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Presented by Akihiro Oyamada (@yomotsu) Sep 24, 2017 WebGL Libs for
 WebApp Frameworks

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Frontend Engineer at PixelGrid, Inc. Akihiro Oyamada @yomotsu

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webpack three.js pixi.js etc React Vue.js Angular etc three.js logo:

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Tips for development with frameworks + WebGL libs: 1. Import three.js plugins in webpack. 2. Handle Canvas and Renderer as a WebApp view. 3. Remove Canvas and GL context appropriately. 4. Assets compressing. Agenda

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Import three.js plugins
 in webpack

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• OrbitControls • EffectComposer and Passes • CSS3DRenderer • Loaders and others. Plugins for three.js

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Plugins do not support
 es6 module import/export Problem so far.

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webpack imports-loader Solution

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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import * as THREE from 'three'; THREE.OrbitControls = require( 'imports-loader?THREE! exports-loader?THREE.OrbitControls!../node_modules/ three/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js' ); // snip const controls = new THREE.OrbitControls( camera );

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demo http://localhost:8080/

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Warnings will be ignored in the production build. http://localhost:8000/demo1-webpack/

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Handle Canvas
 as a WebApp view

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Canvas element has to be handled
 by the WebApp framework. Problem

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Use mounted canvas,
 then bind Renderer in
 mounted or
 componentDidMount hock. Solution

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import * as THREE from 'three'; export default { name: 'view-3d', data () { return { width: 200, height: 200 mount a canvas element

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} }, mounted() { const width = this.width; const height = this.height; const loader = new THREE.JSONLoader(); // (snip) this.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer( { canvas: this.$el, // <-- bind to mouted canvas antialias: true, stencil: false } );

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import * as PIXI from 'pixi.js'; export default { data () { return {} }, mounted() {

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return {} }, mounted() { this.renderer = new PIXI.WebGLRenderer( { width: 300, height: 300, view: this.$el, antialias: true, transparent: false, backgroundColor: 0xcccccc } );

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demo http://localhost:8000/demo2-mount-three/ http://localhost:8000/demo2-mount-pixi/ http://localhost:8000/demo2-mount-chart/

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 Canvas and GL context

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If canvas and renderer were removed inappropriately. It causes memory leaking. Problem

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Clear cache and unbind GL context in
 beforeDestroy or
 componentWillUnmount hock. Solution

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tick() { if ( ! this.running ) return; requestAnimationFrame( () => this.tick() ); this.mesh.rotation.y += 0.03; this.renderer.render( this.scene, ); } Your render loop

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beforeDestroy() { this.running = false; while ( this.scene.children.length > 0 ) { const object = this.scene.children[ this.scene.children.length - 1 ]; deepDispose( object ); this.scene.remove( object ); } this.renderer.dispose(); this.renderer.forceContextLoss(); this.renderer.context = undefined; this.renderer.domElement = undefined; // until next garbage collection this.$el.width = 1; this.$el.height = 1; }, Dispose all objects

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beforeDestroy() { this.running = false; while ( this.scene.children.length > 0 ) { const object = this.scene.children[ this.scene.children.length - 1 ]; deepDispose( object ); this.scene.remove( object ); } this.renderer.dispose(); this.renderer.forceContextLoss(); this.renderer.context = undefined; this.renderer.domElement = undefined; // until next garbage collection this.$el.width = 1; this.$el.height = 1; }, Children of scene consist of • Meshes • Lights • Object3d

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function deepDispose( object3D ) { object3D.traverse( object3D => dispose( object3D ) ); } function dispose ( object3D ) { if ( !! object3D.geometry ) { object3D.geometry.dispose(); object3D.geometry = undefined; } if ( !! object3D.material && object3D.material instanceof Array ) { object3D.material.forEach( material => disposeMaterial( material ) );

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function deepDispose( object3D ) { object3D.traverse( object3D => dispose( object3D ) ); } function dispose ( object3D ) { if ( !! object3D.geometry ) { object3D.geometry.dispose(); object3D.geometry = undefined; } if ( !! object3D.material && object3D.material instanceof Array ) { object3D.material.forEach( material => disposeMaterial( material ) );

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function dispose ( object3D ) { if ( !! object3D.geometry ) { object3D.geometry.dispose(); object3D.geometry = undefined; } if ( !! object3D.material && object3D.material instanceof Array ) { object3D.material.forEach( material => disposeMaterial( material ) ); } else if ( !! object3D.material ) { disposeMaterial( material ); }

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function disposeMaterial( material ) { if ( !! ) {; = undefined; } // do that for normalMap, specularMap and bumpMap too material.dispose(); material = undefined; }

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Before unmount: • Stop render loop. • Dispose all geoms, materials and textures recursively. • Release renderer and context. • Resize canvas to 1px * 1px.

