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Future Proof Frontend Coding De-couple Your Dependencies

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Bilal Çınarlı Frontend Architect Software Engineer @Adidas @bcinarli

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Frontend Development

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Some think, it is an art Some think, it is the biggest pain

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However, everybody agrees on the constant change in our landscapes

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Keys to keep up with the change; Organization, Standardisation, De-coupling

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Define your folder structure based on their functionalities

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Think of everything is sort-of a pluggable component. In most cases, when you remove the folder, you should expect no traces left.

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// DON’T . ├── controllers | ├── cart.js | └── checkout.js ├── models | ├── cart.js | └── checkout.js └── views ├── cart.pug └── checkout.pug // DO . ├── cart | ├── index.js | └── template.pug └── checkout ├── index.js └── template.pug

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…and tests are a part of your components.

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// add test specs . ├── cart | ├── index.js | ├── test.spec.js | └── template.pug └── checkout ├── index.js ├── test.spec.js └── template.pug

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Separate config and scripts away from your components.

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. ├── config | ├── index.js | └── server.js ├── scripts | ├── | └── ├── test | ├── index.js | └── setup.spec.js ├── cart | ├── index.js | ├── test.spec.js | └── template.pug └── checkout ├── index.js ├── test.spec.js └── template.pug

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Standards help to keep your code in order.

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Test different coding standards, pick the best according to your needs.

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Use linters to have a shared, automatically controlled coding style across the project.

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Use babel to get the benefits of modern coding

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[1, 2, 3].map(n => n ** 2); [1, 2, 3].map(function (n) { return Math.pow(n, 2); });

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Clean Coding reduces your technical debt

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Cost of Chance (CoC) Time Actual CoC Responsiveness to Change Optimal Responsiveness Optimal CoC Responsiveness Technical

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Follow a naming convention, be concise, stay DRY, and constantly refactor your code

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JavaScript projects have and average of 650 to 1000 dependent modules

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In each method you add to your app, keep in your mind if it is reusable?

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Pipe method is a way to have an abstraction with different operations in a function

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const toSlug = input => { let str = input.toLowerCase(); str = str.split(' ').join('-'); str = encodeURIComponent(str); return str; };

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const toSlug = input => encodeURIComponent( join('-')( map(toLowerCase)( split(' ')( input ) ) ) ); toSlug('Hello World’); // hello-world

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const pipe = (...fns) => x => fns.reduce((v, f) => f(v), x); const toSlug = pipe( split(' '), map(toLowerCase), join('-'), encodeURIComponent ); toSlug('Hello World’); // hello-world

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const toSlug = pipe( trace(input), split(' '), map(toLowerCase), trace('Mapped String'), join('-'), trace('Joined String'), encodeURIComponent );

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Rule of thumb: Separate your code from your dependent codes.

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Create wrappers for third-party codes that you are going to use

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const {logs: showLogs} = require('./config'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const log = (...args) => { if(showLogs === 'none') { return; } console.log(...args); }; const info = (...message) => { log('info'), ...message); }; const success = (...message) => { log('','success'), ...message); }; const error = (...message) => { log('error'), ...message); }; const warn = (...message) => { log(chalk.yellow('notice'), ...message); }; module.exports = { log, info, success, error, warn };

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const depend = require('depended-module'); const getResource = url => { // your logic // depended code let fetched = depend.get(url, options); // some more logic return data; }; const putData = (url, data) => { // your logic // depended code let fetched = depend.put(url, dataToStore); // some more logic return result; }; module.exports = { getResource, putData };

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Proxy can be used for between your code and your dependency code for having a standardised set of methods.

