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  1 / 48 Connected Services Services Convergence & Digital Ecosystems Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA

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Outline Services Convergence Impacts of Services Convergence Digital Ecosystem Examples of Digital Ecosystem 2 / 48

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  Digital Ecosystem 3 / 48

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4 / 48 Elements of the Simpli ed CS Model Simple CS Model User - Device - System

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5 / 48 Abstract Device Model

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6 / 48 Abstract Device Model Device Hardware

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7 / 48 Device Hardware OEMs (HW Vendors) Accessories Manufacturers

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8 / 48 Abstract Device Model Device Platform & Operating System

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9 / 48 Device Platform & Operating System Platform / OS Vendors

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10 / 48 Abstract Device Model Device Application Framework

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11 / 48 Device Application Framework Framework Owners

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12 / 48 Abstract Device Model Device Application

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13 / 48 Device Application Market Owners Developers

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14 / 48 Digital Ecosystems Abstract Device Model 1. OEMs (HW Vendors) 2. Accessories Manufacturers 3. Platform/OS Vendors 4. Framework Owners 5. Market Owners 6. Developers

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15 / 48 Other Elements in the CS Model CS Model User Operator Advertiser Other Partner

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16 / 48 Digital Ecosystems Connected Services Model 1. Users 2. OEMs (HW Vendors) 3. Accessories Manufacturers 4. Platform/OS Vendors 5. Framework Owners 6. Market Owners 7. Developers 8. Operators 9. Advertisers 10. Other Partners

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17 / 48 Mobile is Huge! Considering the Numbers ...

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Devices 18 / 48

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Devices 19 / 48

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Devices 20 / 48

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Apps 21 / 48

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  Examples of Digital Ecosystem 22 / 48

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Introducing GAFA 23 / 48

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 Case Apple 27 / 48

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28 / 48 Apple O cial Products  1. Apple Watch, iPad, iPhone & iOS 2. Mac 3. Software 4. Apple Music, Apple TV, iPod & iTunes 5. iCloud & Apple Pay 6. Retail Stores

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Apple Revenue 2004-2015 (Statista) 29 / 48

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Apple Revenue 2011-2013 (Dan Frommer, Splatf) 30 / 48

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SW/Services vs. iPhone 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Services 7.9 9.0 9.4 9.9 8.6 iPhone 42 47 56 54 63 31 / 48

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] SW + Services (inc. Media/Content) 32 / 48 2012: USD 8.5 B, larger than The New York Times + Warner-Bross + Time Inc + Simon & Schuster  2012: Apple CFO, Peter Oppenheimer - We run the AppStore just a little over breakeven 2016: ... the public had spent USD 1.1 B at the App Store in a two-week period covering Christmas and New Year's (Ref: Appleinsider)  2016: Jan. 1 was reportedly the biggest single day in the App Store's history, with over USD 144 M in tra c

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33 / 48 Apple Ecosystem Strategy GP Morgan via Appleinsider  While the App Store is a relatively minor source of income for Apple, strong app sales are essential to the company's health. It depends on apps as a reason for people to buy iOS devices. People who buy iOS apps are also more likely to be "locked" into the Apple ecosystem, since they would suddenly lose that content after switching to Android or Windows.

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 Apple Ecosystem Design HW/Device Business 34 / 48

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39 / 48 Apple Ecosystem User, Operator, Partner, Accessory Manufacturer (AM) cf. VisionMobile

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40 / 48 Apple Ecosystem User Value Capture - Main Business Apple to User : Premium Product Experience User to Apple : Premium Money

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41 / 48 Apple Ecosystem Operator Relationship Apple to Operator : Users + Data Plans Operator to Apple : Subsidies Telcos reduce friction for the iPhone business (VisionMobile)

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42 / 48 Apple Ecosystem Accessory Manufacturer Relationship Apple to AM : Access to Market AM to Apple : Complements, Revenue Share

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43 / 48 Apple Ecosystem Partner Relationship Apple to Partner : Contributes AppStore to O er Dollars and User Engagement Partner to Apple : Content, Apps, Services Developers, SW Publishers, Content Retailers, Content Owners, Internet Players, Brands

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44 / 48 Ecosystem Business Models The Formula 1. Rede ne Market (Explore/Extend) 2. Identify Complements 3. Boost Demand for Complements (but Ensure Supply) 4. Bundle Product (to Satisfy Demands)

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Apple Ecosystem Recipe Recipe  Market Rede nition Communicate, Play, Work & Relax on the Go (Computing on the Go) Complements Apps & Content Boost Demand Ease User E ort to Discover & Obtain Apps Bundle with Demand Apple Devices 45 / 48

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  Refs 46 / 48

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References 1. FABERNOVEL, GAFAnomics, October 2014 2. VisionMobile - Business Models of Mobile Ecosystems 3. Appleinsider - App Store reached estimated $6.4 billion ... 4. Apple iPhone Revenue by Quarter 2007-2016 | Statistic 5. ITU - ICT Facts and Figures 2015 47 / 48

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  48 / 48 END Dr.-Ing. Eueung Mulyana ET-3010 | Attribution-ShareAlike CC BY-SA