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@sandeepdinesh Scalable Microservices gRPC and Kubernetes and Containers oh my! @sandeepdinesh Sandeep Dinesh, Cloud Developer Advocate

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@sandeepdinesh Have you heard of our lord and savior, Microservices?

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@sandeepdinesh Google Trends: Microservices

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@sandeepdinesh “Write programs that do one thing, and do it well. Write programs that work together” - Unix Philosophy UNIX

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@sandeepdinesh Why Microservices? Scalability Security Polyglot Development Maintainability Continuous Deployment Decentralization Robustness

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@sandeepdinesh Why Microservices? Scalability Security Polyglot Development Maintainability Continuous Deployment Decentralization Robustness How?

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No content

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Everything at Google runs in containers We launch over 2 billion containers per week. • Gmail, Web Search, Maps, ... • MapReduce, batch, ... • GFS, Colossus, ...

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@sandeepdinesh Kubernetes Borg Stubby

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@sandeepdinesh Kubernetes

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@sandeepdinesh App A

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@sandeepdinesh App A

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@sandeepdinesh Replication Controller App A

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@sandeepdinesh Replication Controller App A App A App A App A

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@sandeepdinesh Replication Controller Service A App A App A App A App A

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@sandeepdinesh Microservice A

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@sandeepdinesh That’s it!

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@sandeepdinesh Microservice A Microservice C Microservice D Microservice B

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@sandeepdinesh Microservice A Microservice C Microservice D Microservice B

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@sandeepdinesh Microservice A Microservice C Microservice D Microservice B

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@sandeepdinesh Microservice A Microservice C Microservice D (2.0) Microservice B

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@sandeepdinesh Let’s build

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript var http = require('http'); var server = http.createServer(function (request, response) { response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"}); response.end("Hello World\n"); }); server.listen(3000); App

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ docker build -t $ gcloud docker push Build the Container

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@sandeepdinesh YAML apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: labels: name: frontend name: frontend spec: replicas: 2 selector: name: frontend Frontend Replication Controller template: metadata: labels: name: frontend spec: containers: - image: name: frontend ports: - containerPort: 3000 name: http-server

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ kubectl create -f frontend-controller.yaml Launch the Controller

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@sandeepdinesh YAML apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: frontend labels: name: frontend spec: type: LoadBalancer Frontend Service ports: - port: 80 targetPort: 3000 protocol: TCP selector: name: frontend

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ kubectl create -f frontend-service.yaml Launch the Service

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@sandeepdinesh What about Communication?

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@sandeepdinesh Microservice A Microservice C Microservice D Microservice B

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@sandeepdinesh “The biggest issue in changing a monolith into microservices lies in changing the communication pattern.” - Martin Fowler

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O(1010) RPCs per second at Google

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@sandeepdinesh Protocol Buffers

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message HelloRequest { string greeting = 1; } message HelloResponse { string reply = 1; } service HelloService { rpc SayHello(HelloRequest) returns (HelloResponse); } IDL (Interface definition language) Describe once and generate interfaces for any language. Data Model Structure of the request and response. Binary format for network transmission. Wire Format Protocol Buffers

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@sandeepdinesh Protocol Buffers HTTP/2

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@sandeepdinesh HTTP/2 HTTP/1.1

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Multiplexing Bidirectional Streaming Flow Control HTTP/2 No more polling, sockets, or clunky SSE Control your congestion Single TCP connection

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@sandeepdinesh Protocol Buffers HTTP/2 Multiple Languages

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Multiple Languages C/C++

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@sandeepdinesh Protocol Buffers HTTP/2 Multiple Languages Mobile First

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@sandeepdinesh Let’s upgrade our app

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@sandeepdinesh ProtoBuff package geo; service GeoService { rpc DistanceBetween (Points) returns (Distance) {} } message Point { float lat = 1; float lng = 2; } message Points { Point origin = 1; Point destination = 2; } message Distance { float distance = 1; } .proto

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript var grpc = require('grpc'), proto = grpc.load('interface.proto'), GeoService = grpc.buildServer([proto.geo.GeoService.service]); Backend Code

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript var server = new GeoService({ 'geo.GeoService': { distanceBetween: function(call, callback) { callback(null, getDistance(call.request)); } } }); Backend Code

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript function distance(a,b,c,d){//haversine formula stuff} function getDistance(points){ return distance(, points.origin.lng,, points.destination.lng); } Backend Code

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript server.bind(''); server.listen(); Backend Code

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ docker build -t $ gcloud docker push Build the Container

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript var grpc = require('grpc'), proto = grpc.load('interface.proto'), client = new proto.geo.GeoService('backend:50051'); Frontend Code

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript var request = { origin: { lat: 0, lng: 0 }, destination: { lat: 15, lng: 15 } } Frontend Code

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@sandeepdinesh JavaScript client.distanceBetween(request, function(error, distance) { if (error) { response.end(JSON.stringify(error)); } else { response.end("Distance = " + JSON.stringify(distance) + "\n"); } }); Frontend Code

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ docker build -t $ gcloud docker push Build the Container

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@sandeepdinesh YAML apiVersion: v1 kind: ReplicationController metadata: labels: name: backend name: backend spec: replicas: 4 selector: name: backend Backend Replication Controller template: metadata: labels: name: backend spec: containers: - image: name: backend ports: - containerPort: 50051 name: grpc-server

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ kubectl create -f backend-controller.yaml Launch the Controller

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@sandeepdinesh YAML apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: backend labels: name: backend spec: Backend Service ports: - port: 50051 targetPort: 50051 selector: name: backend

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ kubectl create -f backend-service.yaml Launch the Service

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@sandeepdinesh Bash $ kubectl rolling-update frontend \ \ --update-period="5m" Upgrade the Frontend

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@sandeepdinesh Kubernetes

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@sandeepdinesh Google Container Engine

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Thank you! Thank you! Kubernetes: gRPC: Code: Me: @sandeepdinesh Slack: Cloud: