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Introduction to React Native Learn Once, Write Anywhere Aaron Greenwald @aaronjgreenwald

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01 / Meet React Native

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“A framework for building native apps with React” - Facebook

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“A framework for building native apps with React” - Facebook Very popular, but very young and unstable

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Wait...this isn’t new let [ PhoneGap,, Cordova, Ionic, Sencha Touch, Kendo UI, Appcelerator Titanium, Xamarin ] = stuffWeTriedBefore;

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02 / How It Differs

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Webviews vs Native UI

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Write Once, Run Anywhere

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Write Once, Run Nowhere

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Learn Once, Write Anywhere

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03 / How it Works

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JS Core UI Bridge

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UI Asynchronous Serializable Batched Communication JS Core

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04 / How It Feels

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Look Ma, No XCode!!!

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IDE Packager Chrome Simulator

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No content

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05 / Advantages

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We need native mobile apps but we hate writing them

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Smoother transition from the web

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Use the richest ecosystem there is Smoother transition from the web

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Use the richest ecosystem there is Smoother transition from the web Develop quickly

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Develop quickly Use the richest ecosystem there is Smoother transition from the web Deploy like you’re on the web

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Develop quickly Deploy like you’re on the web Use the richest ecosystem there is Smoother transition from the web Learn Once, Write Anywhere

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Develop quickly Deploy like you’re on the web Use the richest ecosystem there is Learn Once, Write Anywhere Smoother transition from the web Reuse code

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We need native mobile apps but we hate writing them

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UX of Native Developer Experience of the Web

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But...what if it limits me?

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It won’t.

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By definition.

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06 / It’s Still Not Web Development

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You can’t always code push. Sometimes you need to change binaries. It’s Still Not Web Development

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You can’t always code push. Sometimes you need to change binaries. Styling is different. Presents a learning curve. It’s Still Not Web Development

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You can’t always code push. Sometimes you need to change binaries. Styling is different. Presents a learning curve. Platform-specific thinking. Adapt requirements and mindset for mobile. Debugging isn’ t the same. It’s getting better, but slowly. It’s Still Not Web Development

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It’s Still Not Web Development You can’t always code push. Sometimes you need to change binaries. Styling is different. Presents a learning curve. Platform-specific thinking. Adapt requirements and mindset for mobile. Debugging isn’ t the same. It’s getting better, but slowly.

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07 / Should I Use It? depends

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● Many poorly solved problems ● No consensus on best practices ● Instability ● Large community ● Many solved problems ● A chance to get involved

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● Many poorly solved problems ● No consensus on best practices ● Instability ● Large community ● Many solved problems ● A chance to get involved If your scale is relatively small, stick to traditional native

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● Reuse web developers’ skills ● Transition quickly between web and mobile ● Deliver amazing mobile apps ● Many poorly solved problems ● No consensus on best practices ● Instability

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● Reuse web developers’ skills ● Transition quickly between web and mobile ● Deliver amazing mobile apps If you’re Wix, you don’t really have a choice ● Many poorly solved problems ● No consensus on best practices ● Instability

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Resources The INTERNET

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Resources The Mobile Guild The INTERNET