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Shotaro Ishihara, Hono Shirai (Nikkei, Inc.) The 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation Nikkei at SemEval-2022 Task 8: Exploring BERT-based Bi-Encoder Approach for Pairwise Multilingual News Article Similarity

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Overview 2 ● This paper presents our exploration of BERT-based Bi-Encoder approach for predicting the similarity of two multilingual news. ● There are several findings such as pretrained models, pooling methods, translation, data separation, and the number of tokens. ● The weighted average ensemble of the four models achieved the competitive result and ranked in the top 12.

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● Introduction ● System Overview & Experimental Results ○ RQ0: Cross-Encoder vs Bi-Encoder? ○ RQ1: Which pretrained model works well? ○ RQ2: What kind of pooling method is proper? ○ RQ3: Is it useful for translating? ○ RQ4: Is there some effect of data splitting and max length? ● Conclusion Outline 3

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Task 8: Multilingual news article similarity 4 ● Given two news articles, predict the topics similarity (Chen et al., 2022). ○ input: headline and body ○ output: score from 1-4 ○ Eight language pairs in the training dataset. ○ Additional ten language pairs appear in the evaluation dataset.

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● Cross-Encoder: which inputs pairs of texts into a single encoder. ● Bi-Encoder: which encodes each input independently. ● Cross-Encoder is standard for supervised learning approach. (Lin et al., 2021; Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) ● Still, it is important to try both types of architecture in search for the high performance. Cross-Encoder vs Bi-Encoder 5

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Research question (RQ) 6 ● RQ0: Cross-Encoder vs Bi-Encoder? ● RQ1: Which pretrained model works well? ● RQ2: What kind of pooling method is proper? ● RQ3: Is it useful for translating the other language into English? ● RQ4: Is there some effect of data splitting and max length?

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● Introduction ● System Overview & Experimental Results ○ RQ0: Cross-Encoder vs Bi-Encoder? ○ RQ1: Which pretrained model works well? ○ RQ2: What kind of pooling method is proper? ○ RQ3: Is it useful for translating into English? ○ RQ4: Is there some effect of data splitting and max length? ● Conclusion Outline 7

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System overview 8 bert-base-multilingual-uncased, 5 folds Final model overview bert-base-multilingual-cased, 5 folds translation & bert-base-cased, 5 folds bert-base-multilingual-cased, 20 folds × 0.3 × 0.2 × 0.2 × 0.3 weighted average ensemble title A + body A BERT u BERT last 4 [CLS] v | u - v | u * v Base architecture last 4 [CLS] features title B + body B fully connected score

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● We compared two architectures. RQ0: Cross-Encoder vs Bi-Encoder? 9 Cross-Encoder title A title B [SEP] BERT pooling fully connected score body A body B [SEP] BERT pooling features

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RQ0: Experimental results 10 Bi-Encoder worked better.

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● We considered three BERT models. ○ bert-base-multilingual-uncased ○ bert-base-multilingual-cased ○ xlm-roberta-base RQ1: Which pretrained model works well? 11 title A + body A ? u ? last 4 [CLS] v | u - v | u * v last 4 [CLS] features title B + body B fully connected score

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RQ1: Experimental results 12 We used all of them for the final submission.

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● CLS: Concatenate the last four representations of CLS token. ● CNN: Use the convolutional neural network to extract sentence vectors. ● LSTM: Use the long short-term memory for extracting sentence vectors. ● MAX: Use max-pooling to extract sentence vectors. RQ2: What kind of pooling method is proper? 13 title A + body A BERT ? u BERT ? v | u - v | u * v features title B + body B fully connected score

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RQ2: Experimental results 14 CLS outperformed the other three methods.

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● We examined a method of translating all datasets into English and using pretrained models in English. ○ Googletrans for the translation ○ bert-base-cased as a pretrained model. RQ3: Is it useful for translating into English? 15 title B + body B title A + body A BERT u BERT last 4 [CLS] v | u - v | u * v last 4 [CLS] features fully connected score

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RQ3: Experimental results 16 The translation approach did not improve the performance of the multilingual models.

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RQ4: Is there some effect of data splitting and max length? 17 ● Data splitting ○ The number of data partitions in cross validation affects the number of available training samples. ● Max length ○ News articles contain important information early in the article, so there is a possibility that a smaller max length works well.

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RQ4: Experimental results 18 The large number of data splitting are good.

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RQ4: Experimental results 19 It was observed that the performance was getting worse as the max length was decreased.

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Weighted Average Ensemble 20

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● Introduction ● System Overview & Experimental Results ○ RQ0: Cross-Encoder vs Bi-Encoder? ○ RQ1: Which pretrained model works well? ○ RQ2: What kind of pooling method is proper? ○ RQ3: Is it useful for translating? ○ RQ4: Is there some effect of data splitting and max length? ● Conclusion Outline 21

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Conclusion 22 ● This paper presents our exploration of BERT-based Bi-Encoder approach for predicting the similarity of two multilingual news. ● There are several findings such as pretrained models, pooling methods, translation, data separation, and the number of tokens. ● The weighted average ensemble of the four models achieved the competitive result and ranked in the top 12. ● article-similarity