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Why tests? @RittmeyerW

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Why automated tests? @RittmeyerW

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Why tests? ● Less manual testing ● Safety net when refactoring and maintaining ● Helps flesh out structure ● Helps create a clean API ● Can be the spec of the code @RittmeyerW

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Why tests? ● Less manual testing ● Safety net when refactoring ● Helps flesh out structure ● Helps create a clean API ● Can be the spec of the code @RittmeyerW

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To me, legacy code is simply code without tests. @RittmeyerW Michael C. Feathers, Working Effectively With Legacy Code

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Which tests? @RittmeyerW

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Which tests? @RittmeyerW

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Which tests? @RittmeyerW

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Good unit tests, part I ● Automated and repeatable ● Easy to implement ● Runs quickly ● Consistent in results ● Fully isolated @RittmeyerW

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Good unit tests, part II ● Can I run all the unit tests I’ve written in no more than a few minutes? ● Can I run all the unit tests I’ve written at the push of a button? ● Can I write a basic test in no more than a few minutes @RittmeyerW Roy Osherove: The Art of Unit Testing

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Why KotlinTest? @RittmeyerW

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Why KotlinTest? ● Two reasons: – It‘s help you write nicely structured tests – It‘s helps you write clean assertions @RittmeyerW

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Specification in Detail @RittmeyerW

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Specification in detail ● Multiple styles – StringSpec – ShouldSpec – BDD-Spec – Feature-Spec – And more... @RittmeyerW

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Assertions @RittmeyerW

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Matchers ● Two styles – Infix ● someString should startWith(„prefix“) – Extension functions ● someString.shouldStartWith(„prefix“) ● Negation ● someString shouldNot startWith(„prefix“) @RittmeyerW

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Matchers - General @RittmeyerW shouldBe() shouldBeTypeOf() shouldBeInstanceOf() shouldBeNull() shouldBeSameInstanceAs() shouldBeOneOf() shouldHaveSameHashCodeAs()

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Matchers – and more ● Collections ● Strings ● Integers / floating point numbers ● URIs ● Date values ● and more @RittmeyerW

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Matchers – Collection Inspectors forAll() forNone() forOne() forAtMostOne() forAtMost(n) ... @RittmeyerW

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Test one thing only! ● Helps to name the test properly ● Helps to find the root cause of failures faster ● Indicator of testing multiple things: – Too many asserts per test @RittmeyerW

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You should run additional concern checks in separate, self-contained unit tests so that you can see what really fails. @RittmeyerW Roy Osherove, The Art of Unit Testing

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Multivalue tests @RittmeyerW

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Property based testing ● Populates properties with random values ● Uses reasonable edge cases ● You can create custom generators @RittmeyerW

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Table-driven testing ● You have parameters and expected results ● Useful for on device calculations @RittmeyerW

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Problems @RittmeyerW

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Problems ● No instrumentation tests with KotlinTest ● Not always properly displayed in IDE ● IDE support is missing – Especially jump to source ● Plugin available, but still buggy @RittmeyerW

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What else? @RittmeyerW

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What else? ● mockk – Mocking lib ● Koin – Dependency injection @RittmeyerW

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mockk ● Mocking library with Kotlin in mind ● Easier to use than Mockito @RittmeyerW

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UI Tests @RittmeyerW

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UI Tests ● Robot pattern or ● Kakao with screens / page objects @RittmeyerW

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UI Tests ● Robot pattern or ● Kakao with screens / page objects ● But @RittmeyerW

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UI Tests ● Not needed for all kind of integration tests ● Some can be done with unit tests ● For example Retrofit integration ● But separate those since they last longer! @RittmeyerW

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Robot pattern ● Made popular by Jake Wharton ● Variation of page object pattern ● Uses DSLish constructs @RittmeyerW

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My TDD(ish) workflow @RittmeyerW

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My TDD(ish) workflow ● Let‘s consider starting with a login screen @RittmeyerW

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Starting with the presenter ● I happen to start with the presenter ● Needed – Presenter / ViewModel (Object under test) – View – Navigator – Interactor for non-view related app logic @RittmeyerW

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Starting with the presenter ● Assertion done via – View – Navigator ● Normally not via interactor @RittmeyerW

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Interactor ● Assertions might be done differently to those of the presenter ● Either result (sealed objects) or ● Interaction with mocked objects is tested @RittmeyerW

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General guideline ● Try to test interactions as little as possible ● Try to concentrate on results instead ● Alas, it‘s not always possible @RittmeyerW

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And what about the view? ● Initially plenty of TODO(whatever) calls ● Implementing them is usually trivial ● Sometimes requires adjustments to presenter @RittmeyerW

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And what about the view? ● Not part of unit test ● Espresso tests with robot pattern – To test navigation – Interaction on one screen ● e.g. visibility modifications – Based on mocks @RittmeyerW

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And what about the view? ● Used sparingly ● Consider splitting up in two sets: – One for dev testing ● Failures do trigger notifications of team – One for pre-prod testing that is kind of supervised automatic testing ● Failures do not trigger notifications of team @RittmeyerW

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Why only TDDish? @RittmeyerW

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Why only TDDish? ● It does not help flesh out architecture @RittmeyerW

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There are two ways to make changes to a system: 1. Edit and Pray 2. Cover and Modify @RittmeyerW

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