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Mari Imaizumi Exploring Reline Enhancing Command Line Usability RubyConf 2024

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IRB • Interactive Ruby • Default Ruby REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) • Run using the `irb` command • Rails console defaults to IRB 4

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Do you know how the IRB works? 6

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IRB Reline Terminal Emulator 7

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8 Tip: repl_type_completor will become a bundled gem starting with Ruby 3.4.

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9 Tip: You can customize the dialog color. See the details in Reline’s README.

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• Mari Imaizumi (@ima1zumi) • She/her • IRB and Reline committer • STORES, Inc. About me 10

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Agenda • What is Reline? • Feature Gap between Reline and GNU Readline • Understanding Reline 11

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What is Reline?

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Reline is a command line editor • A command line editor runs on terminal emulators, handling user input. • Examples: GNU Readline, libedit, Reline • Reline is compatible with GNU Readline and libedit. • Ruby’s default gem (default before Ruby 3.3, bundled gem from Ruby 3.4). 13 Although not a common term, ‘command line editor’ is used here because there is no general term for software like GNU Readline.

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Without a Command Line Editor puts "Please enter your name:" text = gets.chomp puts "You entered: #{text}" 14

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Without a Command Line Editor 15 This is the cursor-back escape sequence (CSI + D)

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Use Reline require "reline" puts "Please enter your name:" text = Reline.readline puts "You entered: #{text}" 16

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Use Reline 17

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Command Line Editor • Provides a set of operations for editing entered text • Command line editors manage key operations in tools like IRB and bash 18

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Command Line Editors • GNU Readline • Used in bash, IRB (up to Ruby 2.6), GDB • NetBSD Editline Library (libedit) • Utilized in macOS • Reline • Used in IRB (Ruby 2.7 and above), debug, highline, hexapdf 19

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Capabilities of GNU Readline • Line Editing • History management • Autocompletion • Editing Command • and more... 20

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Feature Comparison Line Editing History Autocompletion Editing Command Others GNU Readline ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ Reline ✅ ✅ ✅ ˚ ˚ 21

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Capabilities of Reline • Display dialogs • Multiline input including prompts • Extensible with Ruby 22

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• However, it lacks many features: • Key bindings • Editing commands • Con fi gurable variables • and more • Issues are occasionally reported about functionalities available in Readline but missing in Reline • Indicating user interest in these features Reline is Compatible with GNU Readline 23

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• From Ruby 3.3, readline-ext removed from default gems • If readline-ext is unavailable, require 'readline' will automatically use Reline. [1][2] • Eliminates installation issues with GNU Readline during Ruby builds. • Increased need for Reline's compatibility features. • Users may unknowingly switch dependency from readline-ext to Reline. require 'readline' loads Reline if missing readline-ext 24

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My wishes • Hoping for Reline to be used instead of readline-ext. • Hope that users switch to Reline without noticing, ensuring a seamless transition. • Aim for Reline to become the chosen command line editor for users considering alternatives. • Add initial support for Reline on Ruby 3.3 #2298 · pry/pry https:// 25

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Challenges • Reline aims for GNU Readline compatibility; better compatibility is desired. • Expectation for require 'readline' to seamlessly use Reline. • What speci fi c features are missing? 26

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Feature Gap between Reline and GNU Readline

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Have you ever written an .inputrc? 🙋

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What is .inputrc? • Con fi guration fi le for GNU Readline and Reline • ~/.inputrc or INPUTRC=path/to/ fi le • Con fi gurable options: • Con fi gurable variables • Editing commands • Key bindings • Set editing mode (emacs or vi) 29

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Emacs mode, Vi mode • Emacs mode (default) • Vi mode • has command mode and insert mode • does not have a full set of vi editing functions 30 I'm a Vimmer but I use Emacs mode. :p

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.inputrc Variables Key bindings 31

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Key Bindings • Default key bindings are set in command line editor • For example, in Emacs mode, "\C-a" moves the cursor to the beginning of the line • In Vi mode, there are di ff erent bindings for command mode and insert mode • Customization is possible through .inputrc • Some settings written in .inputrc may not work with Reline 32

