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Shot 1 Panel 1 Dialog *Radio static* PATROL OFFICER [...] : Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 1/113

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Shot 2 Panel 1 Action Notes Suspects exits car and heads toward front of the house- camera follows suspect in Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 2/113

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Shot 3 Panel 1 Action Notes Suspects force entry and break through the front door Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 3/113

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Shot 3 Panel 2 Dialog *Radio Static* PATROL OFFICER [...] : Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 4/113

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Shot 4 Panel 1 Dialog Patrol Officer: I’ve got rear contained, putting up the drone. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 5/113

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Shot 5 Panel 1 Action Notes Suspect 1 peers out the window and heads back into the back room disappears into darkness… Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 6/113

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Shot 6 Panel 1 Dialog Swat Commander: Control, SWAT 1 is 5 out [...] . Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 7/113

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Dissolve Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 8/113

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Shot Black Panel 1 Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 9/113

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Dissolve Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 10/113

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Shot 7 Panel 1 Action Notes Fade up from black - Bearcat arrives Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 11/113

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Shot 8 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER VO: Control, SWAT has arrived to take primary, we will be the cp. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 12/113

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Shot 9 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT exits Bearcat from the back of vehicle Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 13/113

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Shot 10 Panel 1 Dialog Swat Commander Cont: This is CP, containment is established. We need eyes up now. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 14/113

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Shot 11 Panel 1 Dialog Swat Commander Cont: This is CP, containment is established. We need eyes up now. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 15/113

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Shot 12 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT pilot takes open Lemur 2 case Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 16/113

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Shot 13 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT pilot takes out Lemur drone from case Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 17/113

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Shot 14 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT drone Op attaches Glass Breaker Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 18/113

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Shot 15 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT OP with controller prepares to launch drone Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 19/113

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Shot 16 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT PILOT CP, this is SWAT LEMUR, preparing to deploy. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 20/113

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Shot 17 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER: CP copies, you are clear to deploy Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 21/113

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Shot 18 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT Drone Rises up, SWAT Pilot in the Background Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 22/113

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Shot 19 Panel 1 Action Notes Aerial shot - Lemur Swat hovers in place over yard Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 23/113

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Shot 20 Panel 1 Action Notes CU on controller - OTS of Pilot - Pilot Adjust gimbal tilt with keys while changing from themal and visual *Shot need POV of drone to vfx insert Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 24/113

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Shot 21 Panel 1 Action Notes POV Drone Plate adjusting gimbal - facing house Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 25/113

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Shot 22 Panel 1 Action Notes OTS of Lemur 2 SWAT observing yard [...] Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 26/113

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Shot 23 Panel 1 Action Notes Lemur SWAT POV reaches the roof, we see a cat scatter off the roof. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 27/113

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Shot 23 Panel 2 Dialog SWAT Pilot: 1 side is clear, moving to the 4 side Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 28/113

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Shot 23 Panel 3 Action Notes CU ON CONTROLLER: Pilot pinches to zoom on a window. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 29/113

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Shot 23 Panel 4 Dialog PILOT Yard is clear. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 30/113

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Shot 24 Panel 1 Action Notes Patrol Lemur rises into frame above the backside of the house, looking towards LEMUR SWAT. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 31/113

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Shot 25 Panel 1 Action Notes VFX: Camera pulls into a birds-eye view of the entire scene. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 32/113

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Shot 26 Panel 1 Action Notes Lines draw between DRONE Police, Lemur SWAT, the Remote Controller Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 33/113

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Shot 27 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT Commander: CP copies, PATROL LEMUR hold on the 2 side [...] . Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 34/113

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Shot 28 Panel 1 Action Notes Smaller, dotted lines draw to individual SWAT members, moving with them as they enter the courtyard. Establishes Mesh Network. While this is happening, DRONE 1 resumes its movement along the house until it is in front of a window. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 35/113

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Shot 29 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT PILOT: SWAT LEMUR copie [...] s Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 36/113

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Shot 30 Panel 1 Action Notes VFX: Camera drops back into a position beside Lemur SWAT. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 37/113

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Shot 31 Panel 1 Action Notes Finish Snap Zoom Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 38/113

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Shot 32 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER CP copies, make an announcement then we’re good to breach Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 39/113

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Shot 33 Panel 1 Action Notes Camera follows the DRONE SWAT around to a window Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 40/113

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Shot 34 Panel 1 Dialog CNT (V.O.) This is the SWAT team, please exit with your hands up and listen to the team’s command [...] s Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 41/113

