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What? Why? How?

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Unleash the power of teams … through the power of software ATLASSIAN MISSION STATEMENT “ ”

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How many of you use…

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50,000 Customers A Thriving Ecosystem

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~$100M Revenue 50,000 Customers A Thriving Ecosystem

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1,800+ Add-ons ~$100M Revenue 50,000 Customers A Thriving Ecosystem

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A little history

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In 2001 - Open[ish] Source Downloadable Source Modifying Directly

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2004 - Atlassian Plugins Plugin Architecture written from scratch Service Provider Interface

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2008 - Plugins 2 OSGi based Dependency Isolation Dynamic Loading

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2014 - Atlassian Connect Language Agnostic Web APIs Cloud Integration

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Atlassian Connect 101

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Extending Atlassian Products

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Extending Atlassian Products Ease of upgradability

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Extending Atlassian Products Open Technology Stack Ease of upgradability

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Extending Atlassian Products Atlassian SDK Open Technology Stack Ease of upgradability Only needed for JIRA and Confluence

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Introducing Atlassian Connect

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Introducing Atlassian Connect Insert Web Content

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Introducing Atlassian Connect REST API’S Insert Web Content

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Introducing Atlassian Connect Webhooks REST API’S Insert Web Content

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A platform to build add-ons as micro-services

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Platform Independent A platform to build add-ons as micro-services

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Language Agnostic Platform Independent A platform to build add-ons as micro-services

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Language Agnostic Platform Independent A platform to build add-ons as micro-services Public Contracts

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Loosely coupled Language Agnostic Platform Independent A platform to build add-ons as micro-services Public Contracts

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Register Add-on Descriptor

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Register Add-on Descriptor API Requests Webhooks

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Register Add-on Descriptor API Requests Webhooks

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Atlassian Connect descriptor { "key": "weather-tutorial-addon", "name": "Weather", "description": "A simple add-on to get the weather.", "vendor": { "name": "Ralph Whitbeck", "url": "" }, "links": { "self": "{{localBaseUrl}}/atlassian-connect.json", "homepage": "{{localBaseUrl}}/atlassian-connect.json" }, "capabilities": { "hipchatApiConsumer": { "scopes": [ "send_notification" ] }, "installable": { "callbackUrl": "{{localBaseUrl}}/installable" }, "webhook": { "url": "{{localBaseUrl}}/webhook", "pattern": "^/weather", "event": "room_message", "name": "Get Weather" } } } { "name": "Hello World", "description": "Atlassian Connect add-on", "key": "com.example.myaddon", "baseUrl": "Your baseURL here", "vendor": { "name": "Example, Inc.", "url": "" }, "authentication": { "type": "none" }, "version": "1.0", "modules": { "generalPages": [ { "url": "/helloworld.html", "key": "hello-world", "name": { "value": "Greeting" } } ] } }

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Extensibility via web fragments

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Extensibility via web fragments "modules": { "webPanels": [ { "location": ”alt.jira.view.issue.right.context”, "url": “/show-stats.html", "key": “show-stats", "name": { "value": "Statistics" } } ] }

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Extensibility via web fragments

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Choose your own technology stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Choose your stack

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Static add-on

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Prepare for follow along live coding

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• Node (You have this already, don’t you?!) • HipChat Account ( • nGrok ( • Sign up for an API key at Weather Underground ( weather/api/) • Download source code incase you fall behind or don’t want to code along • Make sure you have the following

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• Big cool statistic • 2,56 9 • Add-Ons in Marketplace Break

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Code a HipChat Add-on

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Sending a request with cURL curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -X POST -d '{"message": "This is a test from cURL."}' \{Room Token}

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Let’s write some Node

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BYO Integration

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Creating a publishable add-on

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Review Other Products

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• Download the SDK at • Find the commands for spinning up the cloud versions • -> Local Development • Downloads the application • Takes about 15 minutes the first time. Atlassian SDK

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Use ngrok Connect Command Atlassian SDK Developing for JIRA Cloud Remember to use the long command found at to start JIRA as it is in the cloud with Atlassian Connect Use the SDK to spin up a local version of JIRA Use ngrok to expose your add-on externally and allow JIRA to install it.

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Add-on descriptor "generalPages": [ { "url": "/helloyou.html", "key": "hello-you", "location": "", "name": { "value": "Click me" } } ] • Products can be extended using Web fragments (web item, web section, web panel) in various parts of the UI • You specify the fragment location, a target URL, and options, through the add-on descriptor To find the list of available locations, install the Web Fragments Finder add-on from Wittified: W E B F R A G M E N T S - E X T E N D I N G T H E U I

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Atlassian Connect only works in cloud

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Use ngrok Connect Command Atlassian SDK Developing for Confluence Cloud Remember to use the long command found at to start Confluence as it is in the cloud with Atlassian Connect Use the SDK to spin up a local version of Confluence Use ngrok to expose your add-on externally and allow Confluence to install it.

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Atlassian Connect only works in cloud

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Use ngrok Works in Server No SDK Developing for HipChat Cloud Unlike JIRA and Confluence Atlassian Connect works the same in HipChat Server. You can install directly into any room you have admin rights too. Don’t have admin rights to the group. Just create a room. Use ngrok to expose your add-on externally and allow HipChat to install it.

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Use ngrok No Server No SDK Developing for Bitbucket Cloud Currently not supported in the server version, Stash. You can install directly into Bitbucket. Just need a user account Use ngrok to expose your add-on externally and allow HipChat to install it.

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API Reference Links to API references for all products can be found right on the home page

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Payment Processing Sell Share Atlassian Marketplace

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One more thing…

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Awesome Judges $75 AWS Credit* $130,000 in prizes Codegeist: Atlassian Add-on Hack-a-thon Plus a t-shirt. Just for participating. *First 400 sign-ups 7 categories to win Robert Scoble Dion Almaer Emma Jane Hogbin Westby

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