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Configurations usable in Reline • Variables: 12 / 46 (26%) • Editing commands: 53 / 120 (44%) • April 16, 2024 33

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Importance Assessment • Wanted to know what settings are used how frequently • Conducted investigation using .inputrc fi les pushed to GitHub • 34

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Usage Analysis • Investigated how many out of 166 con fi gurable items were mentioned in .inputrc • Includes commented-out entries • For items with default key bindings set, the presence in .inputrc indicates usage • Total fi les examined: 6600 35

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High usage 36

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Low usage 37

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Implemented Features Undo, Redo show-all-if-ambiguous vi-editing-mode, emacs-editing-mode mode condition in .inputrc Bracketed paste mode 38

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Understanding Reline

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Exploring Reline Implementation • 1. Enter "a" • 2. Enter "C-a" (Control-a) • 3. Implement the undo command 40

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First Step: Follow the input text require "reline" text = Reline.readline puts text • Enter "a\n" 41

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First Step: Follow the input text 42

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Flow Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline 43

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# reline.rb # Simplified original code private def inner_readline(prompt, add_hist, multiline, &confirm_multiline_termination) l = line_editor l.reset(prompt, encoding: encoding) # l.confirm_multiline_termination_proc = confirm_multiline_termination l.output = output l.completion_proc = completion_proc l.completion_append_character = completion_append_character l.output_modifier_proc = output_modifier_proc l.prompt_proc = prompt_proc l.auto_indent_proc = auto_indent_proc l.dig_perfect_match_proc = dig_perfect_match_proc pre_input_hook&.call @dialog_proc_list.each_pair do |name, d| l.add_dialog_proc(name,d.dialog_proc,d.context) end io_gate.set_default_key_bindings(config) Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline 44

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# reline.rb private def inner_readline(prompt, add_hist, multiline, &confirm_multiline_termination) # Snip loop do read_io(config.keyseq_timeout) { |inputs| inputs.each { |key| line_editor.update(key) } } if line_editor.finished? line_editor.render_finished break else line_editor.rerender end end end Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline 45

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# ansi.rb def self.inner_getc(timeout_second) unless @@buf.empty? return @@buf.shift end until @@input.wait_readable(0.01) timeout_second -= 0.01 return nil if timeout_second <= 0 Reline.core.line_editor.handle_signal end c = @@input.getbyte (c == 0x16 && @@input.raw( min: 0, time: 0, &:getbyte)) || c rescue Errno::EIO # Maybe the I/O has been closed. nil rescue Errno::ENOTTY nil end Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline c is 97(Integer) 46

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# reline.rb private def inner_readline(prompt, add_hist, multiline, &confirm_multiline_termination) # Snip loop do read_io(config.keyseq_timeout) { |inputs| inputs.each { |key| line_editor.update(key) } } if line_editor.finished? line_editor.render_finished break else line_editor.rerender end end end Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline 47

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # line_editor.rb private def normal_char(key) @buf << key.combined_char if @buf.size > 1 # multi byte keys = @buf.dup.force_encoding(@encoding) process_key(keys, nil) @multibyte_buffer.clear else # single byte return if key.char >= 128 method_symbol = @config.editing_mode.get_method( key.combined_char) process_key(key.combined_char, method_symbol) @multibyte_buffer.clear end end 48

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline method_symbol is :ed_insert # emacs.rb class Reline::KeyActor::Emacs MAPPING = [ # 0 ^@ :em_set_mark, # 1 ^A :ed_move_to_beg, # snip # 97 a :ed_insert, key is 97 -> 49

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # line_editor.rb private def ed_insert(key) key.chr.encode(Encoding::UTF_8) str = key.chr insert_text(str) end def insert_text(text) current_line = @buffer_of_lines[@line_index] if current_line.bytesize == @byte_pointer current_line += text else current_line = byteinsert(current_line, @byte_pointer, text) end @byte_pointer += text.bytesize process_auto_indent end 50