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Shot 35 Panel 1 Dialog CNT (V.O.) *Same again*. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 42/113

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Shot 36 Panel 1 Action Notes OTS of DRONE SWAT facing window , camera pans across to CU of drone glass breaker - Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 43/113

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Shot 36 Panel 2 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER Breach. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 44/113

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Shot 37 Panel 1 Action Notes SLO-MO: DRONE SWAT SMASHES THROUGH THE WINDOW as shards fly out/towards camera Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 45/113

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Shot 38 Panel 1 Action Notes EYE level- 2 Suspects react to the sound of glass breaking. One is holding a Gun! Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 46/113

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Shot 39 Panel 1 Action Notes DRONE SWAT plundges into darkenes Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 47/113

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Shot 40 Panel 1 Dialog PILOT We’re inside. Lights off. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 48/113

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Shot 41 Panel 1 Action Notes VFX PLATE: POV DRONE SWAT flying inside Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 49/113

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Shot 42 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT Pilot: Switching to night vision Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 50/113

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Shot 43 Panel 1 Action Notes Drone POV moving through the hallway, scene goes from dark to Night Vision Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 51/113

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Shot 43 Panel 2 Action Notes Drone POV moving through the hallway, scene goes from dark to Night Vision Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 52/113

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Shot 44 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER: CP copies, shoot us a map as you clear please Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 53/113

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Shot 45 Panel 1 Action Notes OTS Drone SWAT continuing to move through the hallway emitting LASERS to 3D-MAP the interior. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 54/113

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Shot 46 Panel 1 Action Notes Drone continues moving through the hallway and round the corner Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 55/113

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Shot 47 Panel 1 Action Notes VFX: As it moves into a new room, we ZOOM OUT to a top-down 3D graphic of the house interior, inside and out. MAPS SURROUNDINGS FOR OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE. As DRONE 1 flies, it overlays the floorplan in white. GENERATES REAL-TIME [...] FLOO Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 56/113

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Shot 47 Panel 2 Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 57/113

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Shot 47 Panel 3 Action Notes GENERATES REAL-TIME FLOOR PLANS Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 58/113

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Shot 48 Panel 1 Action Notes CU on monitor - we pull back into the same graphic that’s at the command center behind the bearcat revealing commander viewing the map - Streams to Brinc Command Center Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 59/113

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Shot 49 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER: Patrol LEMUR, CP, make entry at the 3-4 corner, we’ll have you perch on the long hallway. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 60/113

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Shot 50 Panel 1 Dialog Patrol Pilot Copy, making entry. Where do you want me? Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 61/113

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Shot 51 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT Pilot Perch on the dining table facing the 2-side hallway. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 62/113

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Shot 52 Panel 1 Action Notes Lemur SWAT continues on down the hallway scans rooms, halls, rounds corner entering the kitchen area and avoids hanging pans. OBSTACLE AVOIDANCE. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 63/113

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Shot 53 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT PILOT In the hallway on the 2-side. Open door right, am I clear to enter? Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 64/113

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Shot 54 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER CP copies. Clear for entry. CNT is standing by for 2-way comms. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 65/113

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Shot 54 Panel 2 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER CP copies. Clear for entry. CNT is standing by for 2-way comms. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 66/113

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Shot 55 Panel 1 Action Notes OTS Lemur SWAT POSITION HOLD for SIDE BY SIDE (Split) Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 67/113

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Shot 56 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT PILOT cracks knuckles (Nervously) Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 68/113

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Shot 56 Panel 2 Action Notes Pilot encourages the Drone forward– DYNAMIC AWARENESS PUTS CONTROL IN PILOT’S HANDS Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 69/113

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Shot 56 Panel 3 Action Notes End side by side DYNAMIC AWARENESS PUTS CONTROL IN PILOT’S HAND [...] S Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 70/113

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Shot 57 Panel 1 Action Notes Back to Lemur Swat in front of Door Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 71/113

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Shot 58 Panel 1 Action Notes It Pushes open THE DOOR Open… Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 72/113

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Shot 59 Panel 1 Action Notes (Thermal POV) LEMUR SWAT POV: drone moves into room toward the glowing warm body of Suspect 1... Suspect has a gun Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 73/113

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Shot 60 Panel 1 Action Notes Then from the side-- Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 74/113

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Shot 60 Panel 2 Action Notes Suspect 2 HITS it down with a bat! Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 75/113

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Shot 61 Panel 1 Action Notes Pilot OTS con controller - we watch the drone get hit down and go black on the screen Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 76/113

