions that returns multiple values
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Optionals: ?
• Add ? to the end of the type to declare a optional chaining
• This means that the variable may hold also value nil:
// x may be integer OR nil
var x : Int?
• If you make calculations, this fails because x may hold nil!
var sum = x + 5
• You can unwrap the ? from the variable using !
var sum = x! + 5
• Now it crashes runtime if x holds nil, but it compiles
Slide 22
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class StockExchange {
public static String findStockCode(String company) {
if(company.equals("Nokia")) {
return "NOK";
} else if (company.equals("Apple")) {
return "AAPL";
} else {
return null;
class MyApp {
public static void main(String [] args) {
String code = StockExchange.findStockCode( args[0] );
System.out.println( code.toLowerCase() );
What is a
possible error
Running Java app:
java MyApp Microsoft
Slide 23
Slide 23 text
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> String? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
return "NOK"
} else if (company == "Apple") {
return "AAPL"
} else {
return nil
var code : String?
= StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] );
error: value of optional type 'String?' must be unwrapped to
refer to member 'lowercased' of wrapped base type 'String'
Slide 24
Slide 24 text
Checking and Unwrapping
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> String? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
return "NOK";
} else if (company == "Apple") {
return "AAPL";
} else {
return nil;
var code : String? = StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] );
if code != nil {
Checking for null values. Also ! is
mandatory here.
Slide 25
Slide 25 text
Conditional unwrapping
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> String? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
return "NOK";
} else if (company == "Apple") {
return "AAPL";
} else {
return nil;
var code : String? = StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] );
if let checkedCode = code {
It will unwrap the conditional of
the code variable
Slide 26
Slide 26 text
let optionalValue1 : Int? = Bool.random() ? 5 : nil
let optionalValue2 : Int? = Bool.random() ? 5 : nil
if let value1 = optionalValue1 {
if let value2 = optionalValue2 {
print("\(value1 + value2)")
Slide 27
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With one line
let optionalValue1 : Int? = Bool.random() ? 5 : nil
let optionalValue2 : Int? = Bool.random() ? 5 : nil
if let value1 = optionalValue1, let value2 = optionalValue2 {
print("\(value1 + value2)")
Slide 28
Slide 28 text
class Stock {
var code: String?
var price: Double?
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> Stock? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
let nok = Stock()
nok.code = "NOK"
nok.price = 6.5
return nok;
} else if (company == "Apple") {
let aapl = Stock()
aapl.code = "AAPL"
return aapl;
} else {
return nil;
if let stock = StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] ) {
if let price = stock.price {
} We will have multiple conditional
unwrapping here...
We will have multiple conditional
unwrapping here...
Slide 29
Slide 29 text
class Stock {
var code: String?
var price: Double?
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> Stock? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
let nok = Stock()
nok.code = "NOK"
nok.price = 6.5
return nok;
} else if (company == "Apple") {
let aapl = Stock()
aapl.code = "AAPL"
return aapl;
} else {
return nil;
if let stock = StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] ) {
if let price = stock.price {
} We will have multiple conditional
unwrapping here...
We will have multiple conditional
unwrapping here...
Slide 30
Slide 30 text
class Stock {
var code: String?
var price: Double?
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> Stock? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
let nok = Stock()
nok.code = "NOK"
nok.price = 6.5
return nok;
} else if (company == "Apple") {
let aapl = Stock()
aapl.code = "AAPL"
return aapl;
} else {
return nil;
if let stock = StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] ), let price = stock.price {
With one line
Slide 31
Slide 31 text
class Stock {
var code: String?
var price: Double?
