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Highway to Helm Developing and Managing Applications in Kubernetes by Michelle Noorali and Matt Butcher @michellenoorali, @technosophos

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Michelle Noorali Microsoft. Helm and Draft. Kubernetes SIG- Apps. Kubernetes Steering Committee. Go and Ruby. Making distributed systems digestable.

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Matt Butcher Microsoft. Helm, Brigade, Draft, and a bunch of other projects. Author of Go in Practice, Illustrated Children’s Guide to Kubernetes, and a bunch of other books. Teaches at Loyola University Chicago.

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Kubernetes • Cluster management software • Based on Google's experience of running containers in production for about 15 years • Container orchestrator • System for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications • Has its own primitives (aka resources) • Pods, Deployments, Services, etc. • Declarative

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Deis • Container PaaS on Kubernetes • Developer self-service • Heroku for your Kubernetes cluster

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When deploying applications to Kubernetes, you'll likely create a set of Kubernetes resources that work together to host and run your application container(s)

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YAML, YAML, YAML • YAML for Kubernetes Deployment • YAML for Kubernetes Service • YAML for Kubernetes Secrets • YAML for Kubernetes ConfigMaps • Give Kubectl a manifest and it'll create a Kubernetes resource

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How do you manage a set of related resources in Kubernetes?

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We needed a tool to manage a group of related resources in Kubernetes as one unit

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Helm A package manager for Kubernetes

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Helm History • Came from internal Deis hackathon • Inspired by package managers like Homebrew, Apt, Yum • $ brew install • $ helm install

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• Packages of pre-configured Kubernetes resources • Recipe for installing an application in Kubernetes • Consist of • Metadata • Kubernetes resource manifests • Documentation • Can be templated with Go templating • Live in chart repositories Charts

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Public Charts • Available on • Stable charts – no alpha features, tested • Incubator charts – may contain alpha features, community iteration • Examples of how to deploy common applications in Kubernetes • Great for getting started *Can also create your chart repositories for hosting private charts

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Grab Helm from Homebrew or Github Releases Page $ brew install kubernetes-helm

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Getting Started is Simple $ helm init

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Helm in Action Demo

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Navigating a Chart • Collection of files inside of a directory • Directory name is name of the chart

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Templates • Go templating • Sprig library for even more go template functions • Templating not required

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Configuration • Default configuration lives in values.yaml file inside chart • Can override values.yaml file • Can override configuration on command line using the –set flag

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Chart Repositories • Where your charts live • An HTTP server able to serve YAML and tar files • Houses index.yaml file • Houses some packaged charts (tar files) • Can use Google Cloud Storage (GCS) Buckets, Azure Storage Blobs, Amazon S3, Github pages, or create your own web server

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Helm Community • Over 200 contributors • Over 2.5k people in the Kubernetes Helm slack channel • Kubernetes Slack • #helm-users • #helm-dev • Grab an invite at • Weekly public developer calls on Thursdays • Standups on SIG-Apps calls • More info at

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Extending Helm with Plugins Because we're all snowflakes

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Future of Helm • Starting planning for Helm v3.0.0 • Feel free to submit issues • Will start discussion at the Helm Summit in January • Helm Summit • Mid-January • More info in slack channels • Anyone is welcome to attend • Helm mailing lists coming soon

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Developing Applications for Kubernetes Is still hard

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Rinse and Repeat 1. Hack on source code 2. Create Dockerfile 3. Build Docker image 4. Push Docker image to container registry 5. Create a Helm chart 6. Install the Helm chart

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Dependencies, Dependencies, Dependencies • Docker • Container Registry • Docker • • GCR • ACR • Your own • Helm • Kubernetes environment • Running cluster or minikube

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A tool for building Kubernetes-native apps

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Getting Started • $ draft init • Sets up local env • Sets up server side component: draftd • Pre-requisites • Running Kubernetes cluster or minikube • Container registry *unless minikube

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Demo If the demo gods are up for it

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$ draft create 1. Detects application language 2. Creates appropriate Dockerfile 3. Creates a Helm chart for your application 4. Creates a draft.toml file to store draft metadata and config

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$ draft up 1. Bundles up directory and pushes to server 2. Builds Docker image 3. Pushes Docker image to container registry 4. Installs Helm chart in cluster using Docker image just created

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$ draft connect 1. Gives you localhost url to play with your app 2. Streams your application logs in your terminal

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Tell me where the magic happens

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Draft Packs • A way to bootstrap your application for Kubernetes • Includes a Dockerfile • Includes a Helm chart • Based off common best practices • Can customize • Includes a draft.toml file • For metadata and configuration purposes

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Building Your Own Draft Pack

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Pack Repositories • Way to store your own custom packs • Github repo • $ draft pack repo add • Available in latest releast of draft 0.8.0!

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Tips & Tricks • Specify pack to use with --pack flag • Bring your own Dockerfile (BYOD) • Use helm package to get a deployable unit

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Recap • Helm • Kubernetes package manager • Tool for templating Kubernetes manifests • Charts • Packages of Kubernetes resources • Public charts at & • Draft • Tool for developing apps for Kubernetes • Removes container and Kubernetes knowledge overhead for developers

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Developer Tools for Kubernetes Tomorrow @ 10:55am in Karlin I

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Thank You! @technosophos, @michellenoorali