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Bootstrap an Agile Project with Lean Canvas and Inception Deck Naoto Nishimura @nawoto @Agile Roots 2014 ੢ ଜ ௚ ਓ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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੢ଜ௚ਓ Naoto Nishimura "Agile" Consultant, Coach, Trainer, Programmer with 10+ years of experience. εΫϥϜಓ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Tao of Scrum 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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My Books 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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What leads an Agile Project into a success? Always worried... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Bootstrap 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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A lot of things happen before a project begins 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Awesome Product? Many Stakeholders, Many Opinions 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Wrong Way 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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tight FIXED schedule? Team with little motivation 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Flickr: redjar Things are not in clear view 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Two Practices Lean Canvas Inception Deck ©Jonathan Rasmusson 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Two Practices Lean Canvas Inception Deck ©Jonathan Rasmusson valid goal clear important things 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Why do we use these two practices? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Lean Canvas Inception Deck Lightweight Communication 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Do you know Lean Canvas? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Do you know Lean Canvas? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Do you know Lean Canvas? A Practice to Verify your idea, business model and your product 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Just fill in! •Problem •Customer Segments •Unique Value Proposition •Solution •Channels 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Just fill in! •Revenue Streams •Cost Structure •Key Metrics •Unfair Advantage 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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How do we draw a canvas? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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form your hypothesis Step 1 Who are early adapters? What problems does it solve? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Inspect Step 2 Let's ask your customers directly! 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Step 3 Learn gottcha!! 合点 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Goal Have you established your business plan? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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%SBXXJUI :PVS5FBN 10*/5 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Rationale •easy to find mistakes •get to know your Customer better 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Your Team understands why your product is needed 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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motivation drives performance 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Do we need whole team? Core Members will do 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Lean Canvas helps us to find a valid goal and to understand the product 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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We've found a valid goal. Is it enough to our success? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Umh... A Project is not that easy 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Do you know "Inception Deck"? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Not Movie 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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,,,, ,, Agile Inception Deck is a practice to align what we expect for the project with what we can really do. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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The Agile Samurai presented this practice. the-agile-inception-deck/ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Sprint 0 Sprint Release Sprint When should we do? Agile Inception Deck At the project inception 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Why do we do Inception Deck? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Your Boss Go and buy flowers for our guest. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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OK. I've got it. But... How many & how much? What kind? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Vague expectations of Flickr: redjar ✓Budget ✓Target ✓Implementation ✓Situation 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Vague expectations make Flickr: redjar ✓tasks difficult ✓everybody misunderstands one another 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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In a real project... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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“I want this feature!!” “We've got It!!” 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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“We've got It!!” She understands differently... He just doesn't understand... He is afraid of something... But... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Expectations? Realizable? Product Owner Team Alignment 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Don't go into dense fog. Flickr: redjar 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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We can make it clear! 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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How do we make it clear by Inception Deck? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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11 questions of Inception Deck can clear the way. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Agile Team answers each question. ©KAME 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Agile Team discusses using 11 Q's, and agree. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Bring them all together 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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What is important to the success of an Agile Project? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Value Customer User 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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EElleevvaattoorr ppiittcchh About your customer’s business goal. Goal Business 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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PPrroodduucctt bbooxx About users’ values of the product. Goal Product 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Lean Canvas answers theses questions. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Other questions? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Expectations? Realizable? What How 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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What the project s" " of 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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WWhhyy wwee aarree hheerree?? About the goal of the project and the rationale. Mission 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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NNOOTT lliisstt ((NNoott ttoo DDoo LLiisstt)) About what is in and what is out of scope. Scope 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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YYoouurr pprroojjeecctt ccoommmmuunniittyy Who are stakeholders? Whom does the team work with? Project community 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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TTeecchhnniiccaall ssoolluuttiioonnss About what technologies to build with Architecture 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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WWhhaatt kkeeeeppss uuss uupp aatt nniigghhtt Worst nightmares? Risks 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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HHooww bbiigg iiss tthhiiss?? About rough dates. Schedule 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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TTrraaddee--ooffff sslliiddeerrss About trade-offs and how we discuss with stakeholders. QCD Scope Give something up. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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TThhee AA--TTeeaamm About necessary skills, roles and who decides. Manning 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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TThhee ffiirrsstt rreelleeaassee About when you are done and how much it costs. The most important 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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The Point is We know we all agree: what it's going to take and how much it's going to cost. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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,, ,,,, The assumption of consensus where none exists is what kills most projects. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Just a piece of cake? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Step by step 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Preparation Someone can work out a tentative plan. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Communication Share and discuss your fears and vague expectations with others. in 90min ΨϠΨϠ 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Tough questions are important 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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If you can’t ask tough questions... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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It was too late to discuss such important things in the middle of the project... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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The Point is A good facilitator would help! 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Agreement 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Can we keep promises? 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Transparency On the wall!! 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Inception Deck is a lightweight workshop to help people aligned. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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clear Important things before starting the project 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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What leads an Agile Project into a success? Always worried... 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Bootstrap 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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by these two practices Lean Canvas Inception Deck 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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What leads an Agile Project into success? Always worry... Agile Team however only by a good 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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A Good Agile Team does not exist before starting the project. 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Agile Team will get better gradually by iterative learning 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Agile Team should learn various things before starting the project by iterative learning 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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Let's build a good Agile Team! 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔

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May the Force be with you 14೥7݄15೔Ր༵೔