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RailsClub 2017 // @jodosha Functional Web with Hanami

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Привет, Москва " MAXBORN

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Luca Guidi @jodosha MAXBORN

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Hanami @hanamirb MAXBORN

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MAXBORN @dnsimple DNSimple

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RailsClub 2017 // @jodosha Functional Web with Hanami

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What is a function?

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It’s an atomic set of instructions that (may) accept an input and (may) return an output.

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A function is a task.

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A function is the building block of our apps.

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clear_database() # => nil # => 2017-09-23 delete_file("foo.txt") # => nil twice(2) # => 4

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What is a pure function?

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It’s a function where the output is only determined by its input.

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15 No side effects

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16 Pop quiz

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Pure or not? pure sum(2, 2)

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Pure or not? not pure

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Pure or not? pure "hanami".capitalize

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Pure or not? not pure r = r.create(title: "Hanami")

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Pure or not? not pure c = c.login("jodosha", "*******")

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22 Pure functions have no side effects and they are deterministic.

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$ shasum -a 256 file.txt 7fdd629e6366b7c758e1b823…

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Pure or not? not pure def file_hash(path) Digest::SHA256.file(path).hexdigest end

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Why is so much important to draw a line between pure and non-pure functions?

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Because non-pure functions are unpredictable.

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file_hash("testfile") # => Errno::ENOENT: # No such file or directory # @ rb_sysopen - testfile

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Which kind of functions are easier to reason about and to test?

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it "returns 2 + 2" do expect(sum(2, 2)).to be(4) end Pure

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Non-pure (1 of 4) before do touch(testfile) end let(:testfile) do "path/to/testfile" end

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Non-pure (2 of 4) it "returns a hash for a given file" do # ... end

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Non-pure (3 of 4) it "returns a different hash for another file" do append(testfile, "lorem ipsum..") # ... end

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Non-pure (4 of 4) it “raises an error when file is missing" do delete(testfile) # ... end

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before do touch(testfile) end let(:testfile) { "path/to/testfile" } it "returns a hash for a given file" do # ... end it "returns a different hash for another file” do append(testfile, "lorem ipsum..") # ... end it "raises an error when file is missing" do delete(testfile) # ... end Pure vs non-pure it "returns 2 + 2" do expect(sum(2, 2)).to be(4) end

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36 Pure functions require less setup and less specs.

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37 Non-pure functions are harder to test.

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Which kind of functions would you like to see more in your apps? Pure or non- pure?

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String#capitalize string = "hello world" string.capitalize # => "Hello world" string.capitalize # => "Hello world" string.capitalize # => "Hello world"

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Deterministic (1 of 2) class Formatter def initialize(string) @string = string end def capitalize @string.capitalize end end

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Deterministic (2 of 2) formatter ="hello world") formatter.capitalize # => "Hello world" formatter.capitalize # => "Hello world" formatter.capitalize # => "Hello world"

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Non-deterministic (1 of 2) class Formatter # ... def replace(other) @string.replace(other) end end

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Non-deterministic (2 of 2) formatter ="hello world") formatter.capitalize # => "Hello world" formatter.replace("foo") formatter.capitalize # => "Foo" ⚠⚠⚠

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46 Mutable state breaks the deterministic nature of our functions.

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class User < ORM def initialize(attributes) @attributes = attributes end def capitalize @attributes.fetch(:name).capitalize end def update_attributes(other) @attributes.merge!(other) end end

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Hanami (1 of 3) class User < Hanami::Entity def capitalize name.capitalize end end repository =

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Hanami (2 of 3) # create user = repository.create(params[:user]) # => 1 user.capitalize # => "Luca" user.capitalize # => "Luca" user.capitalize # => "Luca"

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Hanami (3 of 3) # update user = repository.update( params[:id], params[:user]) # => 1 user.capitalize # => “Luca Guidi" user.capitalize # => "Luca Guidi" user.capitalize # => "Luca Guidi”

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Recap * Pure functions * Immutability

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A function is the building block of our apps.

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55 The most important feature for Lego bricks is compatibility.