class StockExchange {
class func findStockCode(company : String) -> Stock? {
if(company == "Nokia") {
let nok = Stock()
nok.code = "NOK"
nok.price = 6.5
return nok;
} else if (company == "Apple") {
let aapl = Stock()
aapl.code = "AAPL"
return aapl;
} else {
return nil;
if let price = StockExchange.findStockCode( company: CommandLine.arguments[1] )?.price {
Slide 32
Slide 32 text
class Person {
var pet : Pet? = Bool.random() ? Pet() : nil
class Pet {
var favoriteToy : String? = Bool.random() ? "Ball" : nil
let tina : Person? = Bool.random() ? Person() : nil
if let t = tina, let p = t.pet, let f = p.favoriteToy {
Slide 33
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... or
class Person {
var pet : Pet? = Bool.random() ? Pet() : nil
class Pet {
var favoriteToy : String? = Bool.random() ? "Ball" : nil
let tina : Person? = Bool.random() ? Person() : nil
if let f = tina?.pet?.favoriteToy {
Slide 34
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Using ! or ?
let toy1 : String? = tina?.pet?.favoriteToy
let toy2 : String = tina!.pet!.favoriteToy!
Slide 35
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Downcasting using as! or as?
• To downcast an object to subtype, use
• as? = If downcast was unsuccessful, put nil to the type
• as! = If downcast was unsuccessful, crash
• as? - example
• var number1 = dict[2] as? Int
• println(number1) // optional(7)
• as! - example
• var number2 = dict[2] as! Int
• println(number2) // 7
Slide 36
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Optionals: !
• In addition to creating optional with ? you can use !
• By using ? this will NOT work
• let y : Int? = 12
• print(y + y)
• Either check if not null OR use ! (=will crash if nil)
• let y : Int? = 12
• print(y! + y!)
• If you have to mark ! in everywhere, shortcut
• let y : Int! = 12
• print(y + y)
• The y is now optional, but you do not have to unwrap it everytime
Slide 37
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let x : Int? = Bool.random() ? 5 : nil
print(x! + x!)
let x : Int! = Bool.random() ? 5 : nil
print(x + x)
Crash if nil
Crash if nil
Slide 38
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Some Control Structures
Slide 40
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var grade = 0
if grade == 0 {
No need for
Slide 41
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var i = 0
while i < 10 {
i += 1
Slide 42
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repeat while
var i = 0
repeat {
i += 1
} while i < 10
Slide 43
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for - loop
for index in 1...5 {
for index in 1..<5 {
for _ in 1...5 {
Slide 45
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for - loop
// 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
for index in stride(from: 0, to: 10, by: 2) {
// 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
for index in stride(from: 0, through: 10, by: 2) {
Slide 46
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Defining a Function
• Simple example about function
func sayHello(personName: String) -> String {
let greeting = "Hello, " + personName + "!"
return greeting
• Return type is indicated using the return arrow ->
• Using parameters is easy
func sum(start: Int, end: Int) -> Int {
return start + end
• You can return several values using Tuples
func doSomething(start: Int, end: Int) -> (start: Int, end: Int) {
return (start, end)
Slide 48
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Calling a Function
• Does not work!
func sum(start: Int, end: Int) -> Int {
return start + end
print( sum(5,5) )
• Change...
print( sum(start: 5, end:5) )
Slide 49
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Function Parameter Names
• Problem: What is the purpose of the given parameters?
join("Hello", "World", ",");
• Solution
join(string: "Hello", and: "World", withJoiner: ",")
• How?
func join(string: String, and string2: String, withJoiner joiner: String) {
Slide 50
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Omitting External Name
• It's possible to omit external name using _
func join(_ string: String, and string2: String, withJoiner joiner: String) -> String {
return string1 + joiner + string2;
print( join("two", and: "three", withJoiner: "+") );
Slide 51
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Default Parameter Names
• Func definition
func findInArray(myArray: [Int], value value: Int = 0) -> Int {
• Function calling
findInArray(myArray: array, value: 2);
findInArray(myArray: array);
Slide 52
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Variadic Parameters
• A variadic parameter accepts zero or more values of a specified type
• Use ... after parameters name
func giveNumbers(numbers: Int...) {
• And now you can use the function
giveNumbers(numbers: 4,3,2)
giveNumbers(numbers: 4)
Slide 53
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inout parameters
• Objects/functions are reference types, others value types
• To pass a reference of an variable, use inout
func passNumber(number: inout Int) {
number = 1;
• And usage
var number = 4
passNumber(number: &number)
Slide 54
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Function Types
• Functions are variables. Declare a variable with function type!
