Slide 43
Slide 43 text
APPUiO – Swiss Container Platform
Group of machines working together.
A machine (virtual or not) in a cluster.
Minimum unit of code execution, with one or many
containers inside, and which can be scaled up and down.
Kubernetes Terminology 1/3
Kubernetes manages a cluster of compute resources,
usually virtual machines provided by some IaaS. Each
of those resources is called a Node. One (or two) of the
nodes in a Kubernetes clusters are called "Master
Nodes", and their job is to work as the director of the
orchestra (after all, it’s a container orchestration
system, get it?). Master Nodes also expose the
Kubernetes API, used by DevOps engineers to "talk" to
the cluster and to manage it. The other nodes are
"Worker Nodes", and their job is to run containers
following the instructions of the Master Node(s), and
that’s it.
Inside of those nodes, Kubernetes runs containers
inside of small units called Pods. A pod can contain one
or many containers, running together. Pods can be
killed, scheduled, shuffled around from node to node,
as required and as possible, depending on the
conditions of the cluster. Kubernetes can for example
restart pods if they crash, automatically. Containers
inside of a pod can talk to each other using localhost
and specifying the port number of each application
exposed inside of a container.
Speaker notes