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Testing configuration with Open Policy Agent Gareth Rushgrove

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Gareth Rushgrove Director, Product Management, Snyk Devops Weekly curator Open Policy Agent, Conftest Maintainer @garethr

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Agenda Why policy? 01 Policy and developer workflow 02 The importance of sharing 03 Conclusions 04

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Why policy? Introducing Open Policy Agent

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policy a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party. Cambridge Dictionary noun [ C ] UK /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ US /ˈpɑː.lə.si/

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policy a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party. Cambridge Dictionary noun [ C ] UK /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ US /ˈpɑː.lə.si/ All Go projects should have been updated to use Go 1.13

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policy a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party. Cambridge Dictionary noun [ C ] UK /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ US /ˈpɑː.lə.si/ All Go projects should have been updated to use Go 1.13 All EC2 instances should have tags showing which team owns them

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policy a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party. Cambridge Dictionary noun [ C ] UK /ˈpɒl.ə.si/ US /ˈpɑː.lə.si/ All Go projects should have been updated to use Go 1.13 All EC2 instances should have tags showing which team owns them Dockerfiles should not use FROM with images tagged latest

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Open Policy Agent Service OPA .rego Query (any JSON value) Decision (any JSON value) Data (JSON) Policy (Rego) Request, Event, etc. Declarative Express policy in a high-level, declarative language that promotes safe, performant, fine-grained controls. Use a language purpose-built for policy in a world where JSON is pervasive. Context-aware Leverage external information to write the policies you really care about. Write logic that adapts to the world around it and attach that logic to the systems that need it.

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Given a Kubernetes YAML file apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: hello-kubernetes spec: replicas: 3 selector: matchLabels: app: hello-kubernetes template: metadata: labels: app: hello-kubernetes spec: containers: - name: hello-kubernetes YAML

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Write your policies deny[msg] { input.kind = "Deployment" not input.spec.template.spec.securityContext.runAsNonRoot = true msg = "Containers must not run as root" } We should deny any input for which Deployment is the value for kind and When runAsNonRoot is not true REGO

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Run tests with conftest $ conftest test deployment.yaml FAIL - Containers must not run as root 1 test, 0 passed, 0 warnings, 1 failure, 0 exceptions

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Lots of output options $ conftest test service.yaml -o table +---------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | RESULT | FILE | MESSAGE | +---------+--------------+--------------------------------+ | success | service.yaml | data.main.deny | | success | service.yaml | data.main.violation | | success | service.yaml | | | success | service.yaml | | | warning | service.yaml | Found service hello-kubernetes | | | | but services are not allowed | +---------+--------------+--------------------------------+

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Write unit tests for Rego in Rego test_blank_input { no_violations with input as {} } test_correctly_encrypted_azure_disk { no_violations with input as {"resource": { "azurerm_managed_disk": { "sample": { "encryp } test_unencrypted_azure_disk { deny["Azure disk `sample` is not encrypted"] with input as {"resource": { "azurerm_managed_di } REGO

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The Rego Playground

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Policy and developer workflow Local testing, CI and more

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Any configuration format Conftest currently supports YAML, JSON, INI, TOML, HOCON, HCL, CUE, Dockerfile, EDN, VCL, XML and Jsonnet. Lots of infrastructure use cases Pulumi, Terraform, Azure Resource Manager, AWS CloudFormation, Varnish, Dockerfile, Envoy, CircleCI configuration, Tekton, Kubernetes and lots more. Test any configuration file or structured output Anything that outputs, or takes as input, structured data in a standard format.

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Conftest integrations Easy to run in common CI/CD systems

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Modern Infrastructure as Code Create and deploy cloud software that use containers, serverless functions, hosted services, and infrastructure, on any cloud. Describe infrastructure in Typescript, Python, Go or .NET. let aws = require("@pulumi/aws"); let sg = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup("web-sg", { ingress: [{ protocol: "tcp", fromPort: 80, toPort: 80, cidrBlocks: [""]}], }); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { new aws.ec2.Instance(`web-${i}`, { ami: "ami-7172b611", instanceType: "t2.micro", securityGroups: [ ], userData: `#!/bin/bash echo "Hello, World!" > index.html nohup python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 &`, }); } TYPESCRIPT

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Pulumi CrossGuard supports Open Policy Agent

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Write policies for any Pulumi provider package kubernetes name = labels { input.metadata.labels[""] input.metadata.labels[""] input.metadata.labels[""] input.metadata.labels[""] input.metadata.labels[""] input.metadata.labels[""] } deny[msg] { input.kind = "Deployment" not labels msg = sprintf("%s must include Kubernetes recommended labels", [name]) } REGO

