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೔ຊͰ͸ΧελϚʔαΫηεͷୈҰੈ୅ CSΛ͜Αͳ͘Ѫ͠ɺ೔ຊاۀʹCSจԽΛࠜ෇͔ͤͯɺ CSʹؔΘΔਓୡશ͕ͯ޾ͤʹͳͬͯ΋Β͍͍ͨɻ ©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣗݾ঺հ େֶଔۀޙɺେखٻਓ޿ࠂձࣾʹϓϨΠϯάϚωʔδϟʔͱͯ͠ೖࣾ͠ɺ Ϗδωεͷੈքʹ଍Λ౿ΈೖΕͨɻͦͷޙɺө૾੡࡞ձࣾ΁ͷస৬Λܦ ͯɺ๏ਓӦۀ෦ͷ্ཱͪ͛΍ΤϯλʔϓϥΠζΫϥΠΞϯτͷ৽ن։୓Λ खֻ͚ΔɻB to B Vertical SaaSͷτϨλͰ͸ɺΧελϚʔαΫηε෦໳Λ ্ཱͪ͛ɺSmartHRͷB to B horizontal SaaSͰ͸ɺΤϯλʔϓϥΠζCSM ͱͯ͠ैࣄɻߋʹɺ۝भࢧࣾͷCSνʔϜΛ্ཱͪ͛ͨɻ ݱࡏ͸ɺSmartHRάϧʔϓձࣾͷBYARDʢόΠΞʔυʣΛ্ཱͪ͛Δϝϯ όʔͱͯ͠ɺϏδωεαΠυશൠͷରԠͱCSνʔϜΛ্ཱͪ͛ΔͨΊฃಆ ͍ͯ͠Δɻ ܦྺ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΧελϚʔαΫηεͷΩϟϦΞ 2013 Vertical SaaSτϨλͷ্ཱͪ͛ϝϯόʔͱͯ͠δϣΠϯ 2015 ΦϯϘʔσΟϯά΍Expansionઐ೚ͱͳΔ 2017 ΧελϚʔαΫηενʔϜ ൃ଍ 2018 ΧελϚʔαΫηενʔϜϚωʔδϟʔʹब೚ 2019 ࣄۀ෦௕ʹब೚ 2020 SmartHRδϣΠϯ ΤϯϓϥCSM 2021 ۝भࢧࣾCSνʔϜ ্ཱͪ͛ 2022 BYARDδϣΠϯ Head of Customer Success

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ձࣾ֓ཁ גࣜձࣾBYARD ෢಺ढ़հ BYARDͷఏڙɾӡӦ 2021೥5݄0೔ ˟106−0032 ౦ژ౎ߓ۠࿡ຊ໦3-2-1 ॅ༑ෆಈ࢈࿡ຊ໦άϥϯυλϫʔ גࣜձࣾSmartHRʢ100%ʣ ʦ ໊ࣾ ʧ ʦ ୅දऔక໾ ʧ ʦ ࣄۀ಺༰ ʧ ʦ ઃཱ ʧ ʦ ॴࡏ஍ ʧ ʦ גओߏ੒ ʧ

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ͷ͝঺հ ό Π Ξ ʔ υ όοΫΦϑΟεͷͨΊͷۀ຿੔ཧɾվળπʔϧ

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͕ղܾ͢Δ՝୊ Problems

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. όοΫΦϑΟε՝୊ͷࠜݯ = ଐਓԽ όοΫΦϑΟε๊͕͑Δ՝୊ ۀ຿ΛҾ͖ܧ͙ͨΊͷෛ୲͕େ͖͍ ۀ຿ϚχϡΞϧ͕࡞Γͬͺͳ͠Ͱ์ஔ͞Ε͍ͯΔ ۀ຿શମͷྲྀΕ΍ਐḿ͕͙͢ʹ෼͔Βͳ͍ ۀ຿ͷඪ४Խ͕Ͱ͖ͣޮ཰্͕͕Βͳ͍ ۀ຿ͷଐਓԽʹΑΓى͍ͬͯ͜Δ͜ͱ ͧ ͘ ͡ Μ ͔