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Shot 62 Panel 1 Action Notes Cut back to Suspect 2 picking up the drone and thowing out the window Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 77/113

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Shot 63 Panel 1 Action Notes Outside window, high angle looking down, we see the drone being thrown out the window Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 78/113

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Shot 64 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT PILOT (calm) I have contact 2-side. Suspect 1 male, white T-shirt, firearm in his right hand. SWAT LEMUR is down. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 79/113

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Shot 65 Panel 1 Action Notes OVERLOOKING SWAT COMMANDER viewing his TV: SWAT commander pointing at the TV where they are on the map. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 80/113

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Shot 66 Panel 1 Dialog SWAT PILOT (calm) SWAT LEMUR still functional. I’ll re-enter. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 81/113

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Shot 67 Panel 1 Action Notes Swat Pilot touches TURTLE MODE on controller Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 82/113

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Shot 68 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT LEMUR flips over and rights itself. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 83/113

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Shot 68 Panel 2 Dialog SWAT COMMANDER (VO): CP copies. CNT standby. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 84/113

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Shot 69 Panel 1 Action Notes WINDOW FRAME: Drone SWAT approaches Suspects who raise their weapons. As the suspects back up in awe, the drone pops in the window frame [...] a Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 85/113

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Shot 70 Panel 1 Dialog SUSPECT 1: What the… Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 86/113

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Shot 71 Panel 1 Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 87/113

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Shot 72 Panel 1 Action Notes CU on Phone to see contact: Lemur Swat hits dial Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 88/113

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Shot 73 Panel 1 Action Notes CNT raises phone up to ear Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 89/113

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Shot 74 Panel 1 Action Notes WINDOW FRAME: Lemur Swat drops roughly onto the counter. Props disengage. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 90/113

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Shot 75 Panel 1 Dialog NEGOTIATOR Elaine (V.O.): (through drone SPEAKER [...] ) Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 91/113

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Shot 76 Panel 1 Dialog ELAINE: (into phone [...] ) Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 92/113

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Shot 77 Panel 1 Dialog SUSPECT 2: Keep that thing away from us. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 93/113

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Shot 78 Panel 1 Dialog ELAINE The drone can’t hurt you, it’s just a flying phone so we can talk. I am ready to receive you if you walk out the front door unarmed. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 94/113

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Shot 79 Panel 1 Dialog [BEAT] ELAINE [...] : Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 95/113

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Shot 80 Panel 1 Dialog SUSPECT 1 Ttttony...You better not send them in. We’ll shoot. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 96/113

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Shot 81 Panel 1 Dialog ELAINE Okay, Tony. Sounds like things got outta hand... Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 97/113

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Shot 82 Panel 1 Dialog ELAINE V.O (cont'd): ...but we’ll figure it out so nobody gets hurt, alright? Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 98/113

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Shot 83 Panel 1 Action Notes ZOOM OUT Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 99/113

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Shot 83 Panel 2 Action Notes ZOOM OUT Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 100/113

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Shot 83 Panel 3 Action Notes Over head shot of suspects with Lemur swat - [...] Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 101/113

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Shot 84 Panel 1 Action Notes Med Shot of Patrol Pilot with remote Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 102/113

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Shot 85 Panel 1 Dialog Narrator: This is the BRINC LEMUR 2. Built to go in first and establish communication. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 103/113

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Shot 86 Panel 1 Action Notes SWAT officers going through the house/clearing the rooms. 1-2 shots Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 104/113

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Shot 86 Panel 2 Action Notes SWAT officers going through the house/clearing the rooms. 1-2 shots Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 105/113

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Shot 87 Panel 1 Action Notes Suspects approach the door with their hands out, ready to be put away. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 106/113

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Shot 88 Panel 1 Action Notes Aerial shot cont as Suspects come out of home, we see Lemur SWAT Crossing the frame Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 107/113

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Shot 89 Panel 1 Dialog Narrator: Helping everyone get home safely. Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 108/113

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Shot 90 Panel 1 Action Notes Rack focus pan from suspects being cuffed to Pilot with controller Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 109/113

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Shot 90 Panel 2 Action Notes Rack focus pan from suspects being cuffed to Pilot with controller Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 110/113

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Shot 91 Panel 1 Action Notes Pilot set down as Drone Swat comes in for the landing Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 111/113

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Shot 91 Panel 2 Dialog Narrator: Welcome to the future of public safety Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 112/113

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Shot 92 Panel 1 Creative Director: Caesar Augustus | Storyboard Artist: Joe Erickson Page 113/113