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How to fail at Team Topologies - lessons for fast flow success DevOpsDays Oslo - 11 October 2023 Matthew Skelton Founder at Conflux & co-author of ‘Team Topologies’

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Lessons learned about TT from working with 100s of organizations since 2019… (we made the mistake so you don’t have to!) 2

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… inspired by Frozen II 3

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4 Wandering Oaken

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Who am I? Matthew Skelton Founder at Conflux - Co-author of the book ‘Team Topologies’ “Ecosystem engineering” Social media: @matthewskelton 5

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💖 Success with Team Topologies 📖 Origin story of Team Topologies 6 ⚔ The quest: what do we want from TT 🐉 Obstacles: things to avoid with TT

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📖 Where did Team Topologies come from and what’s involved? 7

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Team Topologies is the leading approach to organizing business and technology teams for fast flow, providing a practical, step-by‑step, adaptive model for organizational design and team interaction. 8

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10 2013

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11 Epic battles between Dev and Ops

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14 Used by Netflix, Condé Nast, Accenture, etc. etc.

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Thanks to Gene Kim and IT Revolution Press (and many other inspiring people) 15

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Team Topologies Organizing business and technology teams for fast flow Matthew Skelton & Manuel Pais IT Revolution Press, September 2019 Order via stores worldwide: Over 100k copies sold 16

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Team Topologies is a set of constraints to encourage emergent behaviours for fast flow 17 (Matthew Skelton)

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TT constraint #1 18 4 team types (well, 3 + 1) grouping Image © 2019 Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. Used with permission.

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Each team type (or grouping) has specific expected behaviors 19

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Each team type (or grouping) has a specific relation to flow and team cognitive load 20

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TT principle #2 21 3 team interaction modes Image © 2019 Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. Used with permission.

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The constraints on interactions provide signals to tell us when boundaries are not good for fast flow 22

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The constraints on interactions provide signals to tell us about intent/mission, capabilities, skills, strategy, and lots more… 23

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TT principle #3 24 fast flow

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Organizing for fast flow means we are happy with: duplication, (a few) different versions, async + eventual consistency, ‘internal marketplace’, etc. 25

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TT principle #4 26 team cognitive load

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Using team cognitive load as a key architectural and design principle means we have a humane, compassionate, and realistic workplace 27

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TT principle #5 28 thinnest viable platform (TVP)

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TVP avoids ‘platform bloat’ by focusing on enhancing flow and reducing team cognitive load - rather than technology 29

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TT principle #6 30 empower teams to adjust boundaries to enhance flow

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Empowering teams to adjust boundaries for flow uses local knowledge for regular incremental gains, avoiding a dreaded ‘Re-org’ every 5 years 31

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⚔ The quest: what do we want from Team Topologies? 32

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CEO 33 Elsa

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CEO: break the spell of “busywork” 34

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● “Why does everything take so loooooooooong?” ● More predictable results 35 CEO

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CFO 36 Anna

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CFO: increase financial efficiency 37

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● Financial efficiency from reducing dependencies ○ (reshaping team and system architecture and communications) ● Increased financial transparency ○ (better cost tracking at all levels) 38 CFO

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Head of HR 39 Olaf

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HR: healthy organization for fast flow 40

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● Organizational structures that work for fast flow and business agility ● Employee engagement and wellbeing 41 Head of HR

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● Better productivity - yesterday! 42 CFO and Head of HR

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PMO 43 Kristoff

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PMO: avoid coordination nightmare 44

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● Increased effectiveness ● Increased financial efficiency ● Increased productivity ● Better wellbeing and engagement ● Enhanced business agility & adaptiveness 45 Overall, what do leaders want?

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Team Topologies provides increased effectiveness, financial efficiency, wellbeing, productivity, and agility 46 (with the right approach and mindset)

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🐉 Obstacles: things to avoid with Team Topologies 47

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49 Earth Wind Fire Water

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50 Fast Flow Team Cognitive Load Intent and Purpose Humanity The four spirits of Team Topologies

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#1 Expect the changes to take “about 3 weeks” 51 How to fail at Team Topologies

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52 We’re calling this controlling what you can when things feel out of control.