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ػೳ঺հ Functions

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. νϟοτπ ʔϧ΍ۀ຿γεςϜ ͱͷ࿈ܞʹΑΓɺ ʮBYARDΛى ఺ʯʹ༷ʑͳαʔ ϏεΛར༻͠ ͯۀ຿ΛਐΊΔ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖·͢ɻ ݱঢ়͸slack࿈ܞͷΈͰ͕͢ɺ ଞ ͷνϟοτπʔϧ΍Ϋϥ΢υܖ໿ ॻπʔϧɺ࿑຿γεςϜͳͲͱ࿈ ܞ༧ఆͰ͢ɻ ֎෦αʔϏε࿈ܞ ֤Χʔυ্ͰνϟοτػೳΛ࢖ͬ ͨࣾ಺֎ؔ܎ऀͱͷ࿈ܞ͕ՄೳͰ ͢ɻλεΫʹඥ͔ͮͨͪ͘Ͱ΍Γ ͱΓ͕࢒ΔͨΊɺ ίϛϡχέʔ γϣϯπ ʔϧΛ෼ࢄͤ͞Δ͜ͱ ͳ͘৘ใΛۀ຿஌ݟͱͯ͠஝ੵ͢ Δ͜ͱ΋ՄೳͰ͢ɻ ίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ ࡞੒ͨ͠Χʔυʹඥ͚֤ͮͯλε Ϋʹ͓͍࣮ͯࢪ͢ΔToDo΍ظݶ ͳͲΛઃఆͰ͖·͢ɻ ֤ToDoʹ ͸ϝϞΛ࢒ͤΔͷͰɺ ToDo࣮ߦ ͷࡍʹରԠͨ͠ཤྺ΍ϦϯΫͳͲ ΋࢒ͤ·͢ɻ λεΫʗToDo؅ཧ ෇ᝦΛషΔΑ͏ʹΧʔυΛ഑ஔ͠ ͯઢͰܨ͛Δ͚ͩͰ୭Ͱ΋؆୯ʹ ۀ຿ϓϩηεΛ࡞੒Ͱ͖·͢ɻ ͍ͭͰ΋Ͳ͜Ͱ΋ɺ ಉ࣌ฤूɾ ࣗಈอଘͳͷͰɺ ෳ਺ਓͰϛʔ ςΟϯάΛߦ͍ͳ͕ΒͰ΋࡞੒Մ ೳͰ͢ɻ ۀ຿ϓϩηεߏங BYARDͷओཁͳػೳ ػೳ঺հ ՄࢹԽ ՄࢹԽ ୲౰ऀ΍ڞ༗ऀͱͯ͠ઃఆ͞Εͯ ͍ΔҊ݅ΛϨϙʔτ্ͰҰཡදࣔ Ͱ͖·͢ɻ ֤Ҋ݅ͷਐḿ֬ೝ ΍ɺࣗ਎๊͕͍͑ͯΔλεΫΛҰ ໨Ͱ֬ೝͰ͖ɺ Ҋ݅؅ཧ΍ൈ͚ ࿙Εͷͳ͍λεΫॲཧΛ࣮ݱͰ͖ ·͢ɻ ߜΓࠐΈݕࡧ΋Մೳɻ Ϩϙʔτ ؅ ཧ ؅ ཧ ڠ ۀ ڠ ۀ Ҋ݅ΛਐΊΔͳ͔Ͱؾ͍ͮͨ఺΍ վળ͍ͨ͠ϙΠϯτΛ͍ͭͰ΋ଈ ࠲ʹฤूͰ͖ɺ ͦΕΛ࠷৽ͷς ϯϓϨʔτͱͯ͠อଘͰ͖·͢ɻ Ҋ݅Λਐߦ͠ͳ͕Βۀ຿ϓϩηε ͷվળ͕Ͱ͖ΔͨΊɺ ࠷৽൛ͷ ۀ຿ϚχϡΞϧͱͯ͠΋׆༻Ͱ͖ ·͢ɻ ςϯϓϨʔτ࡞੒ ڠ ۀ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. BYARDͷओཁͳػೳʛۀ຿ϓϩηεߏங ੔ཧͨ͠ۀ຿ϓϩηεͷ্ͰλεΫͷઃఆ·ͰͰ͖Δ͜ͱͰɺ“ݸผͷλεΫ”ͱ“ۀ຿ϓϩηεશମ”ͱΛدͬͨΓҾ͍ͨΓ͠ͳ͕Βɺ ۀ຿ͷਐḿΛ؅ཧ͢Δ͜ͱ͕Ͱ͖·͢ɻ ࡞ۀΛʮΧʔυʯͱͯ͠ॻ͖ग़͢ STEP 1 POINT ΧʔυΛฒͼସ͑ۀ຿ͷྲྀΕΛ੔ཧ͢Δ STEP 2 Χʔυ͝ͱʹৄࡉͷToDoΛઃఆ STEP 3 ෇ᝦʹॻ͖ग़͠ɺϗϫΠτϘʔυ্ͰͦΕΒΛฒͼସ͑ΔΠϝʔδͰ ۀ຿ͷྲྀΕΛ੔ཧɾՄࢹԽͰ͖·͢ ΧʔυͷҐஔΛࣗ༝ʹ഑ஔͰ͖Δ ͷͰʮෳ਺ͷ࡞ۀ͕ฒߦͯ͠ਐ ΉʯΑ͏ͳঢ়گ΋දݱՄೳ ՄࢹԽ

