A presentation by @stuherbert
for @GanbaroDigital
Designing Docker
For PHP App Development
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Industry veteran: architect, engineer,
leader, manager, mentor
F/OSS contributor since 1994
Talking and writing about PHP
since 2004
Chief Software Archaeologist
About Stuart
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Follow me
I do tweet a lot about
non-tech stuff though :)
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This isn’t a “What Is Docker?” talk,
nor a “Why Docker?” talk.
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This is more a
“How to Dockerize?” talk.
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The underlying principles apply
to any containerised application.
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Why am I
giving this talk?
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This is a follow-up to my talk
Docker for PHP Dev Environments
presented @PHPMinds in 2017
Docker containers
use a copy-on-write
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Writes are slow,
and if you hit them hard enough,
they break.
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“ After startup,
write as little as possible
to a Docker container’s
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5 Key Design Questions
• How can I break my image up into layers?
• What does my app need?
• How do I configure everything?
• Where will persistent data go?
• How do I avoid all other writes to the FS?
• Your (minimal) operating system of choice
• + anything all your child images regularly
• + convenience tools for when (not if) you
shell into the containers
• + standardise volume mount points
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“Get it right in the base layer.
Don’t have to put it right
further up in your image stack.
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Dockerfile: standardise side-load mount points
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Web Server
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Web Server
Ubuntu Server
Nginx or Apache
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• Your web server of choice
• + default config files
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Nginx default site
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Nginx default site
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Why A Web Server Image?
• Standalone use: static sites
• Shared basis: PHP, Python, Ruby, etc etc
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Web Server
Ubuntu Server
Nginx or Apache
PHP-FPM or mod_php
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• This is where your language runtime goes
• + supporting config files
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PHP goes in the same
Docker container
as your web server.
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What happens if you
run Apache/Nginx and PHP
in separate containers?
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Physical Server
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Physical Server
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Apache + mod_php
• mod_php runs inside the Apache process
• You can’t split a single process across two
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What about Apache/Nginx
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Apache/Nginx and PHP-FPM
are separate processes.
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We can split separate processes
into separate containers.
All the early advice was:
1 process per container
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Physical Server
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Physical Server
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Apache PHP-FPM
Physical Server
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How do they
talk to each other?
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Apache PHP-FPM
unix domain socket
(very fast)
Physical Server
Co-locate all the things
that you’d never put
on separate physical servers.
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Separate all the things
that would stop you
scaling horizontally.
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This generic PHP image
is my dev image.
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Base Application
(if applicable)
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Web Server
Ubuntu Server
Nginx or Apache
PHP-FPM or mod_php
Base application
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• This layer is optional
• Build a vanilla image for your base app (e.g.
Wordpress, Magento)
• Add in any common plugins/modules
• Use as the base for multiple customisations
down the road
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Your App
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Web Server
Your App
Ubuntu Server
Nginx or Apache
PHP-FPM or mod_php
Base application
Profit :)
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Final layer is your code.
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Web Server
Your App
Ubuntu Server
Nginx or Apache
PHP-FPM or mod_php
Base application
Profit :)
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Can we add more layers?
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You could add one more layer,
for customer-specific
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Common Questions
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3 Common Questions
• Databases inside containers
• SSH servers
• Port forwarding
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Can you run a database server
(e.g. MySQL, MongoDB)
inside a container?
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As long as they store all data
on a persistent volume.
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Databases do not need
to be co-located with your app.
So run them
in their own container.
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Should you run an SSH server
in each Docker container?
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I don’t any more.
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• Most of my containers are behind a proxy or
load balancer of some kind.
• Can’t reach them from an off-host network.
• One less thing to worry about.
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A lot of the advice out there
is built around port forwarding.
I prefer to run my containers
with their own IP addresses.
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Summing Up
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5 Key Design Questions
• How can I break my image up into layers?
• What does my app need?
• How do I configure everything?
• Where will persistent data go?
• How do I avoid all other writes to the FS?
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You don’t want
the same behaviour
in dev, test & production.
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“Dev images are optimised
for developer productivity.
Test / prod images are optimised
for production use.
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“Docker images are layered.
Generalise base layers,
specialise later layers.
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Web Server
Your App
Ubuntu Server
Nginx or Apache
PHP-FPM or mod_php
Base application
Profit :)
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“Get it right in the base layer.
Don’t have to put it right
further up in your image stack.
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“Standardise where things go.
/config /data
/logs & /workspace
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A one-time startup script
can tailor your container.
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“ After startup,
write as little as possible
to a Docker container’s
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Co-locate all the things
that you’d never put
on separate physical servers.
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Separate all the things
that would stop you
scaling horizontally.
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The contents of a Docker container
are not persistent.
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The contents of a Docker container
are not persistent.
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Your data if you lift and shift
a VM into a container