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Clash of the titans: IoT & Cloud Ing. Mauricio Ferreyra

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City officials concerned about pedestrians, cyclists and drivers safety. Safety metrics required to understand the risk and plan for a safer city 97hs A year lost by drivers in due to traffic jams 40% Traffic incidents in occurs in intersections1 Safety in the intersection is top of mind The Problem

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The requirement Create a system to detect ”Near Misses” intersection in cities

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Time-Sensitive Use Cases Time to detect Time to prevent Time to report Time

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Crashes & Near Misses detection Detecting crashes and near misses in the intersections to create a safety metric

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Transforming events insights into action Safety metric: • Using Crashes and Near Misses • How safe or dangerous an intersection is • Real time to call 911 or change traffic pattern Central dashboard: • Plot the metric in the intersection • Filter by time / week day • City Planners will use it to improve traffic

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Architecture Capture Transmit Reporting Process 3.5 GB/hour Edge Computing

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Edge Architecture Technology • IEI Tank with Core i7 Foundational Kit • OpenVINO • Yolo3 model • Intel IOT Dev Cloud

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Edge Computing Artificial Intelligence Time-Sensitive Messaging Cloud Native

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What Technologies Are Needed? AI & Machine Learning Device Orchestration Time-Sensitiv e Networking

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OpenVino: AI at the Edge

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IoT / Edge Platform Messaging Service Authentication & Authorization Device Registration Device Provisioning Monitoring Updates / Upgrades …..

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AWS IoT Framework • AWS IoT certificates • MQTT broker • Things management: groups and policies. • AWS IoT actions and rules: redirect information

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Data Visualization • AWS elasticsearch service • Data stored and indexed • Dashboards with Kibana and Quicksight

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We Open Source

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Gracias! Mauricio Ferreyra [email protected] Join Us!