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React Native Bridges Sibelius Seraphini

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Sibelius Seraphini @sibelius @sseraphini 2

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Libraries or components that allow you to write native code (Objective C/Swift or Java) and integrate them with your React Native app. Also called Bridge Modules. What is a native module? 3

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- For when you need access to platform API - When you want to reuse code written in a native language - Using a third party library only available in native language - High performance, multi-threaded code (image processing, for example) Why use them? 4

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Use RN bridge library for ObjC/Java to export your module and expose it to JavaScript Import the native module as a library to your app and use methods, views and receive events Main Idea of a Bridge 5

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- asynchronous - serializable - batched Bridge Architecture 6

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- React Native returns a single JSON that lists mutations to perform. - [["createView", attrs], ["manageChildren", ...]] How does it works? 7

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- shadow queue - where the layout happens - main thread - where UIKit/Android does it thing - Javascript thread - where your JS code is actually running - GCD queue - for each Native Module How it works? 8

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Bridge initialization dependency graph 9

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Bridge call cycle 10

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- Native Modules - expose native API without a UI - e.g.: package that read calendar events - Native UI Modules - expose a UI widget - e.g.: RNCamera component Types of Native Modules 11

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Why Bridge is hard - Need to implement in native language (know Java and Objective C) - You need to implement the same logic twice - Bridge can be slow to pass big amounts of data (like images as base64 strings) - Need to be familiar with other IDEs like XCode and Android Studio

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- asynchronous - hard to make sync APIs - serializable - unnecessary copying instead of directly sharing memory - batched - harder to call functions natively React Native Bridge Drawbacks 13

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- Change threading model: enable synchronously on JavaScript - Async Rendering - rendering priorities - Simplifying - Faster and more lightweight React Native Bridge Future 14

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- Shared memory owner: share between native and JavaScript - JSI - interop layer between JavaScript and native - Opt-in synchronous execution - UI responsiveness React Native Bridge Future 15

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Resources 16 -native-modules /is-react-native-native/

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Resources 17 - ve-modules-ios - /06/14/state-of-react-native-2018 - ussions-and-proposals/issues/4

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I didn't mention 18 - How to really implement them (check this ative-modules) - Deep dive on new native modules bridge structures