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Parsing Ruby Kevin Newton

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The Early Days

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Slide 3 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 0.06 1994-01-07 Fri Jan 7 15:23:20 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz at nws119) * baseline - version 0.06.

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Slide 4 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 0.76 1995-05-19 Thu Jul 14 11:18:07 1994 Yukihiro Matsumoto (matz@ix-02) * parse.y: Dictを⽣成する構⽂を追加. こちらを{..}にした. * parse.y: 配列を⽣成する構⽂を[..]に変更した. 過去のRubyスクリプ トとの互換性が保てないが, Dictを⽣成する構⽂を導⼊するに当たり, perl5に合わせて(意識して), 変更する時期は今しかないと考えた. *BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY*

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Slide 5 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 0.95 1995-12-21 Thu Nov 9 23:26:01 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto * parse.y (f_arglist): メソッド定義の引数を括弧で括らなくても良い ようにした. Mon Aug 7 12:47:41 1995 Yukihiro Matsumoto * parse.y: resque -> rescue.恥ずかしいがtypoを残しておくわけには いかないよなあ.なんで今まで気がつかなかったのか….

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Ruby 1.x

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Slide 7 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.0.961225 1996-12-25 Wed May 22 19:48:42 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto * parse.y (superclass): スーパークラスの指定⼦を`:'から`<'に変更. Wed Mar 27 10:02:44 1996 Yukihiro Matsumoto * parse.y: 予約語の変更 continue -> next

Slide 8

Slide 8 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.0.971225 1997-12-25 Mon Apr 7 11:36:16 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto * parse.y (primary): syntax to access singleton class. Thu Apr 3 02:12:31 1997 Yukihiro Matsumoto * parse.y (parse_regx): new option //[nes] to specify character code for regexp literals. Last speci fi ed code option is valid.

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Slide 9 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.3.0 1998-12-24 • begin..rescue..else..end clauses • <<- indentable heredocs
 • :: method calls

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Slide 10 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.2.0 1998-12-25 • heredocs
 • =begin to =end
 • true and false
 • BEGIN and END
 • %w
 • Top-level constant access
 • ||= and &&=

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Slide 11 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.4.0 1999-08-13 • binary number literals
 • anonymous * in method de fi nitions
 • nested string interpolation
 • multibyte character identi fi ers

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Slide 12 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.5.0 1999-12-07 • Compile-time string concatenation

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Slide 13 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.6.0 2000-09-19 • rescue modi fi er

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Slide 14 text Parsing Ruby nodeDump 0.1.0 2000-10-01 • C extension
 • Human-readable format

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Slide 15 text Parsing Ruby ruth 0.0.1 2001-01-10 • C extension
 • Ruby under the hood
 • Ruby::Interpreter.parse

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Slide 16 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.7.1 2001-06-01 • break and next now accept values
 • %w can escape spaces
 • rescue in singleton method bodies

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Slide 17 text Parsing Ruby JRuby 2001-09-10 • Java port of Ruby 1.6
 • Rewrite actions in parse.y into Java
 • Rewrite standard library in Ruby

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Slide 18 text Parsing Ruby ripper 0.0.1 2001-10-20 • Rewrite parse.y to dispatch parser events
 • “Ripper is still early-alpha version”

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Slide 19 text Parsing Ruby MetaRuby 0.7.0 2002-10-09 • Ruby implemented in Ruby
 • Schema for Ruby AST

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Slide 20 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.8.0 2003-08-04 • %W word lists
 • Dynamic symbols
 • Nested constant assignment

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Slide 21 text Parsing Ruby ParseTree 1.0.0 2004-11-10 • C extension
 • s-expressions from NODE structs

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Slide 22 text Parsing Ruby RubyNode 0.1.0 2006-06-05 • C extension
 • Hashes representing NODE struct fi elds

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Slide 23 text Parsing Ruby Rubinius 2006-07-12 • sydney
 • Rewrote parse.y in Ruby
 • Rewrote standard library in Ruby

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Slide 24 text Parsing Ruby Cardinal 2006-07-16 • Parrot VM
 • From scratch PGE grammar from Ruby EBNF

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Slide 25 text Parsing Ruby IronRuby 2007-04-30 • Microsoft .NET port of Ruby
 • Rewrote parse.y, reused parts

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Slide 26 text Parsing Ruby ruby_parser 1.0.0 2007-11-14 • Rewrite parse.y in Ruby, use racc
 • dawnscanner, debride, fasterer, fl ay, fl og, railroader, roodi

