As an entry-level developer,
learning vim may
not be the best use of your -me.
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 31
Slide 31 text
(as an senior developer,
it also might not be)
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 32
Slide 32 text
The success of Vim means
we don't understand
exper%se, UX, or workflow
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Remember the task?
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 89
Slide 89 text
Finish some code
run rubocop
create PR
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 90
Slide 90 text
What I actually do
• Open Fork
• examine changes easily
• Edit commit message in fork
• Commit -- rubocop runs automa=cally
• gitprq (or fork) (or click link)
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 91
Slide 91 text
This has
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 92
Slide 92 text
Less prone to mistakes
Less to memorize
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 93
Slide 93 text
Focus on
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 94
Slide 94 text
How to
a tool
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 95
Slide 95 text
Just knowing there's
something to be improved
is a big first step
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 96
Slide 96 text
Things to
look for:
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 97
Slide 97 text
I do these steps
all the 'me
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 98
Slide 98 text
I make this
a lot
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap
Slide 99
Slide 99 text
I wish
I could see...
Noel Rappin | The Developer's Toolkit | RubyConf 2018 | h>ps:/
/ | @noelrap