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Introduction to the practice of Reactive DDD Junichi Kato (@j5ik2o) リアクティブDDD実践入門

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Self Introduction ● Approximately 7 years Scala experience ● A backend software engineer at ChatWork: ○ Tech lead, Architect, DDD evangelist ○ ChatWork: the largest "business chat" service in Japan 自己紹介。ChatWorkでエンジニアとして働いています

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Agenda ● Objective ○ Understanding Reactive DDD by a concrete example using Akka ● Contents ○ What is Reactive-DDD ○ Explaining Reactive-DDD using a simulated project ■ Domain Modeling ■ Command stack ■ Query stack ■ Controller ■ Read-model updater(RMU) ○ Conclusion アジェンダ

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What is Reactive-DDD ● Vaughn Vernon's definition: Reactive-DDD means combining Actor and DDD.The objective is to eliminate the architecture overhead. The references are in the followings: ○ Vaughn Vernon: Reactive Domain-Driven Design - InfoQ ○ Reactive DDD with Scala and Akka ● The benefits are not only being Message-driven, but also Resilient, Responsive, and Elastic.Reactive-DDD may be Reactive System + DDD? ● In Scala, Akka is one of the best options to construct CQRS+ES system based on DDD リアクティブDDDについて

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Explain Reactive-DDD using a simulated project 模擬プロジェクトで解説

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Bank account API server ● Bank Account API server that can deposit and withdraw money ○ Deposit to a bank account ○ Withdraw from a bank account ○ Refer to transaction(deposit or withdraw) histories ● Source ○ 銀行口座APIサーバの例 // Deposit to a bank account $ curl -X PUT \ http://localhost:8080/bank-accounts/XEe/events \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ -d '{ "type": "deposit", "amount": 1000, "currencyCode": "JPY" }' {"id":"XEe","errorMessage":null}% // Refer to transaction histories on a bank account $ curl -X GET \ http://localhost:8080/bank-accounts/XEe \ -H 'content-type: application/json' { "id": "XEe", "values": [ { "type": "deposit", "amount": 1000, "currencyCode": "JPY", "createAt": 1520219459 } ], "errorMessage": null }

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System configuration ● CQRS+ES(Event Sourcing) ● Separate DB to Write and Read ● Write - Read Flow ○ API(Write) →WriteDB→RMU→ReadDB→ API(Read) ● Actor based implementation 想定するシステム構成 Write DB Read DB API RMU Command Query Domain Event Read Model Domain Event SQL

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Key design elements ● Explain the following design elements in order キーとなる設計要素を順に説明 Domain modeling Command stack Query stack Controller Read-model updater

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〜Domain modeling〜 ドメインモデルの設計

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Explore domain models ● Explore domain model candidates from words in requirements ○ A customer wants to deposit to his bank account, or withdraw from it ○ A customer wants to refer to transaction histories in his bank account ● Domain model candidates ? ○ Customer ○ BankAccount ○ Deposit, Withdraw ○ TransactionHistory ● Analyze the domain model from use cases ドメインモデルを探索する Customer BankAccount Deposit Withdraw Transaction History

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Bank Account API Server Target use cases ● The target use cases are in the followings 対象のユースケース Deposits/Withdraws to his own bank account Refers to transaction histories in his own bank acount A Customer

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Use case analysis(1/2) ● A customer deposits to his own bank account ○ In deposit screen(B), a customer(A) ■ puts money in ATM. ■ inputs(C) amount(E) of money(E). ■ clicks(C) confirm button. ○ The system(A) ■ confirms(C) money(E). ■ deposits(C) it to his own bank account(E). ■ saves(C) his own bank account(E) state. ● Same in withdraw case ユースケース分析(1/2) ● Annotations ○ A = Actor in use-case ○ BCE stereotypes ■ B = Boundary, interfaces for actor ■ C = Control, software-functions ■ E = Entity, domain objects

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● A customer refers to transaction histories in his own bank acount ○ A customer(A) ■ puts(C) his own bank book(E) in ATM ■ clicks(C) button for it ○ The system ■ reads(C) transaction histories(E) in his own bank account(E) ■ updates(C) the bank book(E) Use case analysis(2/2) ユースケース分析(2/2) ● How to analyze BCE ○ Nouns are domain model candidates, or the ‘properties’ ○ Verbs tend to be 'methods' or 'relations' ● Terms not subject to systematization are irrelevant ● UI and I/O elements are irrelevant as well