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λεΫॲཧঢ়گͷྲྀΕʢཤྺʣͱۀ຿ϓϩηεશମͷྲྀΕͷՄࢹԽʹΑΓ ۀ຿ͷଐਓԽΛ๷͗ڞ༗ɾҾ͖ܧ͕͗εϜʔζʹͳΓ·͢ ©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. BYARDͷओཁͳػೳʛλεΫ؅ཧ λεΫॲཧঢ়گͷྲྀΕʢཤྺʣͷՄࢹԽ ۀ຿શମͷྲྀΕΛ೺Ѳ νϟοτʗϝϞػೳʹΑΓɺݱࡏͷॲཧঢ়گ΍ؔ܎ऀ ͱͷ΍ΓऔΓͷྲྀΕʢཤྺʣͳͲɺνΣοΫϦετʹ ࡌͬͯ͜ͳ͍৘ใ΋ՄࢹԽͰ͖Δ POINT ۀ຿શମͷྲྀΕΛՄࢹԽͰ͖Δ͜ͱͰɺࣗ਎ͷλεΫ ͚ͩͰͳ͘લޙʹԿ͕ى͖͍ͯΔ͔ʢى͖Δ͔ʣ͕Θ ͔Γɺঢ়گ೺ѲͱҾ͖ܧ͗΋εϜʔζʹ POINT ΋͔ͨ͠͠Β͜ͷ࣌ ड͚औ͍ͬͯΔ͔΋ʁ ॻྨ͕ະఏग़ʂ ͜ͷ࣌ఏग़ͯ͠΋Β͑͹ ໰୊ͳͦ͞͏ ؅ ཧ ՄࢹԽ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. CSͷৼΔ෣͍΍ϚΠϯυ ച্ߩݙ ۀ຿ޮ཰ ࣾͭ ࣾෳ਺ .33 ैྔ՝ۚ ݄࣍ܖ໿ ෳ਺೥ܖ໿

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. CSͷৼΔ෣͍΍ϚΠϯυ ച্ߩݙ ۀ຿ޮ཰ ࣾͭ ࣾෳ਺ .33 ैྔ՝ۚ ݄࣍ܖ໿ ෳ਺೥ܖ໿

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ηʔϧεॏཁ౓ ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάॏཁ౓ ©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. CSͷৼΔ෣͍΍ϚΠϯυ ച্ߩݙ ۀ຿ޮ཰ ࣾͭ ࣾෳ਺ .33 ैྔ՝ۚ ݄࣍ܖ໿ ෳ਺೥ܖ໿

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. લఏ৚݅ 2VJDL8JO ͕ॏཁͳϓϩμΫτ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. εέʔϧ͢Δ্ͰͷΞϯνύλʔϯ ɾ4VDDFTTͱ4VQQPSUͷ݉೚ ɾ4VDDFTTͷఆٛઃఆ ɾΦϯϘʔσΟϯάͷఆٛઃఆ ɾ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓ͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ɾશࣾ΁$4νʔϜ΁ͷཧղΛଅ͢ ɾ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. SuccessͱSupportͷ݉೚ 4VQQPSU ސ٬ͷ՝୊ͷղܾ 4VDDFTT ސ٬ͷϏδωεͷ੒ޭ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. SuccessͱSupportͷ݉೚ 4VDDFTT ސ٬ͷϏδωεͷ੒ޭ ର࿩Λ௨ͯ͠՝୊ղܾ 1SPKFDUΰʔϧΛڞʹ໨ࢦ͢