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clear_database() # => nil # => 2017-09-23 delete_file("foo.txt") # => nil twice(2) # => 4

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def add(a, b) a + b end ->(a, b) { a + b } Sum

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58 Callable Objects

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->(a, b) { a + b }.call(2, 2) # => 4 method(:add).call(2, 2) # => 4, 2) # => 4, 2) # => 4

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->(a, b) { a + b }.call(2, 2) # => 4 method(:add) .call(2, 2) # => 4 .call(2, 2) # => 4 Sum .call(2, 2) # => 4

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["hello", "world"].map(&:upcase) # => [“HELLO", “WORLD"]

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sum = ->(a, b) { a + b }, 2) # => 3 (1..20).inject(&sum) # => 210

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multi = ->(a, b) { a * b } multi.(2, 3) # => 6 pow = ->(a, n) do n.times.inject(1) do |memo| memo = multi.(memo, a) end end pow.(2, 5) # => 32 pow.(2, 0) # => 1 # quadratic equations...

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64 We can make our logic (objects) to become “higher order functions”.

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class CompareNumbers def call(a, b) a <=> b end def to_proc method(:call).to_proc end end, 11) # => 1 [23, 11, 99].sort(& # => [11, 23, 99]

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67 Compatibility Reusability Small and focused objects

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Recap * Pure functions * Immutability * Callable Objects

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69 The big picture

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What is an application?

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It’s a set of features.

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What is a feature?

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A feature it’s a task for our users.

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A function is a task.

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A feature is a big function made of smaller functions.

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How to structure a feature?

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78 V C MVC

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79 Identify and structure common tasks.

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What are the common tasks for a feature?

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1. Route the request 2. Verify the request (verb, MIME) 3. Authentication 4. Coerce & validate input 5. Transform input 6. Verify preconditions (rules) 7. CRUD 8. Trigger postconditions 9. Present the output

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82 Task Component Route the request Hanami::Router HTTP verb/MIME Hanami::Action Authentication (custom) Coerce & validate Hanami::Validations Transform (missing) Preconditions (custom) CRUD Hanami::Repository Postconditions (missing) Present Hanami::View

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83 Task Component Func? Route the request Hanami::Router ✅ yes HTTP verb/MIME Hanami::Action ❌ no Authentication (custom) ❗not enforced Coerce & validate Hanami::Validations ❌ no Transform Hanami::Transformer in progress Preconditions (custom) ❗not enforced CRUD Hanami::Repository ✅ yes Postconditions Hanami::Events in progress Present Hanami::View ❌ no

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Current design class MyValidator include Hanami::Validations validations do required(:name).filled(:str?) end end result = "Luca").validate result.successful? # => true

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Future design class MyValidator < Hanami::Validator validations do required(:name).filled(:str?) end end result = "Luca") result.successful? # => true

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Self-registering (1 of 3) => "users" => "mailers.welcome" => "validators.signup"

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Self-registering (2 of 3) module Web::Controllers::Users class Create include Web::Action def call(params)[:user]) end end end

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Self-registering (3 of 3) module Web::Controllers::Users class Create < Hanami::Action import :users def call(params) users.create(params[:user]) end end end

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90 Self-registration is possible via a fine tuned mechanism, which is able to resolve a tree of dependencies and to inject them.

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Recap * Pure functions * Immutability * Callable Objects * Dependency Injection

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92 Task Pure? Route the request ✅ yes HTTP verb/MIME ✅ yes Authentication ✅ yes Coerce & validate ✅ yes Transform ✅ yes Preconditions ✅ yes CRUD ❌ no* Postconditions ❌ no* Present ✅ yes

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93 Task Pure? MVC Route the request ✅ yes Controller HTTP verb/MIME ✅ yes Controller Authentication ✅ yes Controller Coerce & validate ✅ yes Model Transform ✅ yes Model Preconditions ✅ yes Model CRUD ❌ no* Model Postconditions ❌ no* Model Present ✅ yes View

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94 V C MVC

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How to structure a feature?

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97 A pipeline is a set of compatible components that are executed in a specific order. If one of those steps returns an error, the execution is stopped.

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1. Route the request 2. Verify the request (verb, MIME) 3. Authentication 4. Coerce & validate input 5. Transform input 6. Verify preconditions (rules) 7. CRUD 8. Trigger postconditions 9. Present the output

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Pipeline (1 of 2) class Signup < Hanami::Interactor import :validator, :transformer, :users pipeline :validator, :transformer, :persist, :notify private def persist(input:, output:) output[:user] = users.create(input) end def notify(output:, **) events.broadcast(“signup", user_id: output[:user].id) end end

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Pipeline (2 of 2) module Web::Controllers::Users class Create < Hanami::Action import :signup def call(params) result =[:signup]) if result.successful? # ... else # ... end end end end

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Recap * Pure functions * Immutability * Callable Objects * Dependency Injection * Pipelines

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Спасибо! @jodosha MAXBORN