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@onishiweb Best viewed with… Adam Onishi Talk Web Design 2015

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@onishiweb A long time ago…

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@onishiweb “Browser wars”!

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@onishiweb @onishiweb

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@onishiweb But, what about now?

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@onishiweb “For best results view this page in a modern browser.” - fancy website

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@onishiweb @onishiweb

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@onishiweb Chrome Firefox IE Safari Opera UC Browser Safari (iOS) Opera Mini Android Browser Amazon Silk YaBrowser Maxthon Iron Nokia Browser Sea Monkey Avant Camino Epiphany OmniWeb Konqueror Galeon Swiftfox

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@onishiweb Chrome (v42) • Fetch API • Push API • ES6 Classes IE (v11) • CSS Pointer events • WebGL • ES6 Classes Firefox (v38) • Web sockets/web workers • and srcset Safari (v8) • Navigation Timing API • SPDY Protocol • Animated PNG

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@onishiweb Developer-first development?

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@onishiweb Cake or Death?

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@onishiweb Progressive enhancement

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@onishiweb Why another P.E. talk?

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@onishiweb “Vague but exciting…”

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@onishiweb The web

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@onishiweb The Web JS CSS HTML Internet

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@onishiweb “JavaScript is part of the web platform; you don’t get to take it away and expect the web to work.” - Tom Dale

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@onishiweb The Web JS CSS HTML Internet

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@onishiweb Less of the vague, more of the exciting!

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@onishiweb HTML & CSS

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@onishiweb The Web JS CSS HTML Internet

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@onishiweb “Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others” - Robustness principle

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@onishiweb .element { font-size:16px; font-size:1rem; }

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@onishiweb CSS itself, is still an enhancement…

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@onishiweb HTML & CSS are easy…

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@onishiweb @onishiweb

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@onishiweb JavaScript

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@onishiweb JS CSS HTML Internet The Web

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@onishiweb JavaScript has problems…

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@onishiweb “Cutting the mustard”

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@onishiweb Chrome Firefox IE Safari Opera UC Browser Safari (iOS) Opera Mini Android Browser Amazon Silk YaBrowser Maxthon Iron Nokia Browser Sea Monkey Avant Camino Epiphany OmniWeb Konqueror Galeon Swiftfox

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@onishiweb if('querySelector' in document && 'localStorage' in window && 'addEventListener' in window) { // bootstrap the javascript application }

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@onishiweb function supports_placeholder() { var i = document.createElement('input'); return 'placeholder' in i; }

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@onishiweb if( supports_placeholder() ) { $('html').addClass('placeholder'); }

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@onishiweb Polyfills…

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@onishiweb “Think of it like a pair of glasses for your aging browser.” - FT Labs Polyfill service

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@onishiweb “The love we give [old browsers] is really bordering on necrophilia at times.” - Christian Heilmann

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@onishiweb ECMAScript 6?

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@onishiweb That “other” problem

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@onishiweb “1.1% of people aren’t getting JavaScript enhancements (1 in 93).” - Peter Herlihy, GDS Team

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@onishiweb “Brilliant easter egg in the newly- redesigned — if JavaScript fails, you are immersed in the experience of deep space” - Jeremy Keith

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@onishiweb MVC Frameworks

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@onishiweb @onishiweb

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@onishiweb “The more you take over from the browser, the more complex yet expected browser behaviour you have to reimplement in JavaScript” - Jake Archibald

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@onishiweb Performance

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@onishiweb Twitter & Airbnb

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@onishiweb “The bottom line is that a client-side architecture leads to slower performance because most of the code is being executed on our users’ machines rather than our own” - Twitter

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@onishiweb Isomorphic JS

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@onishiweb Server side rendering with Node.js

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@onishiweb Best of both worlds?

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@onishiweb GoCardless

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@onishiweb “Put the new live today. It's the same site but run from static files generated from a server running React.” - Jack Franklin, Go Cardless

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@onishiweb “If you visit it in a "good" browser with JS on, you get an incredibly snappy React app, if not, you hit the server on every click.” - Jack Franklin, Go Cardless

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@onishiweb Progressive enhancement in JavaScript?

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@onishiweb @onishiweb

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@onishiweb The network

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@onishiweb JS CSS HTML Internet The Web

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@onishiweb Do we always have network access?

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@onishiweb Train and hotel wifi…

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@onishiweb Mobile connections

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@onishiweb Cake or Death?

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@onishiweb Service worker

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@onishiweb “A service worker is a script that is run by your browser in the background, separate from a web page, opening the door to features which don't need a web page or user interaction.” - Matt Gaunt

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@onishiweb The web is going offline!

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@onishiweb Background sync

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@onishiweb How does it work?

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@onishiweb First visit Register service worker Cache content Connect to network Request Page load Usable website

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@onishiweb Go to network Subsequent visits Service worker intercepts Check cache Request Page load Usable website Get content

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@onishiweb Requires HTTPS

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@onishiweb When can we use it?

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@onishiweb Is Offline-first a new form of progressive enhancement?

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@onishiweb It’s not progressive enhancement if it requires JavaScript!

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@onishiweb Browser wars take 2?

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@onishiweb Not really…

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@onishiweb Progressive enhancement in JavaScript?

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@onishiweb MVC Frameworks?

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@onishiweb Service worker

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@onishiweb “I'll be more interested in JS rendering once it can be streamed from a [Service Worker] …” - Jake Archibald

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@onishiweb Do we still need progressive enhancement?

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@onishiweb “Growing divide between what the web is capable of & its power (universal access) makes progressive enhancement more important than ever—not less” - Tim Kadlec

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@onishiweb Thanks Adam Onishi Talk Web Design 2015