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. SuccessͱSupportͷ݉೚ 4VQQPSU ސ٬ͷ՝୊ͷղܾ ϓϩμΫτར༻ΛεϜʔζʹ ઌճΓͯ͠ಓΛ੔උ͢Δ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. SuccessͱSupportͷ݉೚ ઌճΓͯ͠ߟ͑ͳ͍ͱʜ ্͔Β໨ઢͷυΩϡϝϯτ ෆ਌੾ͳυΩϡϝϯτ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. SuccessͱSupportͷ݉೚ ର࿩Λ௨ͯ͠՝୊ղܾΛνϟοτͰ࣮ݱ͢Δͱʜ എܠΛ֬ೝ͢Δ͏͍͟ଘࡏ νϟοτʹͦΕ͸ ٻΊͯͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. SuccessͱSupportͷ݉೚ 4VQQPSU 4VDDFTT ظ଴ͱ໾ׂ͕ҧ͏ͷͰ݉೚͸μϝ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ 4VDDFTTఆ͕ܾٛ·ͬͯͳ͍ͱ૊৫͸่յ͢Δ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ ϥΠτ4VDDFTTͱσΟʔϓ4VDDFTT

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ ϥΠτ4VDDFTT σΟʔϓ4VDDFTT ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάޙʹސ٬͕ಘΒΕΔޮՌ ΧΠθϯΛ܁Γฦͯ͠ಘΒΕΔޮՌ ϲ݄͔Βϲ݄Ͱ࠷ॳʹސ٬͕ମݧ ਺೥͔͚࣮ͯײ͢ΔޮՌ ࣮ӡ༻ऀ͕࣮ײ͢ΔޮՌ ܦӦ૚͕࣮ײ͢ΔޮՌ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ 4BMFTͱ$4ͷώϏ͕ೖΔࠜຊతݪҼͱͳΓ·͢

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ ϓϩμΫτͷૉ੖Β͠͞Λ ଘ෼ʹ఻͑ͯͳΜͰ ͜ΜͳʹݴΘΕΔΜͩΑ ਺೥ޙͷαΫηεΛ ίϛοτͯ͠Ͳ͏͢Μͷʁ ೥ؒܖ໿ͰͲ͏΍ͬͯ ܧଓ͠Ζͬͯݴ͏ͷʁ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ αΫηεఆ͕ٛࣾ಺֎ͷظ଴஋ௐ੔͕༰қʹ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. Successఆٛͷඞཁੑ 4VDDFTTఆ͕ܾٛ·ͬͯͳ͍ͱΦϯϘఆ͕ܾٛ·Βͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ऴΘΓͷͳ͍ੈք͸୯७ʹͭΒΈ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ೉୊͸ࡉ෼Խͯ͠ߟ͑Α͏

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ΦϯϘͷϑϨʔϜϫʔΫ͕࡞Εͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ 4V 4VDDFTTఆٛ 0OC ΦϯϘఆٛ ,JDL 4VDDFTT1MBOOJOH 0Q 0QFSBUJPOӡ༻ %T %FTJHOઃܭ ,[ ΧΠθϯ $P $PNNVOJDBUJPO

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ 4V 4VDDFTTఆٛ ਺೥͔͚ͯಘΒΕΔαΫηε ӡ༻։࢝ޙ͙͢ʹಘΒΕΔαΫηε Ҿ͖ܧ͕͗ ָʹͳͬͨ ٸͳٳΈ͕͋ͬ ͯ΋ରԠͰ͖Δ ਐḿΛ౎౓ฉ͔ Εͳ͘ͳͬͨ ਐΊΔࡍͷෆ͕ ͳ͘ͳͬͨ ৘ใΛ୳͢ ͕࣌ؒݮͬͨ ࢓ࣄͷܕ͕ Ͱ͖ͨ ৽ਓͷ্ཱ͕ͪ Γ͕ૣ͘ͳͬͨ ϛε΍ख໭Γ͕ ܹݮͨ͠ ۀ຿ͷաෆ଍ʹ ؾ͚ͮͨ ࣾ಺͔Βͷ໰͍ ߹Θ͕ͤݮͬͨ ϝϯόʔ͕ ࡞ۀཁһͰͳ͘ͳΔ ΫϦΤΠςΟϒͳۀ຿ʹ औΓ૊Ή͕࣌ؒ૿͑Δ ֎෦ʹҕୗ͢Δۀ͕ ໌֬ʹͳΔ ࣗવͱۀ຿͕վળ ͞ΕΔΑ͏ʹͳΔ ద੾ͳਓһܭըΛ ཱͯΒΕΔ #:"3%Ͱಈ͖͕ݟ͑Δ ͷͰධՁ͕͠΍͘͢ͳΔ ΦϖϨʔγϣϯۀͰ ർฐ͠ͳ͍ ے೑࣭ͳ૊৫͕ ࡞ΕΔ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ӡ༻ͯ͠Ҋ݅Λճͯ͠ɺ ΧΠθϯ͍ͯ͠Δঢ়ଶ 0OC ΦϯϘఆٛ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ,JDL 4VDDFTT1MBOOJOH ϚεΫ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ %T %FTJHOઃܭ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ 0Q 0QFSBUJPOӡ༻

