Laravel is a web application framework
with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve
already laid the foundation — freeing you to
create without sweating the small things.
Laravel values beauty. We love clean code
just as much as you do. Simple, elegant
syntax puts amazing functionality at your
fingertips. Every feature has been
thoughtfully considered to provide a
wonderful developer experience.
Out of the box, Laravel has elegant
solutions for the common features needed
by all modern web applications. It's time to
start building amazing applications and
stop wasting time searching for packages
and reinventing the wheel.
Laravel is a web application framework
with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe
development must be an enjoyable and
creative experience to be truly fulfilling.
Laravel attempts to take the pain out of
development by easing common tasks
used in most web projects.
Symfony is a set of reusable PHP
components... The standard foundation on
which the best PHP applications are built.
Choose any of the 50 stand-alone
components available for your own
A framework is not absolutely necessary: it
is “just” one of the tools that is available to
help you develop better and faster!
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Better, because a framework provides you
with the certainty that you are developing
an application that is in full compliance with
the business rules, that is structured, and
that is both maintainable and upgradable.
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Faster, because it allows developers to
save time by re-using generic modules in
order to focus on other areas. Without,
however, ever being tied to the framework