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Refactor Like A Boss a few techniques for everyday Ruby hacking

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Refactoring The process of changing code without modifying behavior

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Ungoals of refactoring • Brevity for the sake of brevity • To demonstrate mastery of Ruby or design patterns

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Goals of refactoring • Improve readability • Improve maintainability • Improve extensibility • Promote an expressive API • Reduce complexity

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Ruby freebies

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if 1 > 0 @foo = 'bar' else @foo = 'baz' end ! @foo # => 'bar' DRY Assignment

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@foo = if 1 > 0 'bar' else 'baz' end ! @foo # => 'bar' DRY Assignment

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@foo = case 1 when 0..1 'bar' else 'baz' end ! @foo # => 'bar' DRY Assignment

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@foo = 1 > 0 ? 'bar' : 'qux' ! @foo # => 'bar' Ternary operator

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def postive?(number) number > 0 ? 'yes' : 'no' end ! positive?(100) # => 'yes' Ternary operator

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def foo? if @foo true else false end end Bang bang

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def foo? @foo ? true : false end Bang bang

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def foo? !!@foo end Bang bang

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if not @foo @foo = 'bar' end Conditional assignment

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unless @foo @foo = 'bar' end Conditional assignment

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@foo = 'bar' unless @foo Conditional assignment

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@foo ||= 'bar' Conditional assignment

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Parallel assignment @foo = 'baz' @bar = 'qux' # => "baz" # => "qux"

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Parallel assignment @foo, @bar = 'baz', 'qux' # => ["baz", "qux"] ! @foo # => "baz"

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Multiple return def get_with_benchmark(uri) res = nil bench = Benchmark.measure do res = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) end return res, bench.real end ! @response, @benchmark = get_with_benchmark(@uri) # => [#, 0.123]

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def my_safe_method begin do_something_dangerous() true rescue false end end Implied begin

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def my_safe_method do_something_dangerous() true rescue false end Implied begin

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def self.likelihood_of_rain Hpricot::XML(weather_xml)/'probability-of-rain' rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError return false end ! def self.likelihood_of_snow Hpricot::XML(weather_xml)/'probability-of-snow' rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError return false end Exception lists

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NET_EXCEPTIONS = [ Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError ] ! def self.likelihood_of_rain Hpricot::XML(weather_xml)/'probability-of-rain' rescue NET_EXCEPTIONS return false end ! def self.likelihood_of_snow Hpricot::XML(weather_xml)/'probability-of-snow' rescue NET_EXCEPTIONS return false end Exception lists

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(1..5).map{|number| number.to_s } # => ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] Symbol to Proc

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(1..5).map(&:to_s) # => ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"] Symbol to Proc

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def fibonacci_sum sum = 0 [1,1,2,3,5,8,13].each{|int| sum += int } sum end ! fibonacci_sum() # => 33 MapReduce

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def fibonacci_sum [1,1,2,3,5,8,13].reduce(0){|sum, int| sum + int } end ! fibonacci_sum() # => 33 MapReduce

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{:foo => 'bar'}.inject({}) do |memo, (key, value)| memo[value] = key memo end ! # => {"bar" => :foo} MapReduce

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match_data = 'my lil string'.match(/my (\w+) (\w+)/) match_data.captures[0] # => "lil" match_data.captures[1] # => "string" match_data.captures[2] # => nil Regex captures

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'my lil string'.match(/my (\w+) (\w+)/) $1 # => "lil" $2 # => "string" $3 # => nil Regex captures

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'my lil string' =~ /my (\w+) (\w+)/ $1 # => "lil" $2 # => "string" $3 # => nil Regex captures

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def Resource.create resource = resource end # => # tap

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def Resource.create{|resource| } end # => # tap

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sprintf("%d as hexadecimal: %04x", 123, 123) # => "123 as hexadecimal: 007b" ! "%d as hexadecimal: %04x" % [123, 123] # => "123 as hexadecimal: 007b" ! "%s string" % ['my'] # => "my string" sprintf