var mathFunction: (Int, Int) -> Int
• Define two different functions
func sum(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a + b;
func extract(a: Int, b: Int) -> Int {
return a - b;
• And usage
var myVar: (Int, Int) -> Int
myVar = sum
myVar = extract
• Function can be a parameter and return type!
Slide 55
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• Closures are like lambdas in Java / C# or blocks in Obj-C
• Like mini-functions without a name
• Syntax
{ (parameters) -> returntype in
Slide 56
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Passing Function to a function
func fun(msg: String) {
func isPositiveInteger(number : Int, success: (String) -> Void) {
if(number > 0) {
success("it was positive")
isPositiveInteger(number: 5, success: fun)
Shorthand Argument name
func isPositiveInteger(number : Int, success: (String) ->
Void) {
if(number > 0) {
success("it was positive")
isPositiveInteger(number: 5, success: { print($0) } )
Output the first
Slide 61
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Trailing Closure
func isPositiveInteger(number : Int, success: (String) ->
Void) {
if(number > 0) {
success("it was positive")
isPositiveInteger(number: 5) {
If final argument
is function, you
can use also
trailing syntax
Slide 62
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Trailing Closure
func isPositiveInteger(number : Int = 5, success: (String) ->
Void) {
if(number > 0) {
success("it was positive")
isPositiveInteger() {
Default value
Slide 63
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Trailing Closure
func isPositiveInteger(number : Int = 5, success: (String) ->
Void) {
if(number > 0) {
success("it was positive")
isPositiveInteger {
With no
arguments we can
omit ()
Slide 64
Slide 64 text
SwiftUI Example
HStack {
Text("Target Color Block")
Text("Target Color Block")
Trailing Closure
Usage here...
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var htmlUI : [String] = shoppingList.map(modify)
Slide 67
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Usage: Closure
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var htmlUI : [String] = shoppingList.map({item -> String in
return "
" + item + "
Slide 68
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Usage: Closure
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var htmlUI : [String] = shoppingList.map({
return "
" + $0 + "
Slide 69
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Usage: Closure, trailing
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var htmlUI : [String] = shoppingList.map() {
return "
" + $0 + "
Slide 70
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Usage: Closure, automatic return
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var htmlUI : [String] = shoppingList.map() {
" + $0 + "
Slide 71
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String interpolation
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var htmlUI : [String] = shoppingList.map() {
var htmlUIString : String = htmlUI.joined(separator: "")
Slide 72
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Strings and Arrays
Slide 73
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String Creation
var stringA = "Hello"
print( stringA )
var stringB = String("Hello")
print( stringB )
let stringC = """
Slide 74
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String Interpolation
let a = 2
var c = 2.2
var stringA = "it's easy to embed variables like a = \(a) and c = \(c)"
print( stringA )
Slide 75
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Iteration and equal
var varA = "Hello, World!"
var varB = "Hello, World!"
