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Web Performance Past, Present, and Future /TheMattShull

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Intro to #perfLife • How we have optimized code in the past • How we measured performance in the past • New ways to optimize your code • What metrics we should be measuring • What tools are available to measure performance • Technology that can help us moving forward

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Web Performance • Best practices changing • Better code to track performance • Lots of room to improve and be successful

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Blast from the Past

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No content

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Growing Pains Nov 2010 - Jan 2015 Top 100 HTTP Archives Sites

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Growing Pains Nov 2010 - Jan 2015 Top 100 HTTP Archives Sites

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Growing Pains Nov 2010 - Jan 2015 Top 100 HTTP Archives Sites

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Mobile Revolution

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Responsive Revolution • Ethan Marcotte • Before we had fixed width pages and separate mobile sites • Now we could make sites adapt to different screen sizes

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Responsive Revolution • Page sizes still increasing • TTFB can take several seconds on mobile networks

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Performance is Important! #perfLife

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Importance of Performance First and foremost, we believe that speed is more than a feature. Speed is the most important feature. - Fred Wilson

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Importance of Performance Up to 40% of users abandon a request if it takes longer than 3 secs to load.

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Importance of Performance Google Survey: users exposed to a 400ms delay took several weeks to return to normal searching habits

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Ghost of Performance Past • How we used to optimize code (and still do to some extent). ! • How we have measured performance in the past.

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Ghost of Performance Past • There are time tested techniques • Best practices are changing often • Not every best practice will work for every site.

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Optimizing Code in the Past • Condense CSS and JS files • Removes white spaces • Makes file sizes smaller • Hard to read minified files: keep a dev copy to make changes

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Optimizing Code in the Past • Place JS at the end of the • Biggest factor in slow sites • JS and CSS are render blocking • JS can use async or defer

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Optimizing Code in the Past More Rules from Steve Souders:

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Optimizing Images: the Past • File Types • JPEG, PNG, Gif • JPEG baseline vs progressive •

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Optimizing Image: the Past • File Size • Use the right image type • Optimize with tools

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Measuring Perf in the Past • TTFB • Start Render • Load Time for Entire Page

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Performance Today: Benchmarks • User Experience: How fast until… • the user seeing the first paint?
 (Start Render) • the above the fold content is loaded? • the document is interactive?

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Performance Today:
 UX is Important! • DUH…better UX! 
 (Keep the user in mind!) • SEO • Fast sites = better rankings (Google) • TTFB possible determining factor

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Performance Today: Optimizing Code • Make sites responsive • Above The Fold CSS in (possibly in the HTML?!) • Below the Fold CSS at the end of • Use CSS instead of GIFs

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Performance Today • New Image Types: WebP • 25%-34% smaller than JPEG equivalent • 26% smaller than PNG equivalent • Chrome and Opera

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Performance Today • New HTML Elements • • Load different images for different screen sizes • Load different types of file types • Falls back to if all else fails…

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Performance Today ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! “Some!

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Performance Today

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Case Study • Optimized photos • Moved scripts to the bottom of • Created a sprite • Put all scripts in 1 file, Put all CSS in 1 file • Minified scripts and CSS

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Case Study • Remove CSS bloat • Separate Above the Fold CSS and Below the Fold CSS • Use WebP image formats for logo using

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Case Study Test A Test B • JS and CSS in the • Un-minified JS and CSS • Uses baseline JPEGs • Above the Fold CSS in the • Below the Fold CSS and JS at the end of the • Uses progressive JPEGs

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Case Study

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What to Measure • Backend Load Time • # of redirects • # of requests • TTFB • Frontend Load Time • Start Render • Speed Index • Visually Complete • Total Load Time

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How to Measure • RUM (Real User Measurement) • Gather data from actual users/devices • Measure performance for different locations
 • Synthetic Testing • Gather data from actual devices/browsers • See non-cached “first view” measurements

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RUM Tools • Navigation Timing API (JS) • Google Analytics • Boomerang (Yahoo!) • Nines

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RUM Tools

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RUM Tools • Navigation Timing API (JS) • Google Analytics • Boomerang (Yahoo!) • Nines

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Synthetic Tools • Uses real devices to collect tons of data • Gives “first view” and “repeat view” data • Test website from multiple locations • New Relic • • Nines

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Synthetic Tools • Uses real devices to collect tons of data • Gives “first view” and “repeat view” data • Test website from multiple locations • New Relic • • Nines

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Future of Performance • UX will affect SEO more • HTTP2 and SPDY • Prefetch & Prerender • Use SEO to determine user behavior • Prefetch images, js, and/or css needed for the next page to cache • User clicks on link and page loads from cache

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Future of Performance

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Future of Performance • Use microseconds instead of standard milliseconds using High Resolution Timing 
 (IE 10+, Chrome, Opera, FF, Android) • User Timing API to meausure AJAX requests, script loading, script execution, etc. (IE 10+, Chrome, Opera, Android) • Beacons: send performance data async whenever the current page is unloaded
 (Chrome, FF, Opera)

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Future of Performance • Navigation Error Logging Javascript API: Get RUM data of when and how a page failed to load (i.e. DNS lookup, connection timeout, reset connection, etc.) (No support yet)

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#perfMatters • Optimize code and images • Measure RUM and Synthetic testing using tools available • Embrace the new APIs to measure UX and performance

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