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MARKETS, MECHANISMS, MACHINES University of Virginia, Spring 2019 Class 16: Auctions with Integrity 7 March 2019 cs4501/econ4559 Spring 2019 David Evans and Denis Nekipelov

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In-Class Auction Item for bid: +$1000 for your team’s budget for Project 4 Your bid is !", virtual dollars from the Project 4 budget Auction mechanism: winner: highest bid, pays !($), gets $1000 “loser”: second highest bid, pays !(&), gets nothing 1 Auction ends when last late student enters classroom (or at 9:59am). Bid by sending a slack message to #inclass: (team, bid) – to be valid, must increase previous bid by at least $1

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2 Auction Result: Team 3: - $201 Team 7: + $3 Dave: + $198

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On-line Ad Auction Integrity How can we trust the auctioneer (Google, Facebook)? Verifiable Auctions Click Fraud 4

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Second Weighted-Price Auction Bidder Score Score-Weighted Bid Price !" #" !" #" !$ #$ /#" !$ #$ !$ #$ !& #& /#$ !& #& !& #& !' #' /#& … … … … 5 If auctioneer is unethical, short-term revenue maximizing, what should auctioneer charge winner?

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Verifiable Generalized Second-Price Auction Bidder Price !" !# !# !$ !$ !% … … 6 Goal: Prove to winner bidder that !# is the correct price. Keep all bids other than the winners private.

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Verifiable Auction 7 Image from: Sebastian Angel and Michael Walfish, Verifiable Auctions for Online Ad Exchanges, SIGCOMM 2013. Seller: Winning Bidder: Auction outcome: ("#$$#$% ''(), +)#,()

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Cryptographic Hash Function A cryptographic hash function, !(#), must satisfy these two properties: one-way (preimage resistance): given ℎ = !(#) it is hard to find preimage #. strong collision-resistance: hard to find any pair # and ' where !(#) = !('). 8

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Cryptographic Hash Function A cryptographic hash function, !(#), must satisfy these two properties: one-way (preimage resistance): given ℎ = !(#) it is hard to find preimage #. strong collision-resistance: hard to find any pair # and ' where !(#) = !('). 9 Ideal: “Random Oracle” Instantiation: SHA-256

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Implementing a Hash Function 10 IV K Å !1 #$ Å ! 2 # 2 ... K Å !& '(!) = #+ Cipher Block Chaining Encrypt Encrypt Encrypt

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SHA-2 11,sha256core SHA-256 256-bit output 64 rounds (best known attacks break preimage resistance for 52 rounds)

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Hash Chain 12 Hash ! Hash Hash Hash "# = %#(!) "( ") "* … Assuming inverting is hard, what can you prove using "# ?

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Charge 13 “The best minds of my generation are thinking about how to make people click ads. That sucks.” Jeff Hammerbacher (Facebook → Cloudera → Mount Sinai Medicine)