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Diana Mounter Senior Product Designer at Etsy

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Diana Mounter @broccolini

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This is not about whether designers should code or not

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Or how to make designers code if they don’t want to

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This is about ways you can empower designers to code, and some of it's benefits

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The first website I built as part of my job was 10 years ago.

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Etsy is the first place where I’ve really felt empowered to code.

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My boss didn’t know what I was doing and just wanted the website built (for free) Started at Etsy

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Setup dev environment? Git commit what?! How to push O_o Where is all the code? How to run tests?

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Designers who could code,
 but don’t as part of their job Companies want designers who can code

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Where to start?

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Set up development environments from the beginning

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Ship something

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To deploy you have to: Install text editor Setup aliases in terminal Virtual Machine Authenticate SSH keys with GitHub Setup Bash files Know how to run tests Know the IRC commands for deploying

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? D E P L O Y I N G The first push program demystifies the process. Anyone can push code, given the right support.

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The first push program demystifies the process. Anyone can push code, given the right support.

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The buddy system

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Build relationships during onboarding and training

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Give designers a safe way to practice with production code

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Teach designers to use Git

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Git is an empowering tool for designers to learn

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Teach designers about branching

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Encourage code reviews

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Collaboration feels great

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Prototyping (with production code)

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Code gives engineers a better idea of your intent (even if it’s not production code)

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Prototypes are used in usability testing

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Designing in the browser

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Documentation allows people to be autonomous

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There’s no silver bullet to keeping documentation up-to-date

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Keep documentation where the code is, if you can

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Use routine events to review documentation

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Tooling can make designing in code much more enjoyable.

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Make it easy to see how code impacts the user experience

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Robots are better at testing than humans

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Reduce the feedback loop

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Make coding part of your design culture

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They build a new style guide

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It means engineers can get further without designers

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699 deletions

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Designers collaborating to make a global font update

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Designers Engineers

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Start with onboarding Build confidence Document everything Improve workflows with tooling Made coding part of design culture

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True collaboration isn’t throwing designs over the wall

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It’s sharing the responsibility with your team to build a quality product

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