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demo http://localhost:8000/demo3-unmount/

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tick() { if ( ! this.running ) return; requestAnimationFrame( () => this.tick() );
 this.movieClip.rotation += 0.03; this.renderer.render( this.stage ); }

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beforeDestroy() { this.running = false; const destroyChildren = true; this.stage.destroy( destroyChildren ); this.renderer.destroy(); this.renderer.view = undefined; // until next garbage collection this.$el.width = 1; this.$el.height = 1; },

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Before unmount: • Stop render loop. • Destroy the stage with deep option. • Release renderer and context. • Resize canvas to 1px * 1px.

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FYI: May not necessary to remove the canvas. It may cause flickering. Consider to just hide it.

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demo http://localhost:8000/demo3-show-toggle/

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Assets compressing

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The file size of 3D objects are big. Problem

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Compress them. Solution

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No content

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original 16,513KB zgip 4,585KB draco 344KB

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• gZip and Zip reduce 70%. • Draco reduces 98%.

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Draco loader for three.js

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Prepare draco libs

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Load only DRACOLoader.js into your JS. Others will be loaded by Loader.

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const DRACO_PATH = './libs/'; const DRACO_TYPE = !! window.WebAssembly ? 'wasm' : 'js'; const dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader( DRACO_PATH, { type: DRACO_TYPE } ); dracoLoader.load( './model/rameses.drc', ( geometry ) => { const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } ); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); } );

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const DRACO_PATH = './libs/'; const DRACO_TYPE = !! window.WebAssembly ? 'wasm' : 'js'; const dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader( DRACO_PATH, { type: DRACO_TYPE } ); dracoLoader.load( './model/rameses.drc', ( geometry ) => { const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } ); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); The decoder will be loaded from external file.
 You need set the path to it.

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const DRACO_PATH = './libs/'; const DRACO_TYPE = !! window.WebAssembly ? 'wasm' : 'js'; const dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader( DRACO_PATH, { type: DRACO_TYPE } ); dracoLoader.load( './model/rameses.drc', ( geometry ) => { const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } ); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); The recorder is available in both Wasm and JS. Use preferred version.

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const DRACO_PATH = './libs/'; const DRACO_TYPE = !! window.WebAssembly ? 'wasm' : 'js'; const dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader( DRACO_PATH, { type: DRACO_TYPE } ); dracoLoader.load( './model/rameses.drc', ( geometry ) => { const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } ); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); Make a loader instance for three.js

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const DRACO_PATH = './libs/'; const DRACO_TYPE = !! window.WebAssembly ? 'wasm' : 'js'; const dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader( DRACO_PATH, { type: DRACO_TYPE } ); dracoLoader.load( './model/rameses.drc', ( geometry ) => { const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } ); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); } ); Load a drc file

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const DRACO_PATH = './libs/'; const DRACO_TYPE = !! window.WebAssembly ? 'wasm' : 'js'; const dracoLoader = new THREE.DRACOLoader( DRACO_PATH, { type: DRACO_TYPE } ); dracoLoader.load( './model/rameses.drc', ( geometry ) => { const material = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { map: texture } ); const mesh = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material ); scene.add( mesh ); } );

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For more info, read my blog post:

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Unzip JS lib is available on NPM as well:

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• Pass renderer.render() if not needed. • Store as numbers: colour, time etc… Other things

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three.js / pixi.js and others can be
 a part of WebApp! Not only for artistic projects. Conclusion

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For Viewer, Simulator, DataVisualization and more! Conclusion

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gl.finish(); @yomotsu All demos can be found: