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Android & WP7 Developer @Digicorp Wordpress blogger Head, Google Developers Group Ahmedabad @pareshmayani Who am I?

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Common sense • Secure password • Keep Wordpress & plugins up-to-date • Delete unused files • Use a reputable web host • Clean your site/blog like you clean your house

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Update, update & updates !!

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Delete unused files • Delete unused themes • Delete unused plugins

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Some security Steps 1. Regular backups are best friend 2. Change table prefix 3. Proper file & folder permissions 4. Use secret keys 5. Protect your wp-config.php file 6. Protect your .htaccess file 7. Remove the admin account 8. Do not advertise your WordPress version to the world 9. Limit the number of login attempts 10. Prevent users from browsing your Wordpress directories 11. Use security plugins

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1. Regular backups are best friend • Take backups • plug-ins available – BackUpWordPress ackupwordpres/ – BackWPup ackwpup/

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2. Change Table Prefix • Default table prefix is wp_ • Change the table prefix (wp_) to some random value.

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2. Change Table Prefix Steps: 1. Open wp-config.php and change $table_prefix = 'wp_wordcamp'; 2. Change all database table name with this prefix (through phpmyadmin)

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3. Proper Files & Folder permissions • Give users a minimal required access • Set file permissions at 644 & folders at 755 4 read 2 write 1 execute For example: • 755 (rwxr-xr-x) • 644 (rw-r–r–)

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4. Use secure keys • To increase the security of passwords stored in your WordPress database, you should ensure that your wp- config.php file has unique values. • Step: Generate unique keys through

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5. Protect your wp-config.php file Steps: 1. Open .htaccess file 2. Include below code: order allow,deny deny from all

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6. Protect your .htaccess file Steps: 1. Open .htaccess file 2. Include below code: order allow,deny deny from all

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7. Remove the admin account • The default account created for you in wordpress is admin • Steps: 1. Create a new user with Administrator permissions 2. Log out and then log back into wordpress with the new user you created 3. Delete the admin user account 4. When it asks you want to do with posts attributed to admin, select the user you created

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8. Delete Wordpress version • WordPress sites always publish the version number thus making it easier for people to determine if you are running an outdated non-patched version of WordPress. Step: Include this line into functions.php: remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');

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9. Limit the number of login attempts • Limit Login Attempts – mit-login-attempts/ • Login LockDown – gin-lockdown/

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10. Prevent users from browsing Steps: 1. Open .htaccess file 2. Include Options -Indexes

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11. Use Security plug-ins • Better WP Security – • BulletProof Security –

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