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New Zealand GREEN Grid household
electricity demand study 2014 - 2018
Ben Anderson (@dataknut), Michael Jack & David Eyers
These and other questions can now be answered thanks to the
release of anonymised electricity power demand data from a sample
of around 45 New Zealand households.
Figure 4: Seasonal Lighting profiles (mean kW per minute)
Figure 3: Seasonal Heat Pump profiles (mean kW per minute)
While a few similar datasets have been released in other countries this is a first for New Zealand. Experience in the UK and globally is that releasing
datasets leads to unanticipated uses and innovative research with positive benefits. With New Zealand’s rate of smart meter installation leading the
way internationally, we need data like this to help train a next generation of analysts and to provoke all stakeholders to come up with secure and
equitable ways to create a data-driven smart low-carbon electricity system.
The households were
recruited in 2014 as part of
the Renewable Energy and
the Smart Grid (NZ GREEN
Grid) project, a collaboration
between the Universities of
Otago and Canterbury.
The sample was divided
equally between Hawkes
Bay and New Plymouth
(Figure 1).
Figure 4 on the other hand shows the effect of lighting in each
season and suggests that the introduction of LEDs may go some
way to offsetting winter peak demand.
We have used the data to investigate the potential effects of
widespread increases in heat pump, photovoltaic panel (PV) and
electric vehicle (EV) charging on electricity networks and also the
economic viability of rooftop PV for householders. This work has
concluded that flexibility measures which shift the timing of demand
could play an important role in avoiding expensive upgrades to the
electricity network as well as enabling greater use of variable
renewable low-carbon generation. Energy storage such as stand-
alone batteries, smart hot water cylinders, and also vehicle-to-grid
scenarios with EVs could play a significant role in this. These papers
can be found at the link given below.
Ongoing research includes an assessment of the technical
(maximum) potential for demand response in New Zealand
Households and modelling of the value of LED light bulbs in
reducing demand.
We have now released the data collected from 2014 to 2018 so that
students, academics, commercial analysts, government
researchers (or anyone else) can use the data to explore
questions that the GREEN Grid project does not have the
resources to cover.
"How much electricity do heat pumps really use in New Zealand households?
When is hot water heated and are the lights kept on all day in winter?”
Figure 1: Sample size over time
Figure 2: Sample data quality
Each household was
equipped with devices
that measure the power
carried by each electricity
circuit every minute. By
monitoring each circuit,
the power used for
heating hot water can be
analysed separately to
that for cooking, for space
heating or for other uses.
As an example, Figure 3 shows the especially high daily peaks in
heat pump demand in winter. In New Zealand electricity peaks are
currently met by hydro generation, but increased heat pump use
may require more fossil-fuel based generation making achieving net
zero carbon emissions much more difficult.
Get the data:
Get the (R) package:
Data documentation and list of papers to date:
GREEN Grid Overview: