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IYKRA Data Fellowship Program Batch 6 Building Robust ETL with Talend Open Studio and Pentaho Data Integration by Aditya Satrya 2 Agustus 2021 Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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Trainer Profile Aditya Satrya Experiences: • Data Engineering Manager, Accenture AI (May 2021 – present) • Data Engineering Manager, Mekari (Jan 2020 – May 2021) • Head of Engineering, Jabar Digital Service (Oct 2018 – Des 2019) • CTO/Co-founder, Qiwii–Mobile Queueing App (Nov 2017 – Des 2018) • CTO/Co-founder, Nuesto Technology (2014 – 2018) Connect: • Linkedin: • Telegram: @asatrya Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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Table of Content ETL Introduction Robust ETL Principles Lab: Talend Open Studio Lab: Pentaho Data Integration Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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ETL Introduction Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ETL Introduction Robust ETL Principles Lab: Talend Open Studio Lab: Pentaho Data Integration

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ETL INTRODUCTION OLTP vs OLAP Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 Image source:

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ETL INTRODUCTION What is ETL? Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 Source:

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ETL INTRODUCTION Why do we need ETL? Why not directly query the database? Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Slow down the source system ● Transactional system is not optimized for reporting and analysis

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ETL - EXTRACT Source systems are usually heterogeneous Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Transactional applications ○ ERP, operational applications, marketing tools, etc ● APIs ● Sensor data ● SaaS ● Databases ● Files ● others

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ETL - EXTRACT Know and understand your data source Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Data type ● Update frequency ● Data quality (completeness, validity, accuracy, etc) ● Data owner ● Policy to access the data ● Data volume ● Table indexing ● Availability of timestamp field ● Schema changes frequency

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ETL - EXTRACT Data extraction methods Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Delta/incremental ○ SELECT query (require timestamp field) ○ CDC / change logs ● Full/snapshot ○ Source systems cannot identify which data has been changed

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ETL - TRANSFORM Typical transformation job Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Column mapping ● Assigning data type ● Select attributes ● Translation/standardization of value ● Data validation ● Splitting columns ● Join/lookup from multiple source ● Calculation using existing fields ● etc

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ETL - TRANSFORM Typical problems related to data quality Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Potential Problems with Data from a Single Source ○ Uniqueness ○ Redundancy/Duplicates ○ Outside domain range ○ Data entry errors ○ Referential integrity ● Potential Problems with Data from Multiple Sources ○ Naming conflicts at the schema level — using the same name for different things or using a different name for the same things ○ Naming conflicts at the data level ○ Inconsistent aggregating ○ Inconsistent timing

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● ETL job/code maintainability ○ Change versioning ○ Modularity ○ Knowledge transfer ○ Changes in business requirement/logic ● ETL job/code resiliency to failure ○ Rapid increase in data volume ○ Circuit break when failure ○ Backfilling ○ Data loss ETL - TRANSFORM Typical problems related to data processing Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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ETL - LOAD Typical target systems Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Data lake ○ Common underlying storage: HDFS, Object storage ● Data warehouse ○ Traditional data warehouse ○ Cloud data warehouse (Massive Parallel Processing): BigQuery, Snowflake, Redshift

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Robust ETL Principles Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ETL Introduction Robust ETL Principles Lab: Talend Open Studio Lab: Pentaho Data Integration

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ETL - PRINCIPLES Robust ETL Principles Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 #1 Extract and store data in raw format #2 Create idempotent and deterministic processes #3 Rest data between tasks #4 Validate data after each step

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ETL - PRINCIPLES 1. Extract and store data in raw format Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 Why? ● Prevent losing data because of transformation failure ● Enable to reprocess data when there’s changes in business rules How? ● Don’t do any transformation before storing it for the first time ● Use format that have minimum metadata definition (i.e: CSV, JSON) ● Don’t use format like Parquet for ingestion

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ETL - PRINCIPLES 2. Create idempotent & deterministic processes Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 Definition? ● Idempotent: Run multiple times without changing the result ● Deterministic: The results of a transformations only depends on determined input parameters ○ i.e: the result should NOT depend on the timing of it runs Why? ● Reproducible ○ When something breaks, just fix the underlying issue, then reruns the process without worrying about data consistency ○ When schema or business logic changes, just rerun the process ● Easier to debug ● Enable to create dev/staging environment that mirrors production

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ETL - PRINCIPLES 2. Create idempotent & deterministic processes (cont’d) Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 How? ● Don’t append, overwrite the partition instead ● Don’t alter data, write new one instead ● Don’t produce side effect, treat your process as a function ● Define all factors that influence the result as input parameters ○ i.e.: Don't use, use parameter instead