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Noteworthy analytical elements ● Domain model candidates ○ Bank Account(E) ■ Bank Account ID ■ Current Balance(unnecessary?) ○ Transaction History(E) ■ Occurred Date ■ Deposit or Withdraw type ■ Amount of money 注目すべき分析要素 ● Control candidates ○ Deposit ○ Withdraw

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Boundary of Aggregate definition ● The responsibility of the Aggregate ○ maintain consistency, suppress direct relations to increase. ● Boundary ○ All objects that cannot exist without a bank account are included in Bank Account Aggregate. ○ Is Transaction History Aggregate? Or is it an object inside Aggregate? ○ Obviously a search for transaction history requires a bank account, but Aggregate with whole histories may consume huge memories. In this case, prefer on-demand DB queries to object references 集約境界の定義 BankAccount BankAccountId BankAccountName balance: Money BankAccountEvent BankAccountEventId Deposit or Withdraw amount: Money occurredAt: DateTime ?

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Separate Read/Write responsibilities in Aggregate 集約上のR/W責務の分離 BankAccount ● Separate query responsibility from Aggregate, Aggregate concentrates on command responsibility. ● Domain events that occurred in Aggregate are persisted and are used for query responsibilities ● Not necessary to include BankAccountEvent by this responsbility separation. state transition Command side Query side BankAccountEvent BankAccountEventRecord RMU Dao, Record Write DB R/W separation Read DB

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Allocating behaviors to domain models ● Focus on Entities and Controls ○ BankAccount and Deposit/Withdraw ● Controls are analyzed as the message to Entities ● Then find the appropriate Entity to receive the Control ○ Deposit/Withdraw is sent to BankAccount ● This analysis is reflected to code ○ bankAccount.deposit(amount, …) ○ bankAccountRef ! Deposite(amount, ...) ドメインモデルへの振る舞いの割り当て Deposit or Withdraw Bank Account Transition state

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Does BankAccount itself work? ● Avoid dispersal of knowledge by behavior concentration to entities.But does BankAccount itself work? ● How did Alexander analyze the kettle? ○ A kettle is just a container to store water? ○ He analyzed the object to inform the boiling of water ● The analysis result changes depending on what kind of responsibility is given to the object 銀行口座自身が動作するのですか? just a container to store water? An object to inform the boiling of water

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〜Command Stack〜 コマンドスタック

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Layered Architecture ● Projects based on Clean Architecture ○ be simpler than the traditional layer style ● Direct dependency from outside to inside ● If use interface from use case, use indirect dependency ● Layers ○ Interface layer ■ HTTP, DB, Aggregates ○ Use case layer ■ Roles to combine tasks for workflow ○ Domain layer ■ domain objects レイヤ化アーキテクチャ

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Layered Architecture example ● sbt project as a layer is one of approaches to the layered architecture プロジェクト構成の例 interface use-case domain infrastructure controller write use case read use case domain object aggregate dao, record port port(impl) port port(impl) command stack query stack

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コマンドスタックの設計 interface use-case domain infrastructure controller write use case read use case domain object aggregate dao, record port port(impl) port port(impl) command stack query stack Designing command stack

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Domain object and Aggregate ● Domain objects are the state of Aggregate ● Domain objects are simple objects represented by case classes and basic data types ● The internal state encapsulation by using Actors ○ The internal state can only be manipulated via messages ドメインオブジェクトと集約の関係 BankAccountAggregate(akka-actor) state: BankAccount(Entity) id: BankAccountId(VO) name: BankAccountName(VO) balance: Money(VO)

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Domain object example ドメインオブジェクトの例

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Stored domain events Aggregate design ● Aggregate is a Persistent Actor(stateful actor) ● Create a initial state by `OpenRequest` ● Use `DepositRequest` or `WithdrawRequest` to update the state. Also return the latest state for assertion. ● After receiving the command, change the state and persists the domain events ● Use Domain Events for Actor replaying 集約の設計 BankAccountAggregate BankAccount DepositeRequest DepositSucceede d Opened Deposited Withdraw change the state persist domain events return the response Append only persist replay

