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6 March 2020

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Easter Week - 5 to 11 April 2020

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April started the first wave of covid-19

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April started the first wave of covid-19

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Unfortunately we had many deaths. Because we did not have the capacity to react to this problem.

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Can we save lives with APIs, Microservices, Cloud , etc.?

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4 colours

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Porque nuestra principal preocupación eres tú. Llegó ConsultApp, la aplicación de triaje digital para que puedas cuidar tu salud. ConsultApp te permite realizar una autoevaluación, para descartar posibles síntomas de COVID-19 y darte asistencia inmediata, en caso sea necesario.

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Web & Mobile Download this application from Google Play You can also use the web version (*) App Store is not available

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Download This is the logo And name Free ¡The name is “ConsultApp! Available in Google Play

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Triage Start your evaluación. Rememberto do it daily for control your health Complete the test. Respond according to the symptoms You present.

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Result Places of control of Temperature: Reception Offices Warehouses Write your temperature in this box.. 36.9 Measure your temperature at checkpoints (entry to establishments) or at your home.

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Features According to your symptoms, you will see a color on your screen. ¡You have free access! ¡Stay at home! ¡Stay at home. Confirmed!

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1. Green color: ¡You have Free access! GREEN Has no symptoms It means that there is nothing to worry about.

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2 Amber Color: ¡Stay at home! In case, you present the symptoms, you should make a virtual appointment with a doctor who will help you identify if it is a possible case of Coronavirus. Our doctor will guide and guide you following the procedure . Likewise, the Human Management team will contact you to provide follow- up and facilities at all times.

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2(+). Amber color: ¡Stay at home! AMBER: Possible suspected case of COVID-19 You will not be able to enter any Company facility. Quarantine is mandatory and you must do it at home. Leaving home will make you lose job benefits. Remember to do your evaluation every day. WHAT DO I DO NOW? WHAT DO I DO NOW? Stay home until we contact you. You require further evaluation. Stay at home.Your family and we are counting on you. First time SECOND TIME ON To consider:

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3 Red color: ¡Stay at home! RED: Stay at home Confirmation is only given with a positive test. You will not be able to enter any Company facility. Quarantine is mandatory and you must do it at home. GDH and eventually the doctors will contact you. Leaving home will make you lose job benefits. Remember to do your evaluation every day. To consider: ¿WHAT DO I DO NOW? Stay at home. Your family and we are counting on you.

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Which users adopted this solution?

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Employees, Pharmaceutical chemicals, Managers, etc. Our Customers

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Who collaborated to build this application

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Managers, Human Resources chemicals, employees, etc.

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Our team worked on the application during Easter (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday) and released the application on Tuesday, April 14, 2020.

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Team Rogue On

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The force is with me I am one with the force

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Thanks @jamdiazdiaz Whatsapp: +51977448524

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