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ETL - PRINCIPLES 3. Rest data between tasks Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 Why? ● Enable data pipeline/ETL to run in cluster, means this is a good foundation to scaling How? ● Write result of a task to the storage ● Next task will read from the storage

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ETL - PRINCIPLES 3. Rest data between tasks (cont’d) Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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ETL - PRINCIPLES 4. Validate data after each step Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 Why? ● Prevent silent data error ● Never publish wrong data

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Lab: Talend Open Studio Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ETL Introduction Robust ETL Principles Lab: Talend Open Studio Lab: Pentaho Data Integration

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TALEND OS - OVERVIEW Talend Components Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - OVERVIEW Talend for Data Management Reference Architecture Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB PREPARATION Required Tools and Environment Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Java 11 ● Talend Open Studio 7.3.1 ● MySQL Database ○ Installed locally ○ Database: northwind, dwh ○ Schema & data: ● S3 ○ Bucket: data-fellowship-6 ○ AWS Key: ○ AWS Secret:

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TALEND OS - LAB #1 - HELLO WORLD! Create a “Hello World!” dialog Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #2 - EXTRACTION Data extraction for delimited files (CSV) from S3 + Metadata Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #3 - EXTRACTION Data extraction for MySQL and store in S3 as CSV Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.1 Source Tables Schema Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.2 Business Questions Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 When do we have the most and least closed order last month? order_date count( status_name == closed order_date How many unique products are sold per day? count() count(product_id) status_name == closed order_date status_name == closed How much is our omzet per day? sum() quantity unit_price order_date

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TALEND OS - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.3 Data Warehouse Table Schema (Dimensional Model) Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.4 ETL Job + Context Variable + Debugging Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #5 - BUILD & AUTOMATE JOB Build job + Run in command line + Override context vars Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Case: ○ We will use external orchestrator (ie: Airflow) to run Talend jobs ○ The job will be executed every month, immediately after a month period ends ● Expected to run in command line: ./ \ --context_param start_period={{execution_date}} \ --context_param end_period=2006-02-31

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TALEND OS - LAB #6 - ELT CASE STUDY 6.1 Extract & load jobs Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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TALEND OS - LAB #6 - ELT CASE STUDY 6.2 Transform Job Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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Lab: Pentaho Data Integration Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ETL Introduction Robust ETL Principles Lab: Talend Open Studio Lab: Pentaho Data Integration

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PENTAHO DI - LAB PREPARATION Required Tools and Environment Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Java 8 ● Pentaho Data Integration 9.1 ● MySQL Database ○ Installed locally ○ Database: northwind, dwh ○ Schema & data: ● S3 ○ Bucket: data-fellowship-6 ○ AWS Key: ○ AWS Secret:

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #1 - HELLO WORLD! Write PDI version and “Hello World” to log Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #2 - EXTRACTION Data extraction for delimited files (CSV) from S3 Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #3 - EXTRACTION Data extraction from MySQL and store in S3 as CSV Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.1 Source Tables Schema Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.2 Business Questions Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 When do we have the most and least closed order last month? order_date count( status_name == closed order_date How many unique products are sold per day? order_date count(product_id) status_name == closed order_date status_name == closed How much is our omzet per day? sum() quantity unit_price order_date

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.3 Data Warehouse Table Schema (Dimensional Model) Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #4 - ETL CASE STUDY 4.4 ETL Transformation + Parameters + Debugging Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #5 - BUILD & AUTOMATE JOB Build job + Run in command line + Override parameters Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Case: ○ We will use external orchestrator (ie: Airflow) to run Pentaho jobs ○ The job will be executed every month, immediately after a month period ends ● Expected to run in command line: ./ \ -file /lab_04_etl.ktr \ -param:period_start=2006-02-01 \ -param:period_end=2006-02-28

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PENTAHO DI - LAB #6 - ELT CASE STUDY ELT Job Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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Practice Case Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021

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PRACTICE CASE ETL Best Practices Implementation Proprietary of IYKRA - Data Fellowship Batch 6 - 2021 ● Objective ○ Have a robust understanding on implementing good ETL principles ○ Able to implement ETL using a visual tool ● Instructions & Scoring ○ Implement ETL jobs/transformation in Lab #4 using Talend or Pentaho [score: 40] ○ Add several improvements: ■ Extract and store data in raw format (CSV) to S3 [score: 20] ■ Implement data quality check [score: 20] ■ Keep the ETL process idempotent [score: 10] ■ Keep the monthly batch period [score: 10] ○ You may make assumptions, but you need to state them

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Thank you! IYKRA Data Fellowship Program Batch 6