Slide 50
Slide 50 text
• Understand the goals of the business
• Demonstrate how teams that make these cultural
and technical changes deliver these goals
• Make the costs and benefits transparent
• Deliver first, then evangelise
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Sunday, 17 March 2013
So, with the visible successes in place, it was much easier to approach the wider business about making these
kind of changes, and we do that by
Business needs: More content, More functionality, More quickly, More reliably: More revenue
This is what DevOps adoption offers them
We were able to show how the cultural and technical changes from devops practices provide what the business wants,
not just technical teams
Radical transparency makes the costs and benefits visible to all
Don’t have to drive adoption so much:
The developers on other sites wanted the same tools and privileges
The project managers and publishers wanted the same increase in speed and decrease in cost
Evangelising is done for you by the people you’d otherwise have to persuade to try it