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Slide 28 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.9.0 2007-12-25 • Bison
 • Ripper merged
 • Lambda literals
 • Symbol hash keys

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Slide 29 text Parsing Ruby MacRuby 2008-03-13 • LLVM port using Objective-C
 • Mostly reuse parse.y

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Slide 30 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.9.1 2009-01-30 • encoding pragma
 • call shorthand
 • positional arguments after splat

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Slide 31 text Parsing Ruby Ruby Intermediate Language 2009-10-26 • Intermediate representation for powering semantic analysis
 • Used to implement type systems in OCaml
 • druby, rtc, rubydust

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Slide 32 text Parsing Ruby LASER 0.0.1 2010-08-27 • Undergraduate thesis
 • Linter, type system, documentation generation
 • Used ripper internally

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Slide 33 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 1.9.3 • JIS X 3017
 • ISO/IEC 30170:2012 2011-10-31

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Slide 34 text Parsing Ruby Topaz • Ruby implementation targeting RPython
 • Rewrote parse.y making grammar rules into decorators 2012-04-07

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Ruby 2.x

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Slide 36 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.0.0 • Re fi nements
 • %i symbol lists
 • Keyword arguments 2013-02-24

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Slide 37 text Parsing Ruby parser • Published gem, parser API
 • Well-documented
 • covered, deep-cover, erb-lint, fast, opal, packwerk, querly, rdl, reek, rubocop, rubrowser, ruby-lint, ruby-next, ruby_detective, rubycritic, seeing_is_believing, standard, steep, unparser, vernacular, yoda 2013-04-15

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Slide 38 text Parsing Ruby Tru ffl eRuby • Originally forked JRuby
 • Graal dynamic compiler, Tru ffl e AST interpreter 2013-10-26

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Slide 39 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.1.0 • Required keyword arguments
 • Rational and complex literals
 • Frozen string literal su ffi x 2013-12-25

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Slide 40 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.2.0 • Dynamic symbol hash keys 2014-12-25

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Slide 41 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.3.0 • Frozen string literal pragma
 • <<~ heredocs
 • &. lonely operator 2015-12-25

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Slide 42 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.4.0 • Symbol#to_proc re fi nements
 • Top-level return
 • Multiple assignment in conditional 2016-12-25

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Slide 43 text Parsing Ruby tree-sitter • Parser-generator library
 • vscode-ruby 2017-02-02

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Slide 44 text Parsing Ruby typedruby • Type system in Rust, parser in C++
 • Grammar from Ruby 2.4, lexer from ruby_parser
 • Vendored in Sorbet 2017-02-26

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Slide 45 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.5.0 • String interpolation re fi nements
 • rescue and ensure at the block level 2017-12-25

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Slide 46 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.6.0 • RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree
 • Flip- fl op deprecated
 • Endless ranges
 • Non-ASCII constant names 2018-12-25

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Slide 47 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 2.7.0 • Flip- fl op undeprecated • Method reference operator • Keyword argument warning • No other keywords syntax • Beginless range • Pattern matching • Numbered parameters • Rightward assignment • Argument forwarding 2019-12-25

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Ruby 3.x

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Slide 49 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 3.0.0 • Keyword arguments
 • Single-line “endless” methods
 • “Find pattern” pattern matching
 • shareable_constant_value pragma
 • in keyword pattern matching 2020-12-25

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Slide 50 text Parsing Ruby Ruby 3.1.?? • Anonymous struct syntax

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Slide 52 text Parsing Ruby Lessons • Very di ffi cult to keep up with core
 • Small changes in syntax can have wide-reaching e ff ects
 • So much subtle logic in parse.y, very di ff i cult to extend

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Slide 54 text Parsing Ruby parser • Tons of community adoption
 • Well-documented
 • Not 100% compatible, stu ff may break
 • Doesn’t ship with/test with core

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Slide 55 text Parsing Ruby RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree • Still too early to tell
 • Not implemented anywhere else

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Slide 56 text Parsing Ruby ripper • Built into the parser generator
 • Well-tested in core
 • Ships with Ruby
 • No documentation

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Language servers

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Slide 58 text Parsing Ruby Language servers • castwide/solargraph (parser or RubyVM::AST) • mtsmfm/language_server-ruby (ripper)
 • rubyide/vscode-ruby (tree-sitter) • tomoasleep/yoda (parser)

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Parsing Ruby Kevin Newton