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The story so far…
✦ Contextual integrity theory is Helen Nissenbaum
et al.’s attempt to
gure out when people DO and
DON’T sense a privacy violation.
✦ Also a reaction against US notice-and-consent law, which posits “if
they signed o
on it in any way whatever, it’s not a privacy violation.”
Which is… how shall I put this?… garbage.
✦ Book: Privacy in Context, by Nissenbaum.
✦ It’s a heavy read (though fairly short). Nissenbaum is an ethicist, and
ethicists write the way zambonis clear ice rinks: carefully, thoroughly,
and very very slowly.
✦ It’s also HUGELY in
uential, at least in privacy and ethics scholarship.
(Bit less so in industry, but you’ll see it mentioned.)
✦ It’s more useful than its (sorry!) rather pedantic style might suggest.