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Blocks in containers lessons learned from containerizing Minecraft

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@juliaferraioli 2 Julia Ferraioli Software Engineer Open Source @ Google Empathy in tech advocate ML enthusiast

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@juliaferraioli 3

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@juliaferraioli 4 I’m addicted to Minecraft 4

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@juliaferraioli 5

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@juliaferraioli 6 Okay, I’m addicted to Minecraft and Lego 6

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@juliaferraioli 7

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@juliaferraioli 8 Alright, I’m addicted to Minecraft, Lego, and cloud 8

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@juliaferraioli 9

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@juliaferraioli 10 Fine! I’m addicted to Minecraft, Lego, cloud, and containers 10

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@juliaferraioli Let’s talk about containers 11

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@juliaferraioli 14%-36% 12 Running in production The New Stack:

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What’s the barrier here? 13 CC image courtesy of Kevin:

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@juliaferraioli We have educational resources 14 14

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@juliaferraioli We have cloud provider support 15 15

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@juliaferraioli We have meetup upon meetup 16 16

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17 CC image courtesy of Andrew Albosta: Missing the link between here and awesometown

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We need a toy… problem 18 CC image courtesy of Glenn Calvin:

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19 ❔ ● ...that predate the surge in container popularity? ● ...that are understood/used by many? ● ...that are complex enough that containerization makes sense ...but simple enough to tackle? What sort of fully-baked apps do we have... 19 ❔ ❔

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@juliaferraioli 20 20

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@juliaferraioli Phase 1: experimentation 21

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@juliaferraioli Uh, hello Minecraft? What does Minecraft need? FROM debian:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl openjdk-7-jre ENV MC_VERSION 1.8.9 ENV BASE_URL ENV SERVER_FILE minecraft_server RUN mkdir /opt/mc WORKDIR /opt/mc RUN curl $BASE_URL/$MC_VERSION/$SERVER_FILE.$MC_VERSION.jar \ -o minecraft.jar && chmod u+x minecraft.jar CMD java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft.jar nogui 22 Java. It needs Java.

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23 CC image courtesy of Josh Wedin: This is kind of old hat

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24 Where’s the magic?

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@juliaferraioli Phase 2: 25 cautious containerization

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@juliaferraioli Building and testing ➜ ~ docker build -t juliaferraioli/mc:v1 . ➜ ~ docker run -p 25565:25565 -d juliaferraioli/mc:v1 d7d5e58f8833952b51d33c9c63a2b763f1a290d33270245a518d17d689f45f39 ➜ ~ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES well, . 26

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@juliaferraioli Phase 3: problem identification 27

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@juliaferraioli I build and run but nothing happens! `-d` means detached => when our CMD exits, the container exits => `java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft.jar nogui` must have exited 28

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@juliaferraioli Okay, let’s remove the flag ➜ ~ docker run -p 25565:25565 juliaferraioli/mc:v1 29 [16:33:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.9.2 [16:33:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Loading properties [16:33:54] [Server thread/WARN]: does not exist [16:33:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating new properties file [16:33:54] [Server thread/WARN]: Failed to load eula.txt [16:33:54] [Server thread/INFO]: You need to agree to the EULA in order to run the server. Go to eula.txt for more info. [16:33:54] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server

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@juliaferraioli Ohhhhhh... 30 ● If there’s already an accepted EULA... ● or if we accepted through the ENV... ● go ahead and start the server. ● Else, prompt the user to read the EULA and exit the script CC image courtesy of Betsy Weber:

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@juliaferraioli Uh, hello Minecraft? (Reprise) What does Minecraft need? FROM debian:latest RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl openjdk-7-jre ENV MC_VERSION 1.8.9 ENV BASE_URL ENV SERVER_FILE minecraft_server RUN mkdir /opt/mc WORKDIR /opt/mc COPY /opt/mc/ RUN curl $BASE_URL/$MC_VERSION/$SERVER_FILE.$MC_VERSION.jar \ -o minecraft.jar && chmod u+x minecraft.jar CMD ./ 31 Java. It needs Java. And an accepted EULA.

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@juliaferraioli Lesson(s) 32

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33 Storage becomes complicated CC image courtesy of Windell Oskay:

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34 Storage stays complicated CC image courtesy of Windell Oskay:

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35 Ephemerality is hard to grok CC image courtesy of Spielbrick Films:

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@juliaferraioli Phase 4: 36 containerizing ALL the things!

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@juliaferraioli I’m the conductor of this orchestra 37 CC image courtesy of Brian Alano:

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@juliaferraioli I’m the conductor of this orchestra ➜ ~ kubectl run mc \ --env="EULA=true" --port=25565 ➜ ~ kubectl expose deployment mc type=LoadBalancer ➜ ~ kubectl describe services mc 38

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@juliaferraioli Phase 5: freedom! 39

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40 Breaking out of the machine CC image courtesy of Shadowman39:

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41 Lack of boundaries is freeing CC image courtesy of Chris Sampson:

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@juliaferraioli Phase 6: absurdity 42

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@juliaferraioli Resources ● Minecraft EDU: ● Dockercraft: ● Kubernetes: ● Beyond ‘Screen Time’: ● Where’s the Ball?: ● Docker documentation: ● Kubecraft (!!!): 43

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@juliaferraioli 44 CC image courtesy of Sheila Thomson: Thanks!

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@juliaferraioli Uh oh! 45 CC image courtesy of Frédérique Voisin-Demery:

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@juliaferraioli 46