if varA == varB {
for char in varA {
Slide 76
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Collection Types: Array
• Array
var shoppingList: [String] = ["Eggs", "Milk"]
var shoppingList = ["eggs", "Milk"]
var someInts = [Int]()
• Length of an Array
• Appending
shoppingList += ["Tomato"]
• Retrieve
• Change range
shoppingList[0...3] = ["bananas", "apples", "coffee"]
• Insert
shoppingList.insert("something", atIndex:0)
Slide 77
Slide 77 text
Iterating Array
• for-in loop
for item in shoppingList {
for item in 1...5 {
for _ in 1...5 {
• Enumerate
for(index, value) in enumerate(shoppingList) {
Slide 78
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Collection Types: Dictionary
• Dict: key – value pairs
• Key is unique, no spesified order
• Usage
var dictionary : [String: String] = ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"]
var dictionary = [String: String]()
• Append
dictionary["key3"] = "value3"
• Remove
• Iterating
for(key, value) in dictionary { ... }
• Access keys or values
Unlike tuple, this
must have keys and
items can be added
and removed
Slide 79
Slide 79 text
let range: ClosedRange = 0...10
print(range.first!) // 0
print(range.last!) // 10
for index in range {
let names = ["Jack", "Tina", "Paul"]
let range2: Range = 0..<10
print(range2.first!) // 0
print(range2.last!) // 9
Type is ClosedRange
Type is Range
Slide 80
Slide 80 text
OO with Swift
Slide 81
Slide 81 text
Classes vs Structures
• Structures
• Properties (Attributes) and functions (methods)
• Initializers (Constructors)
• Can conform to a protocol (Interface)
• Can be extended using extension
• Value type
• Class can have additional capabilities
• Can be inherited
• Deinitializers available
• Can be referenced more than one time
• Reference type
Slide 82
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Moving from Classes to Structs
• SwiftUI heavily uses Structs over Classes
• Classes become bloated because of inheritance (look at UIView)
• You can extend structs with extension
• Struct instances are allocated on stack, drastically faster
• In multithreaded environment structs are safer (value type)
• When making changes to a struct it does not influence any other part of the
app (value type)
Slide 83
Slide 83 text
struct Person {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
var jack = Person()
jack.name = "Jack"
jack.age = 30
Slide 84
Slide 84 text
Comparing Structs
struct Person {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
var a = Person()
a.name = "Jack"
a.age = 30
var b = Person()
b.name = "Jack"
b.age = 30
print(a == b)
helloworld.swift:14:9: error: binary operator '==' cannot be
applied to two 'Person' operands
print(a == b)
Slide 85
Slide 85 text
Comparing Structs: global function ==
func == (left: Person, right: Person) -> Bool {
return (left.name == right.name) && (left.age == right.age)
struct Person {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
var a = Person()
a.name = "Jack"
a.age = 30
var b = Person()
b.name = "Jack"
b.age = 30
print(a == b)
Comparison now works
Slide 86
Slide 86 text
Equatable protocol
struct Person: Equatable {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
var a = Person()
a.name = "Jack"
a.age = 30
var b = Person()
b.name = "Jack"
b.age = 30
print(a == b)
Equatable protocol provides default == function
to the struct
Slide 87
Slide 87 text
Equatable protocol
struct Person: Equatable {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
static func == (left: Person, right: Person) -> Bool {
return (left.name == right.name)
var a = Person()
a.name = "Jack"
a.age = 40
var b = Person()
b.name = "Jack"
b.age = 30
print(a == b)
Possible to override the default implementation
Slide 88
Slide 88 text
Using Class
class Person: Equatable {
var name: String = ""
var age: Int = 0
static func == (left: Person, right: Person) -> Bool {
return (left.name == right.name)
var a = Person()
a.name = "Jack"
a.age = 40
var b = Person()
b.name = "Jack"
b.age = 40
print(a === b)
print(a == b)
Slide 89
Slide 89 text
• Properties are variables or constants in classes, structs or enumerations.
• Stored properties
• let property: (Int)
• var property: (Int)
• Computated properties
• calculate the value of property using get and set
• Property observers
• Monitor changes in property's value
• Every property needs to be assigned a value either during declaration or
in the initializer
Slide 90
Slide 90 text
Stored Properties
struct Point {
var x : Int
var y : Int
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
var a = Point(x:0, y:0)
a.x = 9
Slide 91
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Computated Properties
• Computated properties does not store a value!
