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The Eight- Fingered Chef Jason Garber

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Infrastructure Automation

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Web App

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Web App PostgreSQL

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Web App PostgreSQL ElasticSearch

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Web App PostgreSQL ElasticSearch Memcached

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Web App PostgreSQL ElasticSearch Memcached Sidekiq

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Web App PostgreSQL ElasticSearch Memcached Sidekiq API API API

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Infrastructure as Code

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package "cowsay" user "jason" do comment "Jason Garber" uid "4545" gid "staff" shell "/bin/bash" end directory "/etc/datacenter" do mode 0755 owner "jason" group "staff" action :create end

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Environment Node Node Environment Node Node Node Environment Node Node Role Recipe Recipe Cookbook Recipe Recipe Cookbook Role Recipe Recipe Cookbook Recipe Recipe Cookbook

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CI Node Node Production Node Node Node QA Node Node web_app Recipe Recipe nginx Recipe Recipe ruby database Recipe Recipe postgresql Recipe Recipe backup

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Your Workstation Node Node Chef Server

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Your Workstation Node Node Chef Server

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Your Workstation Node Node Chef Server

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Your Workstation Node Node Chef Server

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Your Workstation Node Node Chef Server

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Your Workstation Node Node Chef Server

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Node Node Chef Solo

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Your Workstation Node Node matschaffer/knife-solo

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• • ChefConf 2013 on YouTube • The Food Fight Show More Resources

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@jasongarber @promptworks