Mastering Dynamic UI Theming for Designers at Bites & Bytes
Roman Shamin
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Dynamic UI Theming Mastering for designers Not Readable Aa 38 0 106 Polychrom le 0 108 0 0 62% 0.22 259 om Not Readable Aa 18 0 100% 0 0 62% Polychrom Non-Text Aa 34 0 108 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom Aa 75 0 108 100% 0 0 59% 0.22 262.6 #BitesAndBytesLisbon
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What are F i f t y S h ade s of Grey?
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A typical UI
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Colors can be challenging
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Body Text Rg 18px Bd 14px Aa 75 0 108 100% 0 0 59% 0.22 262.6 Polychrom Non-Text Aa 34 0 108 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom Not Readable Aa 18 0 106 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom Invisible Aa 0 0 108 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom Demo
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UI reflects user selection TASK 75 Initial colors UI Approach Aa
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Show initial colors as is Approach 1 75 Aa Initial colors UI No change No change
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It works good... right? Approach 1 Test Aa 75 Aa 46 Aa 35 Aa 18
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Actually it doesn’t! Approach 1 Test 75 Selecting white text on a white BG leads to an unusable UI
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Contrast matters! User interfaces must be accessible
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We need enough contrast between text and BG in UI THe problem 9 Aa It’s hard to read the number in this UI ?
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Transforminitial colors... Approach 2 70 Aa Initial colors UI Darker Lighter
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Transform initial colors to ensure enough contrast Approach 2 Aa 70
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Yeah... but how?
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Is there an easy way to transform colors? Approach 2 HEX RGB # B 2 7 F C 5 178,127,197
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Perceptual uniformity P3 gamut OKLCH color model at a glance Chroma Dull—vivid Hue Red, yellow, etc Lightness Dark—bright
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Learn more OKLCH
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L for Lightness OKLCH 80% 60% 40% Lightness +20 = lighten -20 = darken
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Darken a color Transformation 30% 60%
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Lighten a color Transformation 85% 68%
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No content
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Transform initial colors to ensure enough contrast Approach 2 Aa 70
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Now it works... right? Approach 2 Test Aa 102 Aa 72 Aa 90 Aa 65
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Right! Approach 2 produces sufficient contrast Approach 2 Test 100
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46 72 Better contrast Approach 1 VS 2 75 102 18 65 35 90
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Convert to OKLCH Transform colors Ensure a11y in UI Body Text Rg 18px Bd 14px Aa 75 0 108 100% 0 0 59% 0.22 262.6 Polychrom Non-Text Aa 34 0 108 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom Not Readable Aa 18 0 106 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom Invisible Aa 0 0 108 100% 0 0 62% 0.22 259 Polychrom
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Are you crazy?
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Tweet your questions to #bitesandbyteslisbon The best question wins some gifts... Award at the afterparty
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