• Provide getter and setter (optional) that calculates some value
• The property value is meant to be computed from other instance
properties! Computated property is not in memory
Slide 92
Slide 92 text
class Time {
var seconds: Double = 0
init(seconds: Double) {
self.seconds = seconds
var minutes: Double {
get {
return (seconds / 60)
set {
self.seconds = (newValue * 60)
var t = Time(seconds: 60)
t.minutes = 90
Slide 93
Slide 93 text
struct Person {
private var _age : Int = 0
init(age: Int) {
self.age = age
var age: Int {
set {
if(newValue > 0) {
self._age = newValue
get {
return self._age
var t = Person(age: 20)
t.age = -80
print(t.age) // 20
This will invoke
Slide 94
Slide 94 text
struct Circle {
static var PI : Double = 3.14
static func calculateArea(radius: Double) -> Double {
return Circle.PI * radius * radius;
print(Circle.calculateArea(radius: 5))
// Won't work
// var c = Circle()
// print(c.calculateArea(radius: 5))
Class Inheritance, overriding: class
class BaseClass {
class func someStaticMethod() -> Void {
class ChildClass : BaseClass {
override static func someStaticMethod() -> Void {
print("overriden method")
// Works!
Slide 97
Slide 97 text
Mutating Struct
struct Person {
var weigth : Int = 1
mutating func eat() {
self.weigth += 1
var jack = Person(weigth: 50)
If Struct modifies
itself, add
Struct has
automatic init
for public
Slide 98
Slide 98 text
Mutating Struct
struct Person {
var weigth : Int = 1
mutating func eat() {
self.weigth += 1
let jack = Person(weigth: 50)
Will fail! cannot use mutating
member on immutable value:
'jack' is a 'let' constant
Slide 99
Slide 99 text
Mutating Class
class Person {
var weigth : Int = 1
func eat() {
self.weigth += 1
let jack = Person()
jack.weigth = 40
mutating not
No automatic
init, you can use
let here
Slide 100
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Slide 101
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Inheritance, Initialization, Deinitialization
Slide 102
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• Class can inherit methods, properties and other from another class
• Inheriting class is subclass, class it inherites is superclass
• Class that does not inherit from another class is base class
• Swift classes do not inherit from universal base class!
• You can use AnyObject, that can represent an instance of any type
• Classes can add property observers to inherited properties
Slide 103
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Class Inheritance
class Human {
var name : String = ""
func sleep() {
print("\(name) is sleeping")
func drink() {
print("\(name) is drinking water")
func printMyInfo() {
print("name = \(name)")
class Programmer : Human {
var salary : Int = 0
func implementCode() {
print("\(name) is working")
override func drink() {
print("\(name) is drinking energy drink")
override func printMyInfo() {
print("salary = \(salary)")
var p = Programmer()
p.salary = 4000
p.name = "jack"
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You can override properties too
class ProjectManager {
var salary : Int = 5000
func drink() {
print("Project Manager is drinking water")
class Programmer : ProjectManager {
override var salary : Int {
set {
super.salary = newValue
get {
return super.salary - 1000
override func drink() {
print("Programmer is drinking energy drink")
var p = Programmer()
p.salary = 4000
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• init – methods are special methods that can be called when
creating a new instance of particular type
• Purpose is to ensure that objects are correctly initialized
• Also deinitialization methods available
• Classes and structures must set all stored properties when object is
• When setting the value in init, property is directly set, no
observations are called
• Swift provides automatic external name for every parameter in init.
• External names must be used when using the init
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Simple (not working) init
struct Color {
var red, green, blue: Double
init() {}
let halfGray = Color()
Will fail, all
properties must
be initialized
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Compiles! Why?
struct Color {
var red, green, blue: Double?
init() {}
let halfGray = Color()
Double, now it
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Compiles too..
struct Color {
var red, green, blue : Double
init() {
self.red = 0.0
self.green = 0.0
self.blue = 0.0
let halfGray = Color()
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Using Default values
struct Color {
var red = 0.0
var green = 0.0
var blue = 0.0
init() {}
let halfGray = Color()
If a property always takes the same
initial value, provide a default value
rather than setting a value within
an initializer. It makes for shorter,
clearer initializers and enables you
to infer the type of the property
from its default value.
