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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end BUILDING THE NEW RAILS System Tests

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end Hi! I’m Eileen M. Uchitelle

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end I’m a Systems Engineer @

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end I’m on the Core Team

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end You can find me online @eileencodes

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end BUILDING THE NEW RAILS System Tests

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At the 2014 RailsConf…

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Today we do [Rails does] nothing to encourage full system tests. There's no default answer in the stack. That's a mistake we’re going to fix. “ —DHH in “TDD is dead. Long live testing.”

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3 years later…

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Zomg, Rails 5.1 has system testing!!1!11!

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Wait, what’s a system test?

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Tests your application as a whole system

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gem 'capybara', '~> 2.13.0' gem 'selenium-webdriver' Rails 5.1 Gemfile

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application_system_test_case.rb require 'test_helper' class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase driven_by :selenium, using: :chrome, screen_size: [1400, 1400] end

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require "application_system_test_case" class PostsTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase test "visiting the index" do visit posts_url assert_selector "h1", text: "Post" end end

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rails test:system Running System Tests

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end SYSTEM TESTING Why did it take 3 years?

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Integration tests were slowww….

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Yo, can you make my system test promise come true?

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I had never used Capybara before

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end SYSTEM TESTING Guiding Principles

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1. Optimize for programmer happiness 2. Convention over configuration 3. The menu is omakase 4. No one paradigm 5. Exalt beautiful code 6. Provide sharp knives 7. Value integrated systems 8. Progress over stability 9. Push up a big tent The Rails Doctrine

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Optimize for programmer happiness

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require 'test_helper' # set the driver Capybara.current_driver = :selenium # register the driver & browser Capybara.register_driver :selenium do |app|, browser: :chrome).tap do |driver| driver.browser.manage.window.size =*[1400, 1400]) end end # set the server Capybara.server = :puma Capybara.always_include_port = true # register the server Capybara.register_server :puma do |app, port, host|, Port: port, Threads: "0:1") end

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There is zero configuration required to use Capybara with Rails 5.1

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require 'test_helper' class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase driven_by :selenium, using: :chrome, screen_size: [1400, 1400] end

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Value integrated systems

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Rails as a whole now addresses system testing

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Progress over stability

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When system tests were merged there were a few known bugs

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end SYSTEM TESTING Implementation & Architecture

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Config defaults: Why Selenium?

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Selenium doesn’t require system installs

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Can see the tests running in the browser

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Better for beginners learning Rails and Capybara

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driven_by :selenium Driver Options

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driven_by :poltergeist Driver Options

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Config defaults: Why Chrome?

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Chrome is widely used

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For awhile, Firefox was broken with Selenium

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driven_by :selenium, using: :chrome Driver Options

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driven_by :selenium, using: :firefox Driver Options

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Driver Options driven_by :selenium, using: :firefox
 screen_size: [1400, 1400]

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Driver Options driven_by :selenium, using: :firefox
 options: { url: "http://chrome:4444/hub" }

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Config defaults: Failure Screenshots

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def after_teardown take_failed_screenshot Capybara.reset_sessions! super end Driver Options

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test "the page contains users" do visit users_path take_screenshot assert_selector "h1", text: "Arya" end Take a Screenshot

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Database Cleaner not required

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Test transaction opens a connection

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Puma opens a second connection Test transaction opens a connection

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The first connection can’t see the data inserted on the second connection

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I asked for help from @tenderlove & @matthewd

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Puma connects on the same connection Test transaction opens a connection

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# In actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end

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# In actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end

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# In actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end end […]

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# In actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest def self.driven_by(driver, using: :chrome, screen_size: [1400, 1400], options: {}) @driver =, using: using, screen_size: screen_size) end driven_by :selenium end SystemTestCase.start_application end

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# In action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb module ActionDispatch module SystemTesting class Driver # :nodoc: def initialize(name, **options) @name = name @browser = options[:using] @screen_size = options[:screen_size] @options = options[:options] end def use register if selenium? setup end

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# In actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end

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# In action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb module ActionDispatch module SystemTesting class Driver # :nodoc: def use register if selenium? setup end private def selenium? @name == :selenium end […]

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# In action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb def register Capybara.register_driver @name do |app|, { browser: @browser }.merge(@options)) .tap do |driver| driver.browser.manage.window.size =*@screen_size) end end end

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# In action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb module ActionDispatch module SystemTesting class Driver # :nodoc: def use register if selenium? setup end private def selenium? @name == :selenium end […]

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# In action_dispatch/system_testing/driver.rb module ActionDispatch module SystemTesting class Driver # :nodoc: private def setup Capybara.current_driver = @name end end end end

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end BUILDING Open Source Features

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Public Work

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Feels like everyone is judging you

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$%&' ()*+ ,-./

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$%&' ()*+ ,-./ 70

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$%&' ()*+ ,-./

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$%&' ()*+ ,-./ Perfect?

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Respecting multiple stakeholders

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Manage expectations

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Know who you are building the feature for

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Be open to change

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Open source doesn’t work without contributors

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Build a foundation for others to work off of

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Thanks @twapole

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Thanks @robin850

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Thanks @mtsmfm & @lucasmazza

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Thanks @renchap

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Open source doesn’t work without contributors

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Open source doesn’t work without you

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end Thank you RailsConf!

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module ActionDispatch class SystemTestCase < IntegrationTest include Capybara::DSL include Capybara::Minitest::Assertions include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::SetupAndTeardown include SystemTesting::TestHelpers::ScreenshotHelper def initialize(*) # :nodoc: super self.class.superclass.driver.use end def self.start_application # :nodoc: = do map "/" do run Rails.application end end Find me everywhere @eileencodes