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Gate pulumi up on passing policy $ pulumi up --policy-pack policy Previewing update (dev) View Live: 961e6617 Type Name Plan Info pulumi:pulumi:Stack pulumi-oketeto-conftest-demo-dev 1 error ~ └─ pulumi:providers:kubernetes kubernetes update [diff: -kubeconfig] Diagnostics: pulumi:pulumi:Stack (pulumi-oketeto-conftest-demo-dev): error: preview failed Policy Violations: [mandatory] kubernetes v0.0.1 deny (nginx: kubernetes:apps/v1:Deployment) nginx-fxpagomr must include Kubernetes recommended labels

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Output to YAML with Pulumi (beta) from pulumi_kubernetes import Provider # Instantiate a Kubernetes Provider and specify the render directory. render_provider = Provider("k8s-yaml-rendered", render_yaml_to_directory="yaml") PYTHON import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; import * as kx from "@pulumi/kubernetesx"; // Instantiate a Kubernetes Provider and specify the render directory. const provider = new k8s.Provider("render-yaml", { renderYamlToDirectory: "rendered", }); TYPESCRIPT

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Lots of tools output JSON Any tool that can output to a one of the structured formats supported by Conftest can be tested with Open Policy Agent. Provides a rules engine for anything from kubectl to aws to snyk. Useful for checking output as well as input $ snyk container test your/image --json ... { "title": "CVE-2019-9619", "packageName": "systemd", "language": "linux", "packageManager": "debian:10", "description": "...", "identifiers": { "CVE": [ "CVE-2019-9619" ], }, "severity": "low", "references": [ { "title": "Debian Security Tracker", "url": "https://security-tracker.debian.o

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Prohibiting high severity vulnerabilities package main deny[msg] { issue = input.vulnerabilities[index] issue.severity = "high" msg = sprintf("High severity issue found. package: %v issue: %v", [, issue.title]) } Rego for the JSON output from snyk Here we’re saying we want to prohibit any images with known high-severity vulnerabilities. REGO

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Watching out for crypto issues package main deny[msg] { issue = input.vulnerabilities[index] issue.identifiers["CWE"][_] = "CWE-327" issue.severity = "high" msg = sprintf("High severity cryptography issue (CWE-327). package: %v", []) } warn[msg] { issue = input.vulnerabilities[index] issue.identifiers["CWE"][_] = "CWE-327" issue.severity != "high" msg = sprintf("Crypto issue (CWE-327). package: %v severity: %v", [, issue.severity]) } REGO

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Run locally and as part of image pipelines $ snyk container test --file=base/Dockerfile --json | conftest test - WARN - Cryptography issue (CWE-327). package: gnupg severity: low WARN - Cryptography issue (CWE-327). package: openssl/libssl1.0.0 severity: medium WARN - Cryptography issue (CWE-327). package: openssl/libssl1.0.0 severity: low WARN - Cryptography issue (CWE-327). package: openssl severity: medium WARN - High severity issue found. package: apt/libapt-pkg4.12 issue: Arbitrary Code Injection FAIL - High severity issue found. package: apt issue: Arbitrary Code Injection FAIL - High severity issue found. package: bzip2/libbz2-1.0 issue: Out-of-bounds Write FAIL - High severity issue found. package: glibc/libc-bin issue: Out-of-bounds Read Stdin Use conftest and Open Policy Agent with any tool that outputs to JSON.

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Sharing policy Scaling with reuse

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Sharing via Git, HTTP, S3 and more $ conftest pull # Note here we’re only getting the contents of a specific subdirectory, policy $ conftest pull Pull policies from remote locations Support for local files, Git, Mercurial, HTTP, Amazon S3, Google GCP

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Sharing via OCI registries $ conftest push ... $ conftest pull oci:// Powered by the OCI Artifacts specification Not supported by all registries yet, but ACR, ECR, GitHub Container Registry, Harbor and more support this capability now.

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Sharing via Pulumi $ pulumi policy publish # Note here we’re only getting the contents of a specific subdirectory, policy $ pulumi policy ls NAME VERSIONS kubernetes 1 $ pulumi policy enable garethr/kubernetes 1 Pulumi’s commercial service has sharing built-in Automatic enforcement on pulumi up without having to specify the policy pack locally.

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Conclusions If all you remember is...

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Configuration needs tests too Infrastructure as code benefits from software development practices just like other software development.

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Standardize tools for common problems OPA is useful for individual use cases, but the cost of adoption really pays off when using to solve several problems

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Policy needs to shift left Catching problems only at the end of the process doesn’t make for a nice developer experience.

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