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Initalizers with init parameters
struct Color {
var red, green, blue: Double
init(red: Double, green: Double, blue: Double) {
self.red = red
self.green = green
self.blue = blue
init(white: Double) {
red = white
green = white
blue = white
let magenta = Color(red: 1.0, green: 0.0, blue: 1.0)
let halfGray = Color(white: 0.5)
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External Names
struct Color {
var red, green, blue : Double
init(w white : Double) {
self.red = white
self.green = white
self.blue = white
let halfGray = Color(w: 0.5)
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Designated Initializers and Convenience
Initializers in Classes
• Designated Initializers
• Primary initializers for a class / struct
• Initializes all properties
• Calls superclasses initializer
• Every class must have at least one designated initializer
• Use init(parameters) { .. }
• Convenience Initializers
• Secondary supporting initializers
• You do not have to provide these
• Use convenience init(parameters) { ... }
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Image from Apple Swift documentation
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SImple Designated Init
class Motor { }
class Vehicle {
var brand: String
init(brand: String) {
self.brand = brand
class Car : Vehicle {
var motor: Motor
init(brand : String, motor: Motor) {
self.motor = motor
super.init(brand: brand)
override convenience init(brand : String) {
let m = Motor()
self.init(brand: brand, motor: m)
var c1 = Car(brand: "Porsche", motor: Motor())
var c2 = Car(brand: "Skoda")
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Automatic Initializer Inheritance
• Subclasses do not inherit initializers by default
• If certain conditions are met, initializers are automatically inherited
• Rule 1
• If your subclass doesn't define designated initializer, it automatically inherits
all of its superclass designated initializers
• Rule 2
• If your subclass provides an implementation of all of its superclasses
designated initializers (either rule 1 or creating new ones) then it
automatically inherites all of the superclass convenience initializers
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Example about Automatic Inheritance
class A {
var x : Int
var y : Int
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
print("Designated A init()");
self.x = x
self.y = y
convenience init() {
print("Convenience A init()");
self.init(x: 0, y: 0)
class B : A {}
var b = B()
Rule 1: If your subclass doesn't define
designated initializer, it automatically
inherits all of its superclass designated
Rule 2: If your subclass provides an
implementation of all of its superclasses
designated initializers (either rule 1 or
creating new ones) then it automatically
inherites all of the superclass convenience
Does it work?
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Safety Check 1
class A {
var x : Int
var y : Int
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
print("Designated A init()");
self.x = x
self.y = y
convenience init() {
print("Convenience A init()");
self.init(x: 0, y: 0)
class B : A {
var z : Int
init(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) {
print("Designated B init()")
self.z = z;
super.init(x: x, y: y)
var b = B(x: 0, y:0, z:0)
must be
initialized first!
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Safety Check 2
class A {
var x : Int
var y : Int
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
print("Designated A init()");
self.x = x
self.y = y
convenience init() {
print("Convenience A init()");
self.init(x: 0, y: 0)
class B : A {
var z : Int
init(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) {
print("Designated B init()")
self.z = z;
super.init(x: x, y: y)
self.x = 0
var b = B(x: 0, y:0, z:0)
If accessing base
classes properties,
do it after super.init
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Overriding init
class A {
var x : Int
init(x: Int) {
self.x = x
class B : A {
var y : Int
override init(x: Int) {
self.y = 0
init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.y = y
super.init(x: x)
notice the override
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Memberwise init for Structs
struct Rectangle {
var width = 0
var height = 0
let r1 = Rectangle(width: 3, height: 4)
let r2 = Rectangle(height: 4)
Default inits if no init
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Failable init
struct Person {
private var _age : Int
init?(age: Int) {
if age > 0 {
self._age = age
} else {
return nil
if let s = Person(age: 7) {
can return nil
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Required init
class Person {
init() {
class Programmer : Person {
init(salary: Int) {
let a = Programmer(salary: 4000)
//let b = Programmer()
Programmer has only
one init!