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#2 Expect the amount of learning and change to be small 53 How to fail at Team Topologies

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54 Did you know that an enchanted forest is a place of transformation? I have no idea what that means, but I can’t wait to see what it’s gonna do to each one of us.

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#3 Seeing the solution as “structure”, not org dynamics 55 How to fail at Team Topologies

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56 [The surface of the street starts to heave and ripple]

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#4 Making a ‘big bang’ change rather than incremental 57 How to fail at Team Topologies

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58 [Massive wall of water about to destroy the city]

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59 You are allowed to do a change freeze ONLY if you are Disney princess!

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#5 Coupling things together for ease of management 60 How to fail at Team Topologies

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61 Promise me we’ll do this together, okay? I promise

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#6 Seeking “following orders”, rather than empowered people 62 How to fail at Team Topologies

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63 Magic TT makes people feel too powerful, too entitled. It makes them think they can defy the will of a king PMO.

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#7 Not having the right foundations and skills 64 How to fail at Team Topologies

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65 Fear is what can’t be trusted

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💖 Tips for success with Team Topologies (and fast flow in general) 66

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67 When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing.

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68 When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing. A good way to approach VUCA! (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity)

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#1 Expect the change to take months or years 69 How to succeed at Team Topologies

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70 34 years, 5 months, and 23 days

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#2 Work backwards from outcomes 71 How to succeed at Team Topologies

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Outcome: spell broken How: stone giants destroy dam with rocks 🤷 72

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#3 Think about healthy, humane organization dynamics 73 How to succeed at Team Topologies

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Advancing technologies as both our savior and our doom 74

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#4 Use group insights to find boundaries for flow 75 How to succeed at Team Topologies

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Finding boundaries can be fun! 76

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Techniques from the Team Topologies community 77

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78 Independent Service Heuristics (ISH)

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79 “The Independent Service Heuristics (ISH) are rules-of-thumb (clues) for identifying candidate value streams and domain boundaries by seeing if they could be run as a separate SaaS/cloud product.”

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80 User Needs Mapping (UNM)

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81 “User Needs Mapping [is] the first 4 steps of the Wardley Mapping process … for identifying potential team [and service] boundary”

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82 Team Interaction Modeling (TIM)

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83 “[Team Interaction Modeling helps] to describe how to re-organize … teams and their interactions to achieve better flow and deliver value faster.”

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#5 Invest in architectures and processes for fast flow 84 How to succeed at Team Topologies

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Eventual consistency for all 85

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“The work is delivered in many small changes that are uncoordinated to enable flow. … Management’s job is to provide context, prioritization and to coordinate across teams. Lending resources if needed across teams to unblock things. … It works well within a high trust culture.” 86 Adrian Cockcroft

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#6 Use a dedicated internal Enabling team for TT & flow 87 How to succeed at Team Topologies

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“I’m here. How can I help?” 88

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89 Fast Flow Team Cognitive Load Intent and Purpose Humanity The four spirits of Team Topologies

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Team Topologies provides increased effectiveness, financial efficiency, wellbeing, productivity, and agility 91 (with the right approach and mindset)

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I wish this could last forever, and yet change mocks us with her beauty. 92

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Thank you Matthew Skelton Conflux - Team Topologies - 93 Copyright (c) 2017-2023 Conflux group of companies. All Rights Reserved. The name “Conflux” and the filled C device are Registered Trademarks ® in multiple jurisdictions. The Team Topologies “tt” logo (in color, greyscale, and both with and without the words “Team Topologies”) is a Registered Trademark ® in multiple jurisdictions. Not to be used without express written permission. All Rights Reserved. Some images taken from the movie Frozen II. Copyright © Disney Corporation.