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Slides: Apple TV Developer Kit @BradBroulik | Code:

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2 Getting Started 1) Architecture 2) Technology stack 3) Creating TV apps

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3 TVMLKit App Architecture Apple TV TVMLKit App JavaScript TVML Data Server

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4 Native App Architecture Apple TV Native tvOS App NOTE: You may build tvOS apps with native-only technologies and frameworks like Xcode, Swift, UIKit, Storyboards, AutoLayout, etc.

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5 TVMLKit Technology Stack 10% 30% 60% TVML JavaScript Swift

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6 1) Xcode 7.1 (or later) 2) Apple TV Developer Kit with tvOS 9.0 or later Requirements

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7 TIP: If your local server does not support SSL you must add a new App Transport Security Setting to Xcode’s info.plist to allow non-SSL connections. SSL is the default in iOS/tvOS 9.0 or later. AppDelegate Gist Let’s Create an App I. Getting started instructions a. Create tvOS app in Xcode b. Create server-side JavaScript application c. Run the app

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8 Swift Apple TV AppDelegate.swift TVMLKit App JavaScript TVML Data Server The app life cycle begins with the app delegate. Here you setup the TVApplicationController and pass control to the main JavaScript file.

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9 TVJS application.js ResourceLoader.js Presenter.js Apple TV TVMLKit App JavaScript The entry point for the application and handles the loading of the required JavaScript files. The App.onLaunch callback is invoked on app startup. Handles select events and presents documents on the UI. Handles the loading of resources from the network.

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10 TVML NOTE: TVML templates may be generated via JavaScript or a server-side driven template engine. Apple TV TVMLKit App JavaScript movies.tvml actors.tvml TVML Data Server

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11 TVML catalogTemplage Banner List items List item content

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12 Movie Finder

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13 Apple TV Resources Apple’s tvOS documentation Apple’s TVML Catalog App Apple’s TVMLKit developer forums Apple’s tvOS SDK developer forums

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Thank You! @BradBroulik | Code: Slides: