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Incredibly fast web apps WITHOUT TOUCHING RUBY (TOO MUCH) @hagenburger #rubyconfph

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No content

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FRE E LA NC E DE V E LO P ER /D ES IG N ER Front-end developer designer Ruby lover

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I heard Ruby is slow.

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Might not be true.

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Thank you for all the speed improvements in Ruby.

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Thank you so much!

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But let’s have a look on how to improve speed without touching Ruby.

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Which part of our application 
 actually is slow?

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The database? 
 (rather your queries)

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Your connection?

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Your location?

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The Great Firewall?

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Blocking elements
 in HTML?

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Just use ERB. Everything else is slower. (Except helpers written in pure Ruby maybe)

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Put layout CSS into the HTML

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… and load the CSS 
 step by step

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Set image sizes
 Set CSS width/height

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Faster delivery

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Loading jQuery via Google? ★ Yes, it’s faster. ★ But in China:

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Don’t just focus on cached assets ★ Cache everything (at least for a while) ★ Act like you have a static good old HTML page like it’s 1999

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Rails page caching

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Downsides ★ More than one server? ★ More than one domain? ★ Uses the same server

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Use Varnish

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Downsides −Do you know how to do it? −Do you want to maintain it? −Is it close to your customers?

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Use a content delivery network 
 as a service

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CDN providers +They know what they do +They have several servers +They might deliver from many locations −They can get expensive −You might hit their limits easily

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YOUR CLIENTS Be close to

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The world

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The world

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Our requirements

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CDN locations ★ Just Europe and North America? ★ “The whole world”? ★ In or outside the Great Firewall? ★ Including the Philippines? ★ Akamai and MetaCDN seem to

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Cache synching ★ Do all servers world wide need to request the page from your server? ★ Or do they share their cache?

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Purge requests

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Purge requests ★ Clears the cache at the CDN for a specific URL

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Purge requests ★ CloudFlare has strict API limits ★ Pages won’t get purged after you hit them ★ CloudFront charges per purge request ★ Can get pretty expensive ★ CloudFlare purges within 30 sec, 
 CloudFront might take 30 min

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User sessions

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CDNs don’t know about your user sessions.

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Any page containing current_user is hard to cache

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This is a lot of work.

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Include both versions: – Logged in content – Logged out content

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No content

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Don’t show things, hide the others.

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The opposite of display: none might be: display: flex

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User-related content

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No content

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Speed FTW!

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Log in/out ★ Just switch the CSS class ★ No need to reload the page free Bonus!

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Look at slow queries ★ Watch your logs ★ Use indexes ★ Cache calculated values (e.g.: a score) ★ Experiment with queries

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Some (Rails) application tipps

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Use remote partials

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Remote partials ★ Cache the main HTML page (e.g. an article) ★ Load dynamic content separately: ★ Recommended articles ★ Comments ★ Global elements ★ Page and partials can have different caching strategies

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Loading remote partials

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Don’t check for a session ★ Skip before actions etc. ★ Most cached pages do not rely on a session ★ Some uncached requests just don’t need it

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Asset hashes ★ /assets/my-a24d3.css ★ Will remain in cached HTML pages ➤ Requires purging the whole cache ★ Possible solution: Use redirects ➤ /a/assets/my.css > /assets/my- a24d3.css

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Helpers ★ Sometimes plain HTML is faster ★ Especially in blocks

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Cache HTML ★ Rails has a cache helper. Use it.

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No Coffee-Script 
 in views ★ Do you really want to compile this with each request?

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Avoid too many URLs ★ /photos vs. /photos/ ★ /photos vs. /photos?size=m ★ /photos vs. /photos?utm_campaign=…&… ★ /photos?size=m&page=2 vs.

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CSRF token ★ Don’t include in the HTML on cached pages ★ (I should test all this in Rails 5)

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Within Ruby* ★ Cache results/partials ★ Sometimes avoid blocks in HTML ★ Prefer ERB over Haml/Slim/… ★ Skip unused code * from a front-end coder’s perspective

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Caching ★ Cache everything possible ★ Choose a CDN matching your requirements ★ Load dynamic parts via XHR ★ Be aware uncached requests remain slow ★ Set the right headers for the browser

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JavaScript ★ Don’t use Coffee-Script in views ★ Use Vanilla.js if possible ★ Use it for session handling and displaying content ★ Be aware of Safari’s private mode!

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Concepts ★ Build a MVP ★ Less features, more speed :) free Bonus!

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That’s not 
 all you can do.

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It’s just a good start.

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Remember: Only speed up bottlenecks

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As fast as Ruby 
 will get—not calling Ruby at all will always be faster.

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Slide 80 text email twitter blog first name last name Salamat & thank you! I’M NOT HIRING. BUT TALK TO ME IF YOU WANT TO WORK WITH ME ON SOMETHING.