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JavaScript, Spaghetti (or why modularity matters) and Meatballs @fnando

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29 out of 50* most popular Github repositories are JavaScript-related. *bootstrap, node, jquery, html5-boilerplate, impress.js, d3, backbone, chosen, three.js, jQuery-File-Upload, brackets, express, angular.js, Modernizr, meteor, less.js,, jquery-mobile, underscore, reveal.js, co ee-script, jquery-ui, moment, ember.js, select2, todomvc, backbone-fundamentals, jquery-pjax, pdf.js.

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JavaScript is the most important language nowadays.

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And JavaScript is almost 20 years old.

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So, why do we still suck at it?

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"invite_friends" : function() { var resizeLoader = function() { $("#loader").css("width", $(".places").width()); $("#loader").css("height", $(".places").height()-18); } resizeLoader(); var resizeTimer; $(window).bind('resize', function() { clearTimeout(resizeTimer); resizeTimer = setTimeout(resizeLoader, 50); }); $("a[href=#automatic_invite]").click(function(e){ SomeApp.utils.stopPropagation(e); if(!$(this).parents(".tab_title:first").is(".active")) { $(".tab_title:first") .toggleClass("active"); $(".tab_title:last") .toggleClass("active"); $("#automatic") .toggleClass("hidden"); $("#manual") .toggleClass("hidden"); } }); var suffixes = { "gmail": "", "yahoo": "", "live": "", "other": ""

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The solution is modularity.

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Why modular?

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Separation of concerns

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Easier to expand

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Keep your codebase maintainable

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Why not, then?

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Devs just don’t know how to do it

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Writing modular code can be hard

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So, how do I do it?

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Treat JavaScript as a real language

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Design your code

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Use modules

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Object literal notation, Module Pattern, AMD, CommonJS, Harmony Modules

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Object Literal

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var Todo = { tasks: [] , addTask: function(task) {} , removeTask : function() {} , count : function() {} };

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Module pattern

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var Todo = (function(){ var tasks = []; // private variable // expose the public API return { addTask: function(task) {} , removeTask: function(task) {} , count: function() {} }; })();

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An easy way of emulating method/attribute visibility.

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var Todo = (function($, hb){ // all your code here })(jQuery, Handlebars);

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I tend to use a IIFE & Namespace approach.

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Module("MyApp.MyModule", function(MyModule){ MyModule.fn.initialize = function() { // this is the initializer }; MyModule.fn.someFunction = function() { // fn is just shortcut for // prototype alas jQuery }; });

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Modular code will generate lots of les, and that's ok.

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Rails asset pipeline concats and mini es all the code.

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//= require vendor/jquery //= require_tree ./vendor //= require_tree ./myapp

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Dependency order is not a problem.

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Single entry point.

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// boot.js $(function(){ var html = $("html") , controller ="controller") , action ="action") ; MyApp.Application(controller, action); });

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Require.js is the de facto library.

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Module de nition and script/ le loader.

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// sample.js define(function(){ var tasks = []; // private variable // expose the public API return { addTask: function(task) {} , removeTask: function(task) {} , count: function() {} }; });

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// app.js require(["sample"], function(sample){ // do what you need to do with sample });

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Explicit dependency is really nice.

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On-demand script loading is not a real bene t for small-mid apps.

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Use r.js before deploying your code.

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AMD/Require.js is OK.

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But don't say that it allows you to write modular code.

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You can write modular code with vanilla JavaScript as well.

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Node's module implementation is based on CommonJS.

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var tasks = []; // private variable // expose the public API module.exports = { addTask: function(task) {} , removeTask: function(task) {} , count: function() {} };

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var Todo = require("./todo"); Todo.addTask(task);

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I like it more than AMD.

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Not that great on the browser.

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module Todo { var tasks = []; // private variable // expose the public API export default { addTask: function(task) {} , removeTask: function(task) {} , count: function() {} }; }

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import Todo from Todo; Todo.addTask(task);

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You can import modules from urls.

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// load from remote sources module $ from ""; // Module loader API Loader.load("", function($){ // do what you need });

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You can be speci c about the importing.

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import { a, b, c } from "some/file";

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Just a proposal.

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Practical example

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$(".postbox textarea") .on("focus", function(){ $(this).closest(".postbox") .addClass("did-focus") .removeClass("is-contracted") ; }) .on("keyup", function(){ var lines = this.value.split(/\r?\n/); var textarea = $(this); if (lines.length >= 5) { textarea.addClass("is-taller"); } else { textarea.removeClass("is-taller"); } }) .on("blur", function(){ if (!this.value) { $(this).closest(".postbox").addClass("is-contracted"); } }) ;

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Module("HOWTO.Postbox", function(Postbox){ Postbox.fn.initialize = function(container) { this.container = container; this.textarea = container.find(".pb-input"); this.button = container.find(".pb-button"); }; });

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Module("HOWTO.Postbox", function(Postbox){ Postbox.fn.initialize = function(container) { // the initialization code this.addEventListeners(); }; Postbox.fn.addEventListeners = function() { this.textarea .on("focus", this.onTextareaFocus.bind(this)) .on("keyup", this.onTextareaKeyUp.bind(this)) .on("blur", this.onTextareaBlur.bind(this)) ; }; });

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Module("HOWTO.Postbox", function(Postbox){ Postbox.fn.initialize = function(container) {}; Postbox.fn.addEventListeners = function() {}; Postbox.fn.onTextareaFocus = function(event) { this.container .addClass("did-focus") .removeClass("is-contracted") ; }; });

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Module("HOWTO.Postbox", function(Postbox){ Postbox.fn.initialize = function(container) {}; Postbox.fn.addEventListeners = function() {}; Postbox.fn.onTextareaFocus = function(event) {}; var LINES = 5; Postbox.fn.onTextareaKeyUp = function(event) { var lines =\r?\n/); if (lines.length >= LINES) { this.textarea.addClass("is-taller"); } else { this.textarea.removeClass("is-taller"); } }; });

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Module("HOWTO.Postbox", function(Postbox){ Postbox.fn.initialize = function(container) {}; Postbox.fn.addEventListeners = function() {}; Postbox.fn.onTextareaFocus = function(event) {}; Postbox.fn.onTextareaKeyUp = function(event) {}; Postbox.fn.onTextareaBlur = function(event) { if (! { this.container.addClass("is-contract"); } }; });

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describe("HOWTO.Postbox", function() { var container, postbox, textarea; beforeEach(function() { container = $("
") .append("") .append("") .appendTo("#sample") ; textarea = container.find("textarea"); postbox = HOWTO.Postbox(container); }); it("sets class when focusing box", function() { textarea.trigger("focus"); expect(".did-focus")).toBeTruthy(); }); // other specs });

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Every complex app must be composed of small components.

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Remember that you never know how big it’s going to be.

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hype Don’t buy into

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Modular code can be written without using libraries.

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Use what’s better for your work ow.

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That’s it!