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def cerealize(val) if val.is_a?(Numeric) || val.is_a?(String) val elsif val.is_a?(Enumerable) val.to_json else val.to_s end end case equality

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def cerealize(val) case val when Numeric, String val when Enumerable val.to_json else val.to_s end end case equality

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if command =~ /sudo/ raise 'Danger!' elsif command =~ /^rm / puts 'Are you sure?' else puts 'Run it.' end case equality

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case command when /sudo/ raise 'Danger!' when /^rm / puts 'Are you sure?' else puts 'Run it.' end case equality

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Splat Array def shopping_list(ingredients) unless ingredients.is_a?(Array) ingredients = [ingredients] end ingredients.join(", ") end ! shopping_list("eggs") # => "eggs" shopping_list(["eggs", "bacon"]) # => "eggs, bacon"

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Splat Array def shopping_list(ingredients) [ingredients].flatten.join(", ") end ! shopping_list("eggs") # => "eggs" shopping_list(["eggs", "bacon"]) # => "eggs, bacon" ! !

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Splat Array def shopping_list(ingredients) [*ingredients].join(", ") end ! shopping_list("eggs") # => "eggs" shopping_list(["eggs", "bacon"]) # => "eggs, bacon" ! !

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Splat args def shopping_list(*ingredients) ingredients.join(", ") end ! shopping_list("eggs") # => "eggs" shopping_list(["eggs", "bacon"]) # => "eggs, bacon" ! shopping_list("eggs", "bacon") # => "eggs, bacon"

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Rails freebies

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if and ! puts else puts "no name" end blank?

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if puts "no name" else puts end blank?

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if puts else puts "no name" end present?

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puts || "no name" presence

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truncate opening = "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" if opening.size > 20 opening[0..16] + "..." end # => "A long time ago i..."

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truncate opening = "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" opening.truncate(20) # => "A long time ago i..." !

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truncate opening = "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away" opening.truncate(20, :separator => ' ') # => "A long time ago..." !

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@existing = User.find_by_email( @existing.destroy if @existing try

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User.find_by_email( try

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in? if admin_roles.include? @user.role puts "Hi Admin!" end

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in? if admin_roles puts "Hi Admin!" end

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class User ! has_one :account ! def balance self.account.balance end ! def balance=(amount) self.account.balance=(amount) end ! end Delegation

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class User ! has_one :account ! delegate :balance, :balance=, :to => :account ! end Delegation

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class Avatar ! def file_size if @file_size return @file_size else result = some_expensive_calculation result += more_expensive_calculation @file_size = result end end ! end Memoization

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class Avatar ! extend ActiveSupport::Memoizable ! def file_size result = some_expensive_calculation result += more_expensive_calculation end memoize :file_size ! end Memoization

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! alias_method :translate_without_log, :translate ! def translate_with_log(*args) result = translate_without_log(*args) result result end ! alias_method :translate, :translate_with_log alias_method_chain

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def translate_with_log(*args) result = translate_without_log(*args) result result end ! alias_method_chain :translate, :log alias_method_chain

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class Resource class < self ! def host=(name) @host = hame end def host @host end ! end end class_attribute

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class Resource class < self ! attr_accessor :host ! end end class_attribute

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class Resource ! class_attribute :host ! end class_attribute

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Hash#symbolize_keys my_hash = { 'foo' => 123 }.symbolize_keys my_hash['foo'] # => nil my_hash[:foo] # => 123

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Hash#stringify_keys my_hash = { :foo => 123 }.stringify_keys my_hash['foo'] # => 123 my_hash[:foo] # => nil

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HashWithIndifferentAccess my_hash = { :foo => 123 } my_hash['foo'] # => nil my_hash[:foo] # => 123

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HashWithIndifferentAccess my_hash = { :foo => 123 }.with_indifferent_access my_hash['foo'] # => 123 my_hash[:foo] # => 123

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forty_two my_array = [] my_array[41] = "the answer" ! my_array[41] # => "the answer"

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forty_two my_array = [] my_array[41] = "the answer" ! my_array.forty_two # => "the answer"

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