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ,[ ΧΠθϯ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ΦϯϘʔσΟϯά؍ଌ ϔϧεείΞઃܭ $P $PNNVOJDBUJPO

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ $P $PNNVOJDBUJPO $P $PNNVOJDBUJPO

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ΦϯϘʔσΟϯάఆٛͷඞཁੑ ೉୊͸ࡉ෼Խ͢Δͱେͨ͜͠ͱͰ͸ͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ .33͕খ͍͔͞Β ςοΫλονओମͰ $4׆ಈΛ΍ͬͯ΋Β͍͍ͨ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓ ֶश࣌ظ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓ εέʔϧظ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓ ҆ఆظ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓ 1.'લ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓ 5%

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ࣄۀͷ੒ख़౓ ϓ ϩ μ Ϋ τ ෳ ࡶ ౓ 5%ޙ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ .33͕খ͍͔͞Β ςοΫλονओମͰ $4׆ಈΛ΍ͬͯ΋Β͍͍ͨ 1.'લʹςοΫλονΛ࢓ֻ͚ͯ͸ඞͣࣄۀ͕ࣦഊ͢Δ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ͜ͷಓͷΓ΋མͱ͕݀͠ଟ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ৽͍͠αʔϏεʹ΋1.'͕͋Γ·͢

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ඞͣ ֶश ͔Β΍Γ௚͠

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ͨͩ͠ɺ༩͑ΒΕͨظؒ͸ଟͯ͘൒೥

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ૊৫ͷ੒ख़౓Ͱͷཱͪৼ෣͍ ΞαΠϯͰׂͷউഊΛܾΊΔ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ $4ͬͯ೉͘͠ͳ͍Ͱ͔͢ʁ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ $4ͷ๻Β΋೔ʑΊͬͪΌ৘ใऩूͯ͠Δ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ ผ৬छͷਓͳΜ͔΋ͬͱ$4ΛཧղͰ͖ͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ Θ͔Βͳ͍͔Βઆ໌ίετΛ੯͠·ͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ ि࣍ CJ[ڞ༗ձ ݄࣍ શࣾϛʔςΟϯά ΫΥʔλʔ શࣾΩοΫΦϑ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ ि࣍ CJ[ڞ༗ձ ݄࣍ શࣾϛʔςΟϯά ΫΥʔλʔ શࣾΩοΫΦϑ ৼΓฦΓͱֶͼͷڞ༗ͱ໨ࢦ͍ͯ͠Δ͜ͱ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ ि࣍ CJ[ڞ༗ձ ݄࣍ શࣾϛʔςΟϯά ΫΥʔλʔ શࣾΩοΫΦϑ ΰʔϧͷਐḿͱֶͼ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࣾ಺ϩϏʔ׆ಈ ि࣍ CJ[ڞ༗ձ ݄࣍ શࣾϛʔςΟϯά ΫΥʔλʔ શࣾΩοΫΦϑ ݁Ռͱਐḿ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ ೔ຊͷ๏཯ͩͱϨΠΦϑେม

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ ελʔτΞοϓʹ͓͚Δ࠾༻ͷమଇ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ ਓ͕଍Γͳ͍ͱ͍͏ཧ༝Ͱ࠾༻͠ͳ͍ ࠾༻ਓࣄʹ࠾༻Λؙ౤͛͠ͳ͍

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ ࣗ෼͕ ۤखͳ෼໺ ʢઐ໳Ոʣ ͷ࠾༻Λ ਓฑΛॏࢹͯ͠࠾༻Λ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ ΤϯϓϩΠʔαΫηε΋௒ॏཁ ΧελϚʔαΫηε΋େࣄ͚ͩͲɺ

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©︎ גࣜձࣾBYARD Confidential - Not to be disclosed or distributed to third parties. ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ࠾༻ʂ ͜ͷ࿩͸࣍ճχʔζ͕͋Ε͹

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