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Required init
class Person {
required init() {}
class Programmer : Person {
init(salary: Int) {}
required init() {}
let a = Programmer(salary: 4000)
let b = Programmer()
Subclasses must have
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• Several ways of making callbacks
• Closures
• Anonymous functions that have access to local variables
• Selectors (kind of depricated in Swift)
• Function pointer passing functions. Not type-safe and it's obj-c feature. API uses it, so
for legacy reasons, swift provides a way of passing selector function.
• Delegate Protocols
• Several callback methods!
• Closures are like lambdas in Java / C# or blocks in Obj-C
• Like mini-functions without a name
• Example 1
reversed = sorted(names, { (s1: String, s2: String) -> Bool in
return s1 > s2
• Example 2
func hello(a : Int, b: Int) -> Void {
println(a + b)
func testClosures(m : (Int, Int) -> Void) {
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• Define a blueprint of
• methods
• properties
• Protocol can be adopted by a class, struct or enumeration
• .. to provide the actual implementation
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Protocols and Delegate
• Delegate refers to Delegation Design Pattern that uses protocols
(let’s see this in a bit..)
• Protocol is an interface that holds method declarations
• When a class conforms to a protocol, it implements the protocol methods
• Protocol methods can be mandatory or optional!
• Using protocols (interfaces) you can define a contract that the
implementor fulfills
• If you have developed with Java:
• protocol is an interface that may hold also optional methods!
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protocol Flyable {
func fly() -> Void
class Animal {}
class Bird : Animal, Flyable {
func fly() {
print("Bird flies")
The first is
the rest are
• You can declare also a property to protocol
• Get and Set
• var width: Int { get set }
• The property must be settable, cannot be let for example
• Get
• var width: Int { get }
• The property can be settable!
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protocol Shape {
var width: Int { get set }
class Rectangle : Shape {
Does not conform to a
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protocol Shape {
var width: Int { get set }
class Rectangle : Shape {
var width = 0
Now it does..
For Gettable & Settable Protocol
Property, the requirement cannot be
fulfilled by a constantly stored
property or a read-only computed
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protocol Shape {
var width: Int { get set }
class Rectangle : Shape {
let width = 0
Contant variable,
problem here
For Gettable & Settable Protocol
Property, the requirement cannot be
fulfilled by a constantly stored
property or a read-only computed
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protocol Shape {
var width: Int { get set }
class Rectangle : Shape {
var _width = 0
var width: Int {
get {
return _width
set {
if newValue > 0 {
_width = width
This works
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protocol Shape {
var width: Int { get set }
class Rectangle : Shape {
var _width = 0
var width: Int {
get {
return _width
And now we have a
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protocol Shape {
var width: Int { get }
class Rectangle : Shape {
var width = 0
Can also be settable!!
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Delegation Pattern
• The real power behind protocols comes when using polymorphism.
• It’s possible to create pointer that points to whatever object as long
as it conforms to protocol:
• var x : Movable
• You can define a message argument with the following argument type
• func doSomething(x : Movable)
• And now you can pass to this method whatever object as long as it’s
conforming to this protocol!
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Delegation Pattern Example: GPS
• CLLocationManager – class holds a following property
• var delegate: CLLocationManagerDelegate
• You can set the property
• self.location = CLLocationManager()
• self.location.delegate = ...
• The delegate object can be what ever object as long as it’s
conforming to CLLocationManagerDelegate
• The CLLocationManagerDelegate holds several optional methods
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import Foundation
import CoreLocation
class LocationManager: NSObject, CLLocationManagerDelegate, ObservableObject {
var location : CLLocationManager!