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline 001* if 1 002* 2 003* 3■ @bu ff er_of_lines = ["if 1", " 2", " 3"] @line_index = 2 @byte_pointer = 3 @bu ff er_of_lines ←@line_index=2 ↑@byte_pointer=3 51

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# reline.rb private def inner_readline(prompt, add_hist, multiline, &confirm_multiline_termination) # Snip loop do read_io(config.keyseq_timeout) { |inputs| inputs.each { |key| line_editor.update(key) } } if line_editor.finished? line_editor.render_finished break else line_editor.rerender end end end Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline fi nished? == false fi nished? == true 52

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Follow the editing command require "reline" text = Reline.readline puts text • Enter "C-a" 53

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # line_editor.rb private def normal_char(key) @buf << key.combined_char if @buf.size > 1 # multi byte keys = @buf.dup.force_encoding(@encoding) process_key(keys, nil) @multibyte_buffer.clear else # single byte return if key.char >= 128 method_symbol = @config.editing_mode.get_method( key.combined_char) process_key(key.combined_char, method_symbol) @multibyte_buffer.clear end end 54

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # emacs.rb class Reline::KeyActor::Emacs MAPPING = [ # 0 ^@ :em_set_mark, # 1 ^A :ed_move_to_beg, # snip # 97 a :ed_insert, key is 1 -> :ed_move_to_beg 55

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # line_editor.rb private def ed_move_to_beg(_key) @byte_pointer = 0 end alias_method :beginning_of_line, :ed_move_to_beg alias_method :vi_zero, :ed_move_to_beg 56

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Implementing Undo Functionality • Press "C-_" to undo actions. • "C-_" is the default key binding for undo in GNU Readline. 57

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What is Undo? • Undo reverses previous actions. • Example: Typing "abc" and then undoing reverts it to "ab". • The unit of undo depends on the editor: • GNU Readline likely uses keystroke timing. • Zsh Line Editor considers each input as one unit. • Reline treats each input as one unit. 58

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Storing Operation History A B C Operation 59

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Storing Operation History A B Operation C 60

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Retrieving from Operation History A B Undo C 61

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Retrieving from Operation History A B Undo C 62

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"" Current line past_lines 63

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Input "a" "" Current line past_lines 64

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"a" Current line "a" "" add 65 past_lines Old line Input

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"a" "a" "" push "" 66 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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"a" "b" "" "" 67 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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"ab" "b" "a" "" add 68 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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"ab" "b" "a" "" push "a" 69 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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"ab" "C-_" "a" "" "a" 70 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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"ab" "C-_" "a" "" "a" Undo 71 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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"a" "C-_" "a" "" pop 72 past_lines Old line Current line Input

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Implementation details • • Restores both text and cursor position to previous states. 73

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # line_editor.rb private def normal_char(key) @buf << key.combined_char if @buf.size > 1 # multi byte keys = @buf.dup.force_encoding(@encoding) process_key(keys, nil) @multibyte_buffer.clear else # single byte return if key.char >= 128 method_symbol = @config.editing_mode.get_method( key.combined_char) process_key(key.combined_char, method_symbol) @multibyte_buffer.clear end end method_symbol is :undo 74

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Handle input keys Render Wait inputs Initialize Reline.readline # line_editor.rb private def undo(_key) return if @past_lines.empty? @undoing = true target_lines, target_cursor_x, target_cursor_y = @past_lines.last set_current_lines( target_lines, target_cursor_x, target_cursor_y ) @past_lines.pop end 75

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Undo demo 76

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Summary • Reline is a pure Ruby gem compatible with GNU Readline and libedit. • It provides line-editing features and is extensible in Ruby. • require "readline-ext" loads Reline if readline-ext is missing. • For feature requests or bug reports, feel free to post on the ruby/reline repo.

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Footnote • [1] • [2] cb636fe7075a260e4d47327764924a3ad10b502a/lib/readline.rb 78

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Versions • Ruby 3.3.6 • IRB 1.14.1 • Reline 0.5.11 • GNU Readline 8.2.10 79

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Enjoy command line coding!