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Proxies are middleware for JavaScript objects

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const wrap = obj => { return new Proxy(obj, { get(target, propKey) { console.log(`Reading property "${propKey}"`); return target[propKey]; } }); }; const object = {message: 'hello world'}; const wrapped = wrap(object); console.log(wrapped.message); // Reading property "message" // hello world

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const {METHODS} = require('http'); const api = new Proxy({}, { get(target, propKey) { const method = METHODS.find(method => propKey.startsWith(method.toLowerCase())); if (!method) { return; } const path = '/' + propKey .substring(method.length) .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1/$2') .replace(/\$/g, '/$/') .toLowerCase(); return (...args) => { const finalPath = path.replace(/\$/g, () => args.shift()); const queryOrBody = args.shift() || {}; // You could use fetch here // return fetch(finalPath, { method, body: queryOrBody }) info(method, finalPath, queryOrBody); }; } } );

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const {METHODS} = require('http'); const api = new Proxy({}, { get(target, propKey) { const method = METHODS.find(method => propKey.startsWith(method.toLowerCase())); if (!method) { return; } const path = '/' + propKey .substring(method.length) .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1/$2') .replace(/\$/g, '/$/') .toLowerCase(); return (...args) => { const finalPath = path.replace(/\$/g, () => args.shift()); const queryOrBody = args.shift() || {}; // You could use fetch here // return fetch(finalPath, { method, body: queryOrBody }) info(method, finalPath, queryOrBody); }; } } );

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const {METHODS} = require('http'); const api = new Proxy({}, { get(target, propKey) { const method = METHODS.find(method => propKey.startsWith(method.toLowerCase())); if (!method) { return; } const path = '/' + propKey .substring(method.length) .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1/$2') .replace(/\$/g, '/$/') .toLowerCase(); return (...args) => { const finalPath = path.replace(/\$/g, () => args.shift()); const queryOrBody = args.shift() || {}; // You could use fetch here // return fetch(finalPath, { method, body: queryOrBody }) info(method, finalPath, queryOrBody); }; } } );

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const {METHODS} = require('http'); const api = new Proxy({}, { get(target, propKey) { const method = METHODS.find(method => propKey.startsWith(method.toLowerCase())); if (!method) { return; } const path = '/' + propKey .substring(method.length) .replace(/([a-z])([A-Z])/g, '$1/$2') .replace(/\$/g, '/$/') .toLowerCase(); return (...args) => { const finalPath = path.replace(/\$/g, () => args.shift()); const queryOrBody = args.shift() || {}; // You could use fetch here // return fetch(finalPath, { method, body: queryOrBody }) info(method, finalPath, queryOrBody); }; } } );

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// GET / api.get(); // GET /users api.getUsers(); // GET /users/1234/likes api.getUsers$Likes('1234'); // GET /users/1234/likes?page=2 api.getUsers$Likes('1234', { page: 2 }); // POST /items with body api.postItems({ name: 'Item name' }); // api.foobar is not a function api.foobar();

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What About HTML & CSS?

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Keep HTML and CSS separate in your source code 
 and never inline manually

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// DON’T

Hello World!

// DO .content-text { margin: 10px 0; padding: 0; }

Hello World!

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Always think about specificity in CSS, try to avoid creating specific selectors

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// DON’T #main .article .title span { font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; } // DO .main-article-title { font-size: 32px; font-weight: bold; }

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Do not write the code you are going to overwrite

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// DON’T .content { display: flex; max-width: 1280px; margin: 0 auto; } .article { width: 900px; } .supplementary { width: 380px; } @media screen and (min-width: 48.0625em) and (max-width: 64em) { .article { width: 644px; } } @media screen and (max-width: 48em) { .content { flex-direction: column; } .article, .supplementary { width: 100%; } } // DO .content { max-width: 1280px; margin: 0 auto; } @media screen and (min-width: 48.0625em) { .content { display: flex; } .article { flex: 1; } .supplementary { width: 380px; } }

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Use Postcss, Autoprefixer, and Variables that you can update your support by compiling

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// In your CSS ::placeholder { color: gray; } // Output after compiling ::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: gray; } :-ms-input-placeholder { color: gray; } ::-ms-input-placeholder { color: gray; } ::placeholder { color: gray; }

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Your app should not know what the dependencies are in behind the curtains you are using.

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It should only aware of which functions are available for a particular action.

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Every dependency comes with a technical debt for the future.

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Thank you @bcinarli