@Published var done = false
func fetch() {
self.location = CLLocationManager()
self.location.delegate = self
print("start to fetch")
func locationManager(_ manager: CLLocationManager,
didUpdateLocations locations: [CLLocation]) {
let latitude = locations[0].coordinate.latitude
let longitude = locations[0].coordinate.longitude
done = true
The protocol
One of protocol's
optional methods
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Enums and Exception Handling
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Simple Enum Example
enum Day {
case monday
case tuesday
case wednesday
let day : Day = Day.monday
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Simple Enum Example
enum Day {
case monday
case tuesday
case wednesday
func output(day: Day) {
output(day: Day.monday)
output(day: .monday)
You can omit
"Day." because
type is known.
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Raw value
enum Day : String {
case monday = "Mon"
case tuesday = "Tue"
case wednesday = "Wed"
func output(day: Day) {
output(day: Day.monday)
output(day: .monday)
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Raw value
enum Day : Int {
case monday = 1
case tuesday
case wednesday
func output(day: Day) {
output(day: .monday)
output(day: .tuesday)
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Error Handling with Enums
enum MyError: Error {
case maxOver
case minUnder
func output(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) throws -> Int {
let sum = a + b
if sum > 100 {
throw MyError.maxOver
} else if sum < 0 {
throw MyError.minUnder
return sum
do {
let sum = try output(2,2)
} catch MyError.maxOver {
print("Over max")
} catch MyError.minUnder {
print("Under min")
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Error Handling with try?
enum MyError: Error {
case maxOver
case minUnder
func output(_ a: Int, _ b: Int) throws -> Int {
let sum = a + b
if sum > 100 {
throw MyError.maxOver
} else if sum < 0 {
throw MyError.minUnder
return sum
let sum = try? output(2,2)
if let s = sum {
Returns now
Protocol vs Opaque
• Opaque types preserves type identity, protocol types do not
• Opaque type always prefers to one specific concrete type
• Protocol type can refer to many types as long as it is conforming to
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Protocol type
func giveFlyable() -> Flyable {
return Bird()
var f = giveFlyable()
f = Airplane()
f may contain
Bird or Airplane
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Protocol type
func giveFlyable() -> some Flyable {
return Bird()
var f = giveFlyable()
f = Airplane()
helloworld.swift:20:5: error: cannot assign value of
type 'Airplane' to type 'some Flyable'
f = Airplane()
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Protocol type
func giveFlyable() -> some Flyable {
return Bird()
var f = giveFlyable()
f = Bird()
And it works now again...
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Protocols can have associated types
protocol Flyable {
associatedtype T
var power : T { get }
func fly() -> Void
The type can be determined later
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Adopting to Protocol
struct Bird: Flyable {
var power : Double
func fly() -> Void {
print("Bird flying with speed of \(power)")
struct Airplane: Flyable {
var power : Int
func fly() -> Void {
print("Airplane flying with speed of \(power)")
func giveFlyable() -> Flyable {
return Bird(power: 1.1)
var f = giveFlyable()
It is some object that conforms to the
protocol. But what is the type of T?
Swift cannot determinate this!
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Adopting to Protocol
struct Bird: Flyable {
var power : Double
func fly() -> Void {
print("Bird flying with speed of \(power)")
struct Airplane: Flyable {
var power : Int
func fly() -> Void {
print("Airplane flying with speed of \(power)")
func giveFlyable() -> some Flyable {
return Bird(power: 1.1)
var f = giveFlyable()
f.fly() Opaque return type
works... Will return
always Bird with type
of Double
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• Protocol type can have any object as long as it's conforming to the
• This does not work with associated type, concrete type information is
• use some keyword and let the implementation determinate the
concrete type
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var body: some View {
VStack() {
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• Extensions add new functionality to an existing class, structure,
enumeration or protocol
• Add properties
• Define methods
• Define inits
• ...