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Domain Event Design ● Use Domain Events not only for actor replaying but also for systems integration (e.g. Read Model Updater) ● Use Domain event names in terms of domain knowledge, not terms for persistence ○ Opened ○ Deposited ○ Withdrawn ○ Closed ドメインイベントの設計

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Domain Event example ドメインイベントの例

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Aggregate example(1/4) ● Implement Persistent Actor ● Actor state type is domain object ● persistenceId is a string value combine aggregate name and id ● Release system resource by receive timeout 集約の例(1/5) aggregate-name + id number Handle the state of domain object

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Aggregate example(2/4) ● Implement `receiveCommand` ● After receiving commands, persist domain events(persist method) ● `tryToSaveSnapshot` persists the latest state at that time ● Also reply the response for the request 集約の例(2/5)

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Aggregate example(3/4) ● Implementation for deposit and withdraw ● The persisted format and storage depend on the akka-persistence plugin and its settings ● In this time, akka-persistence-jdbc 集約の例(3/5)

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Aggregate example(4/4) ● Use `receiveRecover` to replay actor from Domain Events ● Complete recovery when `RecoveryCompleted` is received ● Accelerate actor replaying by using events and the latest snapshot. ● When SnapshotOffer, overwrite the state completely 集約の例(4/5)

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Configurations for Aggregate ● Configurations for akka-persistence-jdbc ● Persist Domain Events to message column by Serializer, snapshot is into snapshot column 集約の設定(1/2)

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Testing Aggregate ● Testing to stop/restart a persistent actor with state ● Replay the actor state across runtime 集約のテスト Replay actor state from events Persist domain events

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akka-persistence benefits ● No need to implement DDD Repository: ○ akka-persistence provides entity writing functions ○ ActorSystem(#actorSelection, #actorOf) provides entity reading functions ○ Other query methods are in the query stack ● In-memory states act as cache ○ No need to poll the DB because the Actor keeps the latest state ○ Events is appended to journals, the state is restored from the log at restart ● However, the scaling strategy for stateful actors is required. For example use the following: ○ akka-cluster, akka-cluster-sharding ● In this time, use akka-cluster-sharding akka-persistenceのメリット

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Node Shard Sharded Aggregate design (1/2) ● Sharding BankAccountAggregate by akka-cluster-sharding 分散された集約の設計 Node Shard … ShardedBankAccount Aggregate BankAccount ShardRegion ShardedBankAccountAggregates(proxy) ShardRegion REST I/F ShardCoordinator (Cluster Singleton) Shard Shard … … ShardRegion forwards commands to actors distributed on each Shard. ... ... ShardCoordinator manages Shard locations for ShardRegion.

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Sharded Aggregate Design(2/2) 分散された集約の設計 ● Distribute stateful actors on each Shard by akka-cluster-sharding ● Start ShardRegion on each node. Use it to forward command to stateful actors ● Use ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId to extract the entity id from the command ● Use ShardRegion.ExtractShardId to extract the shard id from command

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Sharded Aggregate example(1/2) 分散された集約の例 ● Override `unhandled` to add support for receive timeout behavior ● Send `Passivate` to Shard actor if no messages, then stop this actor received `StopBankAccount` from Shard actor

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Sharded Aggregate example(2/2) 分散された集約の例 ● ShardedBankAccountAggregates encapsulates ShardRegion from the caller. It acts like a proxy ● Start ShardRegion when proxy is created ● Forward the received message to ShardRegion ● Note that it uses ClusterSharding# start instead of ActorSystem#actorOf

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Designing write use case ● Provide methods to execute use cases ● the methods are a combination of akka-stream and Aggregate ● The use case is pipe-line to execute tasks, Not I/O responsebility ● I/O is supported by interface ports 集約用ユースケースの設計 Interface Layer UseCase Layer BankAccountAggregateFlowsImpl BankAccountAggregateFlows BankAccountAggregateUseCase BankAccountAggregates Domain Layer BankAccount ShardRegion BankAccountAggregate Output port

