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Hello! :)

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Assumptions & Reality (when people heard the title)

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“We are not painters” (List of most expensive paintings – Wikipedia) The Card Players by Paul Cézanne, The Scream by Edvard Munch, Portrait of Dr. Gachet by Vincent van Gogh, Femme aux Bras Croisés by Picasso

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Favorite chai-time topic! “Well, art is art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water!” - Groucho Marx

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Art: An expression, based on what an artist wants (to express) | Design: made for the users.

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Art: Evokes emotions, even if they are different for different viewers

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Historic Data Viz for bringing a change: Daniel McCallum - Org Chart for Erie Railway (mid-1800s), William Playfair (first pie chart 1801), Minard (an engineer)'s Napolean March map in 1869, Diagram of a slave ship from the Atlantic slave trade.

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“What were the artists doing?” 18th Century: Composition by Mozart: “Instructions for the composition of as many waltzes as one desires with two dice, without understanding anything about music or composition” - 176 bars of music x two die = 11^16 possibilities! 1854: “The Eureka” by John Clark generated Latin verses, 1959: “Meta-matics” by Jean Tinguely, kinetic installations on mechanics of chance.

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Generative Art: Using a machine as a collaborator to create the art piece - pass on some control

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Typical Facebook Analytics

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4010 Facebook Tree by Onformative abstracted Facebook analytics into a wallpaper

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Let’s use the weather! Generative Identity for Nordkyn by Neue Design Studio

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Identity in use in photos (with logo reflecting the weather when it was shot)

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Now I’m going to tease your brain cells with some of the beautiful work done using different sources of data

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Wifi Light Painting by Timo Arnall, Einar Sneve Martinussen, & Jørn Georg (Wifi Signal Strength), Art is Motion by Sergio albiac (Car driver’s portrait), Meshu by Sha Hwang & Rachel Binx (Polygons based on geo-location of places you’ve visited)

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To hear the grass growing by Feld, Underwater by David Bowen to map Lake Superior

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Blazing by Karin Kuhlmann Fractal Flames / FraxFlames COP 15 by OkDeluxe & ShiftControl, uses Multiple algorithms like flocking, force fields etc.

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Substrate by J Tarbell, using Perpendicular growth algorithms Hyphae Lamp by Nervous System, based on leaf vein formations

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Particle Synthesis by lab[au] using Particle Emitters & Granular Synthesis PixFlow #2 by lab[au] simulating Vector Field behavior

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Drawing Machine (1960) by Desmond Paul Henry MIT Media Lab Identity by The Green Eyl (Different logo for each prof/student, now redesigned)

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Writing without words by Stefanie Posavec – Text structures visualization (no code!) Perpetual Storytelling Apparatus by Feld which uses novel or any text as Patent drawings

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The Simple Act of Making a Mark by Alan Rorie: Recursive Drawing Machine using Image Capture Years by Bartholomäus Traubeck: Record Player that plays wood's year rings in tree bark

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Leeds College of Music Identity by Precedent: Identity based on each student & faculty's music Microsonic Landscapes by Realitat: Music Album visualization

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Silk by Yuri Vishnevsky, Images for 18 Musicians by Casey Raes, Schwarm by Andreas Nicolas Fischer

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Books: Generative Art, Creative Code, Generative Design (German/English), Processing Sites: Information Aesthetics, Creative Applications Network, Generator.x

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More updates on my Viznam project series will be on:

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(Short videos introducing the three topics. Highly recommended!)