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C I R C O Cisco Implant Raspberry Controlled Operations

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• My name is Emilio and I’m hacker • I like to play with packets, networks, electronics and 3D printers • I presented security tools at various conferences (DEF CON, BlackHat Asia, AV Tokyo HIVE, SECCON, HITB, etc) • Sorry, I’m not a native programmer or English/Japanese speaker J Helloこんにちは

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▪ Allow existing IP-Phone to co-exist with CIRCO ▪ Eliminate template files (craft all packets) ▪ Support NTP exfiltration ▪ Software encrypted via Bluetooth (prevent forensic) ▪ Self destroy and alarm switch (thanks Will) ▪ Bypass fingerprinting (NAC) ▪ Credentials integration into Faraday (thanks Fran) What’s new? 新機能

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▪ Cisco DNA (Digital Network Architecture) ▪ Infoblox NetMRI ▪ Micro Focus® Network Automation (formerly HP NA) ▪ Service Now Discovery* ▪ ForeScout CounterACT (NAC) ▪ Trusted network administrators ▪ Others * SNMP discovery only Who we target? ターゲットは?

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Slide 5 text CIRCO Evolution 進化

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Demo Box v1 Production Box v1.4

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Production Box v1.5

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▪ Components □ CIRCO: Implant (hardware & software) □ CARPA: Credentials Receiver (Internet VPS, software and domain NS) □ JAULA: Wireless Credentials Receiver (software) ▪ Python 2 □ Mainly Scapy for packet manipulation □ Migration into Python 3 started… ▪ Features: □ Honeypots services to behave as a Cisco Switch or IP-Phone □ Trick NAC systems (nmap, Phone whitelisted, Golden MAC) □ OSfooler-NG ( ▪ Exfiltration via cover channel protocols □ ICMP (ping), Traceroute, NTP, HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, Proxy (DNS) and Wireless ▪ Extra: Get plain credentials if a PC is plugged into the IP-Phone □ net-creds ( Software ソフトウェア

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▪ Cisco CDP & LLDP Advertisement (as IP-Phone & Network Switch) ▪ Cisco SNMP Agent ▪ Cisco Telnet CLI (IOS 15.x) ▪ Cisco SSH CLI (IOS 15.x) ▪ Mimic packets format like IOS to avoid NAC/IDS/IPS Fake Services (Honeypots) シスコハニーポット

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Demo Time! デモの時間!

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Slide 11 text Lab Network Diagram

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Slide 12 text Exfiltration Format 流出のフォーマット ▪ Telnet □ t,,, □ t,e,, ▪ SSH □ s,,, □ s,e,, ▪ SNMP (v1/v2) □ p,, ▪ net-creds* (optional) □ n,, * Under development

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▪ ICMP ( & ICMP.seq fields) ▪ Traceroute ( field & UDP payload) ▪ HTTP and HTTPS ( & TCP.window fields) ▪ NTP (NTP.stratum, NTP.poll, NTP.tx.timestamp) ▪ DNS (NS query evil.sub.domain) ▪ DNS (A query) via Proxy (DHCP Option 252, WPAD., PAC Guessing via DNS) ▪ Wireless* (SSID Name & Dot11.beacon, Dot11.SC and Dot11.interval) Network Exfiltration Techniques ネットワーク流出テクニック * Proximity required Credentials & IP address are encrypted with AES256 before sending

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Slide 14 text ICMP Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 15 text Traceroute Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 16 text HTTP/HTTPS Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 17 text NTP Packet “Fraction”

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Slide 18 text NTP Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 19 text DNS Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 20 text Proxy (DHCP) Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 21 text Proxy (WPAD) Exfiltration Flow

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Proxy (DNS Guessing) Exfiltration Flow

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Slide 23 text Wireless Exfiltration Flow