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Write use case example(1/2) 集約用ユースケースの例 ● Implement use cases to support command operations only ● Enqueue requests and `Promise` object for response ● Promise completes after processing the request ● Use Aggregate via interface ports

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Write use case example(2/2) 集約ユースケースの例 ● The Queue element type is Request and Promise[Response] ● Execute sink to complete Promise after Aggregate flow Use Aggregate via interface ports The openBankAccountQueue is a long running stream

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Interface port example インターフェイスポートの例 ● Implement interface port ● The parameter types and return types of the methods depends on Use case layer ● However the implementation depend on interface layer ● Use ask pattern to combine Aggregate in the stream easily. Interface port(I/F) in use case ask to Aggregate

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〜Query stack〜 クエリスタック

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クエリスタックの設計 interface use-case domain infrastructure controller write use case read use case domain object aggregate dao, record port port(impl) port port(impl) command stack query stack Designing query stack

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Read model example ● Designing read-models based on the domain events リードモデルの例 generate read-models auto generated using septeni_orignal/sbt-dao-generator Persist the latest sequence number in consideration of process stop

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Designing read use case ● Support reading operations only ● Use DAOs via interface ports リードモデル用ユースケースの設計 Interface Layer UseCase Layer BankAccountReadModelFlowsImpl BankAccountReadModelFlows BankAccountReadModelUseCase BankAccountDao, BakAccountEventDao(by slick) Output port

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Read use case example ● Same as the use case of Aggregate リードモデル用ユースケースの例

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Interface port example ● read read-model by using Slick3 DAO リードモデル用のポートの実装

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〜Controllers〜 コントローラ

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Controller desgin ● The controller has akka-http routes ● The route invokes use case methods ● No ports because direct dependency is available コントローラの設計 Interface Layer UseCase Layer BankAccountReadModelUseCase Routes extends BankAccountController BankAccountAggregateUseCase

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クエリスタックの設計 interface use-case domain infrastructure controller write use case read use case domain object aggregate dao, record port port(impl) port port(impl) command stack query stack Designing controllers

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Controller example ● Combine the future of use case and akka-http route コントローラの例 Command Query

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〜API Server〜 APIサーバのブートスラップ

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API bootstrap example ● Boot akka-http server APIブートストラップの例

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〜Read-model updater〜 リードモデルアップデータ

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リードモデルアップデータの設計 interface use-case infrastructure read-model use case ReadJournal (akka-persistence-query) dao, record port port(impl) port port(impl) Designing read-model updater(1/2) Read DB Write DB domain Domain Event

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Designing read-model updater(2/2) ● Sequentially read domain events per persistenceId(pid) to build read-models ● Note: ○ Should distribute the pid in charge if RMU num < pid num ○ Should reassign pid responsible for the failed node to another node ● This talk ignores the above issues, and shows a simple case as follows: ○ 1 Domain Event Type : 1 RMU instance. リードモデルアップデータの設計 pid = 1 pid = 2 Aggregate1 Aggregate2 RMU record1 record2 Handle specific domain event type Write DB Read DB

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Tagging events ● Implement WriteEventAdaptor ● add ADT name as tag to Event ● The following settings are required イベントのタグ付け

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Read-model use case example(1/2) ● `execute` method executes an endless stream ● `bankAccountReadModelFlows` and `journalReader` are ports for reading ● First, the latest sequence number is obtained from the DB, consume the events using the tag name ● In `projectionFlow`, the read-model is updated based on the domain events リードモデル用ユースケースの例

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Read-model use case example(2/2) ● `projectionFlow` builds read-models by receiving the domain events and sequence number. ● Delegate the I/O resposibility to BankAccountReadModelFlows リードモデル用ユースケースの例

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Read-model updater bootstrap example ● Call BankAccountReadModelUseCase#execute リードモデルアップデータのブートスラップの例

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Conclusion ● Introduction of Reactive-DDD implementation example using Akka ● The main tools used are as follows: ○ akka-actor, akka-persistence, akka-cluster-sharding, akka-stream, akka-http ● Reactive-DDD gets a advantage as compared to non Reactive-DDD, because it benefits both reflection of domain knowledge into code and non-functional requirements. ● This book is recommended to learn the basics of Akka. まとめ

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Thank you for listening! ご静聴ありがとうございました。

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